Shiny Furfrou

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I couldn't find a picture of him shiny so this was all I got close too. Just imagine his colors is black because that's what his shiny form color is.

You passed by the bathroom, but then stopped and backed up. You saw Furfrou staring at himself in the mirror. You gave him a puzzled looked as he sighed and combed his black hair back. He smiled as it styled just right, until it flopped back into it's original place making Furfrou sigh.

You raised an eyebrow and when up to Furfrou. "Furfrou, what are you doing?"

Furfrou sighed deeply as he tried putting his hair back up. "Trying to make myself handsome like all the other Furfrou's are. I have this black fur while the others have beautiful white fur that can go with any color... I was cursed with this different color. I don't like it! It makes me feel like I'm a freak!"

"What?! You think that?!" You rubbed Furfrou's back as he winced. "Why would you think that?! Your not a freak! I like your different colored fur! It makes you look special!"

"'Special' alright..."

"Furfrou I didn't mean it that way! Your a good special! You hear me?!"

"Yeah, yeah I hear you (y/n)..."

You huffed at him and smacked his hand away from his hair trying to fix it. "Hey! I was trying to fix my hair their!"

"Doesn't matter, you need to learn that your aren't a freak! And be glad for being who and what you are Furfrou!"

Furfrou glared at you while grabbing his hair brush. "Then prove to me how I can be (y/n)! Then I'll stop calling myself a freak!"

You glared right back at him while thinking. How were you going to convince him he wasn't a freak and a handsome good looking guy? You stared passed the wall behind him... you saw a poster for a Pokémon contest!

You gasped and ran passed him and toke it down.

Attention all you pokemon lovers! You think your pokemon is the cutest or handsome pokemon of them all? Then come on down to (f/r) pokemon contest where the trainers and pokemon and show off their fashion or talent between pokemon and trainer! The contest starts on the full moon festival tomorrow night! Only one luck pokemon may win!

"This!" You shoved the poster in Furfrou's face. "This will prove to you that your a handsome pokemon!"

Furfrou scowled as he snatches it away from your hand. He looked it over before handing it back to you.

"Fine. I'll do the stupid contest..."


*At the contest hall*

You looked around nervously at the other trainers pokemon. A lot of them were pretty good and where pros at these type of things. Furfrou got a lot of werid stares at him, making him sad.

You patted his back as you toke a hair brush and brushed it though his hair. "It's okay Furfrou... you'll win for sure! I know you will!"


'Pokémon trainers! Please come forth on the stage! The contest will now began! '

You nodded at Furfrou as you both when up on stage with him. You two were at the back of the line as all the other contestants when up on the stage showing off their pokemon's look.

Furfrou shifted his feet each time the other contestants when up the stage. He was getting nervous by the second.

You toke his hand as Furfrou froze and looked down at you. "Furfrou it's going to be okay. If you don't win I still won't looked at you differently. I'll look at you just as the same as I've always have. Because your the Furfrou I love with all my heart and soul, nothing will change the connection we've had sense we first met all those years ago."

Furfrou deep red eyes looked at you with love as he put a strand of your hair back around your ear. "Thanks (y/n)." He looked down embarrassed. "The reason I try to look nice is because-"

'(y/n) and Furfrou please come down to the stage!'

You both jumped. Furfrou shaked his head. "Never mind, lets just go down to the stage now (y/n)."

You nodded your head as both Furfrou and you when down to the stage. Furfrou was shaking, he up held his head up as he walked down to the end of the stage. People stared at him weirdly. The judges gave him confused looks, thinking how a Furfrou could look like that.

Furfrou was shaking in fear, until the full moon shined through the dark night clouds and made his black fur shine. The starry night sky made the black fur seem it was a big beautiful mass, with lights dancing around having his black hair turn all sorts of colors. The crowed gasped at the beautiful look as the judges mouths turned into an smile. The crowed when crazy for him as Furfrou blushed deep red.

The judges held of signs both saying 10/10. Furfrou smiled at you ran up to him and hugged him.

Furfrou smiled and twirled you around in small circles. "I guess you were right (y/n)." Furfrou looked into your (e/c) as he kissed your (l/c) lips.

The crowed cheered him on as he kissed you deeper. You smiled and kissed him back as the full moon shined down on you both. You his answer as you pulled back and whispered into his ear.

"I love you too Furfrou."

Furfrou grinned "I love you more thought because your the only beauty I see in my eyes."

You gave him a big smile and kiss him again while Furfrou held you close to him as the people smiled at the cute sight they were seeing.

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