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It was a hot and sunny day out in the practice fields. Keldeo was sword fighting with you as he dodged your every move and hit you every time he dodged. This start to get on your last end. You huffed out a breath in with the final swing as you FINALLY mange to hit Keldeo

His eyes stare at the pointed sword at his chest. Filled with shock and a mix of humor. "Well done (y/n). I didn't think you would ever land a hit on me"

You withdraw your sword as you gave him a tried nod "Yeah! I've finally beaten you! I should get a party for this!"

Keldeo chuckled at you as he leaned on his sword. "Don't get too cocky with me miss (y/l). You just landed a hit on me. If you want a surprise from me then come and hit me FIVE times."

You smiled with pride as you stood up again and faced your sword at Keldeo with the metal glinting in the morning sun light. "Your on! I never back down from a challenge!"

Keldeo gave you a playful smirk as he stood up as well and pointed his sword down. "Glad you agree. You make the first move milady"

You smiled widely as you thrusted your sword at him as he doge with swift movement and hit your knee, making you gasp and lean on your sword for support. Keldeo goes for your arm as you moved out of the way in time, but then he pulled his sword to hit you in the stomach.

"That's two for me" Keldo said with a smirk as he got you in the back as you turned around to face him

"I'm not giving up just yet!" You yelled as you manged to hit his arm, but he got your elbow in the process

"That was only one for you miss (y/n), and four for me" before you could talk back he quickly hit your nose "Now five."

You stood, shocked before realizing what happened and burned your face with anger. "WHAT?! THAT'S NOT FAIR!"

Keldeo smirked. "Nothing is fair my dear (y/n). I wish you luck tonight"

he bows to you before leaving. you burned with anger as you trained all day long without a break....

You when up to Keldeo with prided as you toke your sword out and pointed it at him

"I want to fight you here and now!"

Keldeo looks you up and down with a smirk."Oh really? Come at me now."

You smirked as you quickly hit him three times as he did four times with you. You quickly doge his attack as you hit the back of his neck then quickly hit his back. He gasp... you hit... him... five times....

You gasped, out of breath as Keldeo stared down at the ground mixed with emotion. "So..." you questioned him. "Where is my surprise?"

Keldeo stiffened. You looked at him worriedly until he looked up with a red flushed face "H-here it is... my lady (y/n)~...."

Keldeo gave you a quick kiss on the cheek. You blushed very red as Keldeo looked down with embarrassment

"W-well..... got to go.... (y/n)"

Keldeo ran off embarrassed as you stood holding your cheek that was still warm from his lips on it. And smiled as you watched Keldeo run off in the night....

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