Arceus X Child Reader

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He didn't know what was going through his mind but he did feel lonely inside his castle. All big and grand, but soundless and empty of voices. Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina were already grown and up left the nest. It was the right thing to let them go, but now he was so lonely.

Arceus sighed as he looked down at the human world and watch pokemon and humans playing with each other. He got the idea of a baby playing with a Pikachu, why don't I just create a human for myself? I bet there the same thing as a pokemon!

That night Arceus grabbed the jewel of life and let out all the slabs of the types of pokemon. "Give new life to this world, one of pure innocent's and thoughtfulness."

The jewel of life respond and all the slabs started glowing as one color, gold. With a bright light a small figure was on the table asleep, a child. The child had (h/l) (h/c) hair and when opening their eyes it was a calm (e/c).

You blinked and rubbed your eyes sitting up. "We're am I...?"

Arceus smiled and picked you up, grinning from ear to ear. "You're in the heavens, but you're not dead. This is your new home. I think I'll call you... (y/n)."

Your eyes sparkled at the name. "I like it... OOO! PRETTY HAIR!"

Arceus went to dodge, but didn't as you were faster than him and grabbed onto his hair. It was smooth and silky, but Arceus screamed at the pain, trying to shake you off. It only made it worse as you held on tight while laughing.

"LET GO!" He grabbed you on both sides and got to pry you off. He glared down at you as you only gave him an innocent smile. "DO YOU KNOW THAT HURTS SOMEONE?!"

"But that didn't seem to hurt you! OOO PRETTY!!"

"Hey!" Arceus tried to catch you but you ran under between his legs and went outside to the garden.

It was the most beautiful or 'OOO PRETTY!!' garden created as Arceus took pride in that. You when into something and he sighed as he saw it was the maze. He grumbled to himself and entered into it...


He would hear giggles and go to where it was, but when he got there you were already gone. Arceus sighed and sat down, tired out and his feet were screaming at him. "Why can't the human be behaved like the boys were? Life would be so much easier that way."


Crying echoed inside the maze as Arceus's heart jumped at the sound and followed it. It was getting higher and higher as he found you crying as you scraped your knee pretty badly. Arceus bent down and picked you up.

"Were you running inside the maze?"

"Y-Yes..." You sniffled.

"We don't run around the maze now don't we? Tell you what, if you behave I'll give you a treat... a thing called ice cream."

Lights filled up into your eyes as you wrapped your tiny arms around his neck. "YAY! Thank you daddy!"

Arceus's heart suddenly quickened for a second. "W-What did you just say?"

"Daddy! My wonderful daddy!"

A smile spread across Arceus's face while kissing your forehead. "That's right, I'm your dad."

After he patched up your knee your eyes widen at the ice cream while eating it down. Arceus laughed at how a small child could eat something so fast like that. Once you were done a yawn came out of your mouth as Arceus picked you up and took him to his bedroom.

He helped you change into P.J.'s and tucked you into bed. Arceus was about to fall asleep when you grabbed onto his elbow. "Tell me a story! Pwease daddy!"

Arceus chuckled and ruffled your hair. "Alright then. Their once was a god, he was the most powerful of all pokemon. With great power came the responsibilities it came with, along with three other sons. After they grew up, something was missing inside the god's heart, love. He was used to having all his sons playing with him and talking, but they were gone. After a long thinking the god wanted a tiny human."

He poked your nose as you giggled cutely while getting sleepy. "The child was a trouble maker at first, but came to warm the gods heart again with the tiny humans small heart too. And they will and live a happily ever after."

Once he finished he smiled and kissed your nose as you were fast asleep. Arceus pulled the covers over him and pulled you close to his heart, knowing he wasn't alone anymore.

Human Pokemon X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now