Dialga part 1

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"I HATE YOU!!! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!!" You shut the door in front of Dialga as you two had the most horrible fight of all time. How did it happen?

*flash back*

You climbed all the way to Spear Pillar after the long climb up from Mt. Coronet and used the Adaman orb to summon the legendary time pokemon Dialga. As he roared as time began to move faster and slower, making you dizzy from the changes in time.

"D-Dialga! I challenge you to a battle! So you can be my friend!" The legendary stared at you for a long time with his glowing red eyes until he accepted your challenge with a nod of his head....

You finally caught him after a long and tiring battle. You smiled to yourself as you finally caught the legendary you always wanted. Not for a prize but for a friend, you loved the story's your grandmother told you about the time and space pokemon of this region.

It's got you so excited to just hear about them. Dialga was your favorite of the other one because of how cool he looked. You vowed to yourself that you would catch Dialga and become his friend.

After two months being with Dialga, he was moody when he didn't get what he wanted. If you were with other pokemon he would grab you by the collar of the back of your shirt and make you be with him. It's was fine and all but it would annoy your other pokemon to not spend time with you. So that one night you talked to him. He was eating his pokemon food as you came up to him and pat his head

"Hi there buddy! Can we talk?" He grunt as he continued to eat "I know you want to spend some time with me and all, but the other's need time to okay? Please don't be mad at me!" Dialga got moody as he stopped eating and looked at you with his cold glowing red eyes. He stared at you for a while until he flew up into the sky. You yelled at him to come back but he never came back for three days...

After three days a man with dark blue hair and bright red eyes came into the village, looking for someone. You blushed as he was pretty cute. He saw you and walk up to you. You blushed even more as he bowed to you

"(y/n)! I have returned to you as a human so I can spend more time with you!"

Your blush disappeared as you looked at the man with shock "E-excuse me?! You're not my pokemon Dialga..... He's a pokemon....." you backed away from him until he appeared right next to you, you jump making him laugh "H-how did you do that?!" You started to break into a run until he grabbed you by collar of your shirt "Because a human can't do that~"

*Time skip one year later/now*

You get back home from shopping as Dialga was making noises from his room. "What is he doing?..." You knocked on his door

"Dia! *his nickname* what are you doing in there?!"

"(Y/N)!!! I didn't think you would be back this early!!! H-hold on please!!" More noise came from his room as he when to open the door. He put on a cold and normal face.

"Yes? You called?" He says coolly

"What are you doing in there?! Killing someone or what?!"

"W-what?! What makes you think that?!"

"Really..... The noise and didn't make it seem like it...."

"Oh that? Just ignore it! I was doing nothing!"

You just stared at him for a while "fine. I got take out, Come on" He followed you down but was two steps behind you. He keeps his distance between you now. You had no idea why. It started three weeks ago. It kind of bothered you but you just let it side.

You both when to the kitchen as he only got the chicken and not anything else.

"Hey.... I got other stuff too!"

"Huh? Oh, no thanks!" He when to his room again. You just had it! All the time he just pushed you away and you're always nice to him! Giving what he wanted! His time he just ignored you without looking at you with a thanks!

You when up to his room and knock on his door as he came out with a bored looked "What?"

"Why have you been avoiding me? It's starting to annoy me!" You yelled in his face

"What do you mean?! I say thanks and everything!"

"That's not it! You have been avoiding me all these past three weeks! It's like I have do something to you!"

"You haven't! It's just...."

"'It's just' what?!"

He scratches the back of head "It's just...... your annoying me lately... so the not hurt your feelings I have been just avoiding you about it"

Your heart felt like an arrow just got pierced through it. "ANNOYING?! How have I've been annoying?!"

"W-well.... you keep wanting to talk to me when I don't want to, and snore in your sleep too..."

"I DO NOT SNORE!!! If you're just don't want me to talk to you anymore then I'll just be out of your life for good! Also there are somethings too that annoy me too!" You list him something too as he gets mad

"We should just part ways if you are just going to be mean too me (y/n)!"

"You were mean to me first!!! You know what?! Forget about it!"

"You might want to forget about this too." He reaches into this pocket and pulls out a Keychain you gave him. It broke your heart more that he was hurting you like this...

Tears were in your eyes as you stormed down the stairs to the front door with Dialga right behind you. He reach out to touch you but you slapped his hand back "I HATE YOU!!!! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!!" You slam the door in front of his face, he had a painful look on his face as you said those words too him before running out into the woods...


To be continued in part two!

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