Hypno x Child Reader

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Lately your village has been infected with a disease that couldn't let you sleep, at all. People were getting sick and tired from the lack of sleep.

Unfortunately you had just caught it and started to feel slightly tired and sluggish... just like what other people were saying. Though there was a way to get rid of this problem was to visit a Hypno in the forest. Their job was to create dreams and destroy nightmares that haunt people in their dreams.

"No!" You father strictly told you. "You're not going in the Forest! Countless people and pokemon have lost their lives in that forest!"

"Maybe it's just pokemon trying to protect the forest. Where the people bad people because they wanted to steal pokemon?"

"That's beside the point. No son/daughter of mine is going in that damn forest!" He winced and dragged a hand down his face. "It's how I lost my pokemon..."

You've heard the story many times about this but from your mother. You father never wanted to talk about it because it brought painful memories... one he often cries about.

"Dad... I promise I won't-"

"YOU'RE NOT GOING IN THAT FOREST AND THAT'S FINAL!" He slammed his hand on the desk making you jump slightly. He panted before shakily pointing to a door. "Just... go to your room..."

"Yes dad..." with a heavy heart you quietly stayed in your room all day, until night-time where you couldn't sleep because of the disease...

The disease not only made you sick but it killed you over time slowly but surely. At such a young age and only to live until as much time as you had left... something had to happen so you packed up everything you could and opened up your bedroom window, the cold air breeze making the hairs on your arms stand up tall.

The Forest of Dream as pretty old to begin with as when you enter into the pathway it felt like the tense air could crush your tiny figure just easily, so navigating your way through this forest was horrible. Pokemon would stare at you as you would walk around, lost and scared while just trying to find a cure.

What seemed like an eternity was only two hours where the forest split into a meadow. From the distance you saw tiny flowers that looked like bells and were a pale yellow. The scent itself was almost even hypnotizing you into a soundless lullaby.

From the distance the place felt like dreams. Dreams of any kind and never of anything bad. A wonderful land of nothing but sweet dreams... you snapped out of it when you realize you were near the entrance. The bell flower being blown lazy in the wind while its pollen spread out into the air.

"A human? It's been a while since a human has come here. But a human child is a totally different matter."

You jumped at the voice, but you weren't really afraid of it. From the endless fields of bell flowers stood a tall man with yellow hair and hypnotic eyes that seemed to change color every few or so seconds.

Without a chance to think you nervously turned to him. "I-I got the villages disease... I was wondering if you can cure it for me..."

The man's eyes widen in complete surprise. He took in your full being, bewilder that a child could have the disease. Usually it only affected adults and older pokemon... but if it started to affect the young this was going to be a problem.

"Hmmm... well it shouldn't be a problem since you're young... but come over here. I'll cure the dream disease inside your mind. Also before you ask my name is Hypno."

He gave you a small and tender smile, one that your mother would give you before you fell into a deep sleep. You smiled and sat on a rock close to him. Even though the tiredness was getting to you, you managed to smile for him.

"My name's (y/n)... also what is this place?"

Hypno bent down and started his work. You closed your eyes and let him explore into your dreams, easily destroying the nightmares the disease was a part of. "This place was the ancient shrine people build for my brethren's. You see, the village is plagued with a dream illness caused by the endless nightmares people gather inside their dreams. It gathers inside them and plagues them causing them to get sick and die off rather slowly. Unfortunately this also affects pokemon. If a person is having too many nightmares then the plague will start its attack."

You looked down in shame, knowing the reason for the nightmares. "My mother moved to another region to order to continue her project on dreams. Her lullabies were the only things that kept the nightmares away from me. Now that she's gone I've been having them non-stop."

Hypno gave you a pitiful look and touched your shoulder. He was already finished, and you didn't feel tireless or sluggish anymore. "You must be (f/n) (father's name) son/daughter. I cured him but his pokemon didn't make it... you see, your fathers family has problems with nightmares and it gets pasted down onto you. His pokemon was affected with his bad dreams and by the time he came here... his pokemon was suck in the nightmare... Forever... he still blames me for it even thought I could do nothing pass the point of endless dreams."

You hugged Hypno the best you could with your tiny arms. "Please forgive my father! He doesn't mean anything like that! He just... he just..."

"Has a weak heart." Hypno finished for you. He bent down and lifted you into your arms and walked into the forest, knowing it so well it was easy to tell where went where. "But you were born with your mother's heart, a forgiving one. Just remember to keep this place a secret, as if this place was never real, but inside a dream."

You nodded your head. "I will. Thank you mister Hypno!"

With a dash of a Rattata, you jumped into your room with ease and saw the clock. It was only three a.m. in the morning and you wanted to check to see if you could sleep better. You laid your head down on the pillow and started to dream...

In the dream you were in the same filed again, only it was much brighter than before and Hypno had small black eyes, but they were filled with kindest and wonderful dreams inside them. With a smile you dashed over to Hypno and played with him all night long in your dreams...

Human Pokemon X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now