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The fire burning in front of you didn't seem to be blazing, until a trick Delphox pulled had it light up bright and burning. You yelped and backed up a bit as the fire turned white, the hottest source of fire there is. Delphox smirked in victory as he waved it around with his stick, making a fire dragon out of it. You gasped in ahh as the dragon danced around in the flames, the tiny fire dancing alongside it.

"I've finally done it! I can finally pull off the hottest source of fire!"

"I knew you could do it..." You said as you gazed off into a memory...

The first day you had Delphox as a starter pokemon he could only make just a simple red flame. He wanted to impress you and make the hottest source of fire from only his magic. Sooner than late after years and years his flames went from red, to blue, then finally white.

You snapped out of your memory as Delphox took your hand and pulled you into the fire. You screamed and tugged back with fear.

"(y/n) relax! My flames won't hurt you! It's only magic, it won't hurt you! I promise."

The hope in his voice convinced you as you took his opened hand and let him gently pull you into the white fire. He was right, it didn't hurt but warmed you with a giggling feeling as Delphox smiled and waved his wand around more. White fire of pokemon came to life as they acted as if they were alive. Playing dancing around you. It was a magical thing to see and witness.

Delphox pulled you closer and whispered into your ear. "Happy birthday (y/n). I made and worked on this all just for you."

The white light brightened the (e/c) orbs of your eyes as you smiled with pure happiness. "Thank you Delphox. It was the most bestest birthday gift I've ever gotten."

Delphox furrowed his brow and playfully pouted. "Even better than me for a five year old birthday gift?"

You laughed and smacked him lightly on the head. "You know what I mean you fox!"

"The fox and pokemon you will only know to make this powerful magic!"

"I know, and you're the most magical-est pokemon a girl could have."

"You bet that's right." He bopped your nose with his, lightly tickling it as it made you giggle.

Delphox smiled at the reaction and pulled you closer to him by the waist. "I have another birthday gift, but it's your choice."

"I would say yes, but tell me anyway."

The white flames around dimmed slightly as the moon could be finally seen through the magical light. The moonlight seemed to make it ghostly white, but only with tiny sparkles where the magic was inside the flames.

"Your birthday gift is... will you go out with his magical fox? I love you (y/n) ever since the day you got me for a birthday gift. I guess this is like the same gift, only with different love for each other."

"Yes, I accept your birthday gift." You whispered quietly as Delphox gently lifted you off the ground and kissed your lips.

He waited his day for so long, and had finally gotten it. Magic could make wonderful things, but never create love it as that was the hardest magic of all...

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