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It was a nice afternoon breeze.... the bird pokemon flew in the sky making the clouds change into different shapes. Some looked funny as others looked like pokemon. 

The nice afternoon wind blew your (h/l) (h/c) hair in your face making you giggle because of the light tickles your hair gave you when it touched your face. You've always loved the sky and wished to fly and live with the bird pokemon. It was just something people always looked at you weirdly for, but you didn't care what people thought of you as bird pokemon were always your favorite kind. 

You came up on your favorite hill you've always loved as you watched the clouds as they when and disappeared with new clouds and shapes. You spotted a cloud that was shaped like a eevee. I made you giggle as you kept track of how many pokemon cloud shapes you could find. So far you've found half of the pokemon then you thought you could.

The nice afternoon air was so nice that you started to fall asleep, your eyes lids fell as your mind when into a nice place you called dream land....

You woke up from the nice dream of flying in the sky, too your nose being poked by a handsome stranger you've never met or seen before. This amber eyes stared into your (e/c) eyes. They stared down at you with wonder and mix emotions. You stared back with amazement and fear of this handsome stranger as he was right beside you. 

You screamed as the amber eyed stranger jumped back from the sudden yell that came from your voice as you got up. "Who are you?! What were you doing next to me poking my nose for?! Get away from me!!!"

You grabbed your bag as you started to run down the hill as fast as you can. "WAIT!" The strangers voice was deep, but honey like as the sound of it made you almost stop and melt to the ground.


As he yelled those words your whole body melted inside as you stopped, unaware at the fact he caught up too you and put his hand on your shoulders, making you jump at the fact from him touching you.

"I am so sorry to scare you miss! I am the one and only legendary pokemon, Rayquaza, to grant your wish of flying in the sky!"

You stared at him for a few second before breaking out into a fit of laughter, making the legendary pokemon confused 

"Y-you?! A legendary pokemon?!" You gasp from breath as you hold onto your sides from laughing "That the most stupidities thing I have heard!!! A human like you can't be a pokemon! Sorry buddy but I'm leaving!"

You started to walk back down while laughing, leaving the handsome legendary alone. You felt bad after a while laughing at him for some weird reason... you sighed as you gave in as you turned back around and when back to where he was. You looked but he wasn't there.... but... a shadow as behind you as you stiffened and turned around.... 

You waited for something to happened as a you closed your eyes to not see what was going to happen.... you waited.... and waited... you finally opened your eyes slowly to see the amber eyes man, Rayquaza, close to your face. You jumped before he wrapped his arms your waist as he pulled you into a deep kiss. You gasp but soon melted into it as you Rayquaza gave you the feeling of flying while kissing you. 

The kiss seems to last forever as he pulled back with a smirk on his face. "Your wish came true, my lovely (y/n)~"

You blushed as he chuckled and kiss you more, giving both the two things you always wanted...

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