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My Oneshot for Yveltal and Xerneas is up for the Pokemon Watty Awards. I guess you vote on it I guess...? Go check it out and help with it winning! Because somehow people like my writing and book!

"(Y/n)! Pet me pleaseeee~!"

You blushed, putting down your book you were reading, "H-huh?! P-pet you?!"

Arcanine smiled and jumped into your lap making you yelp.

"Yeah! I've really missed the rubs and scratches you gave on my belly!"

"A-Arcanine that was when you were still a Growlithe! You're a human! This is different!"

Arcanine pouted as he climbed on top of you making your blush worse by him smelling your hair, "I still don't see the problem, (y/n)! I just want to be petted!!!"

You groaned and pushed Arcanine away from you, "I said no Arcanine!"

He pouts. "No fair. All I just wanted was to be petted... I don't see the problem..."

You sighed. You knew Arcanine liked being petted before and after he turned into an Arcanine. He was a pokemon, so it was totally normal. But this, not so much.

You sighed before ruffling up his hair, "Fine. Just get me the hairbrush and I'll get started."

Arcanine literally jumped for joy as he ran down the hall wall, coming back with a hairbrush in his hand.

"Now can you groom me?!"

"Hmmm... sure."


Arcanine jumped on your lap earning a grunt from you. You started brushing Arcanine hair as he melted into your touched. You were getting embarrassed by what was happening at Arcanine sudden fondness and stopped. One of Arcanine's ears popped up.

"Hmmm? (y/n), why did you stop?"

"Because I'm done."

"B-but you've haven't scratched my belly yet!"

Your face flushed, "N-no! I'm not scratching your stomach!"

Arcanine gets off you; growling at you making you surprise at his sudden change of behavior, "I want my belly scratched!"

"No means no, Arcanine."

Arcanine glares at you as one of his ears twitched, making his mad glare look almost too cute, "Why won't you scratch my belly?!"

"Because! You're a human now! Not a pokemon! It would be too weird to do that too you!"

Arcanine's face quickly faded of the happy and playful joy he always had. He sulk and sat down on the couch.

"Fine." He mumbles, "I guess you don't love me anymore because I'm a human man living with you when it's not," His voice cracked big time. "Your pokemon Arcanine, who've you had since a Growlithe..."

Your heart broke at the sad, pain filled look Arcanine held on his face. Slowly, you when up too him kneeling down to face him eye to eye.

"Arcanine, I still love you silly. It's just you're a human now. I'm still not use to it. It doesn't mean I don't love you, silly."

Arcanine's head slowly rose up from his hands. Meeting your eyes for the first time in a while, "R-really...? I though you didn't love me anymore now..."

"Nope! I still love you. From the first day you came into my house, you became more than a best friend too me."

Arcanine's face lit up with a blush as he jumped on you on reflex, "You love me too (y/n)?! More than a trainer does to it's pokemon?!"

"I-I, Y-yeah! O-of c-course!"

Arcanine tail wagged behind him as his face gleamed with pure joy, "Yay~ this means I can finally mark what's mine~"

You got attacked with Arcanine's loving kisses all over the face until he landed your lips. Having others know you were his, one and only mate.

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