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You grabbed your car keys and opened the front door as it was chilly out.

"Hydreigon! I'll be right back! Just going to visit (b/g/f) (best guy friends) house!"

You were about to exit out the door until the pounding of footsteps running down the stairs could be heard. Hydreigon quickly came into view panting.

"W-wait! Why are you going to (b/g/f) house?! I thought you were going to hang out with me tonight!"

Hydreigon looked you straight in the eyes with his light sky blue eyes. Hydreigon was a lay back guy as he loved listening to music. Even thought he was laid back, he did have a temper when it came to things he couldn't get.

"I'm just visiting him for a while," You said, "I promise it won't take long."

You turned your back to walk out as Hydreigon panicked and quickly grabbed onto your wrist tightly.

"But, (y/n)! I need you more than him! Plus you promised me we would hang out tonight!"

You sighed as you tried to tug your wrist free, "But Hydreigon I see you every other day! I promise we can hang out tomorrow night. So please let go of my wrist."

Little did you know, Hydreigon hated (b/f/g). So much he would do anything in his power to have you not come over to his place at times. All because he took a liking over you only he and Hydreigon could see.

Hydreigon growled at the thought of you being alone with (b/f/g) as his grip was tightening up faster, "No. I won't allow it."

You growled back and pulled back your wrist, but couldn't as his grip tightened up like iron, "I'm the boss of my own self here Hydreigon. Now, let go!"


You glared at him as the tug of war started between you both. You started to win as Hydreigon heart started to beat faster than what his mind could process.


Hydreigon let his pokemon instinct take over as his eyes darkened deep blue, almost a black color.


Slowly and painfully, Hydreigon twisted your wrist to the point of almost breaking it as the pain spread like fire through your arm. You screamed in pain as tears escaped through your eyes.

Your screamed snapped Hydreigon out of it as he let go. Your hand was bleeding deeply as a big purple and blue bruise was spreading over the wound. You wept at the pain as it burned and hurt like hell.

Hydreigon stared in horror as he barley caught you in time before you fell down, "I'm so, so sorry (y/n)!"

Pure horror could be sounded through his voice as he rushed you onto the table as he got the first aid kit and start to work on your hand carefully.

You let Hydreigon do the work as you were too weak from the pain to say or do anything. Hydreigon hid his face from your view as he cried while fixing your almost broken wrist.

It was cleaned and cover in a tight bandages as blood spots showed here to there.

"Thanks Hydreigon..." You said with a cracked voice.

"D-don't thank a m-monster like me..." Hydreigon said as his chest released a painful sob.

You winced a bit as you could hear the sound of his shake through his body. Hydreigon sobbed into his arms as he sank down into his knees.

"I'm a monster to h-hurt you! I wish I was f-fully human so I wouldn't hurt you and y-you could love me!"

Your heart skipped a beat as you bent down and hugged the sobbing Hydreigon to your chest.

"H-hey! It's alright! I love you still even what you did to my hand!"

Hydreigon sniffed as he looked up at with you teary blue rainy eyes, "I just don't mean love. I mean love, love (y/n)."

"Huh?" Your mind took a while to process this as a blush finally appeared on your cheeks, "Oh."

Hydreigon sighed as year of sadness showed in his eyes, "I knew you didn't have the same feelings for me... ever since the first time I've been able to see, the first thing I saw was you. What I saw for the first time was beauty, which was you and I knew I couldn't have it."

Your heart broken into two at the hearing of Hydreigon's beautiful confession. You hugged him closer to him as he could feel the fast beating of your heart, "Hydreigon... how could I be so blind to see you did have feelings for me... I'm sorry for not seeing it your way of keeping me away from (b/f/g) away from me... truth to be told. I like you and think you're kind of cute too."

Hydreigon snapped his head up as the scar on his face seemed to shine brighter as his blue hair shined with happiness too, "Y-you mean it...? Even when I hurt you?"

You nodded your head as a piece of strand of your (h/l) (h/c) hair fell into your eyes, "Yeah... I should have kept my promise to you... I'm sorry too."

Hydreigon smiled as he pulled the strand back with his finger behind your ear, "I love you, (y/n), with all my heart. I promise to never hurt you again. If I do, then I won't ever live with myself again."

You when to reply back until Hydreigon lips connected onto yours. His lips were warm and hungry as he devoured your lips into a passionate kiss. (b/g/f) was left thinking where in the world you could be at.

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