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Alola has always been a dream for you to visit and explore. In a month your mother and father promised you guys were flying down to vacation for a year! You were excited beyond words could describe! Jolteon, however, was the least enthusiastic. Why? Because were you making him perform the electric z-move. 

"Okay! Use Gigavolt Havoc!"

Jolteon use yawned and loafed around. "Don't you have to do some sort of positioning before the Pokémon uses the move?"

"Uhhh... oh, you're right. My bad."

You sweat dropped and practiced using the move. It was... extremely sloppy. Your arms weren't moving around like they should be, and Jolteon watched with disappointment. A blush worked its way up your cheeks, feeling the judgment from Jolteon pouring into your soul.

He stood up and sighed, walking towards you, "that's not the correct movement. Here, let me show you."

You stopped and let him move your body around, spine straight and feet towards where your opponent's Pokémon would be. His breath was right next to your ear, making your skin prickle slightly at the warm air. "Now, pretend the electricity is flowing through you. Every electric type Pokémon stored in their soul, and release its power, depending on how much damage it gives off. You now command me to use thunderbolt using Gigavolt Havoc. Show me your true power!"

"Right!" You shouted along.

As Jolteon moved your arms you pretend to feel the electricity inside, flowing from your core to the tip of your fingertips. Once your hands were in place, Jolteon took a step back after letting you go. "Good job. I think you're ready once we set to sail."

"You really think so?" You questioned him.

He nodded before going over to the lounge chair. "Yup."

Jolteon has a challenging time showing emotions, but since you've raised him as an Eevee, you knew that having you help him was a sign of emotional support. You looked towards Jolteon as he slept, feeling the courage to take on a Alola challenger.

*A month later*

"Woooo! Alola is so beautiful! It's even better than the pictures!"

"I've seen better." Jolteon said, walking alongside you.

Your dream finally came true as you were here. Looking around places you could see Alola also had the Human Pokémon transformation problem. It was common now, but slowly but surely, they were turning back into their Pokémon form. Even some people who marry Human Pokémon fear that transformation to happen.

You shook your head, riding yourself from the idea. You grabbed Jolteon's arm and found a beach. Jolteon spotted a trainer and nudged your side, having your chance to see the oppenent. With him was a Psyduck, an easy Pokémon to take down.

"Hey!" You shouted to the male swimmer. "I challenge you to a Pokémon battle!"

He looked up and smiled. "Sure. Wouldn't do no harm to start one."

"Alright! I send out Jolteon!"

Jolteon simply walked up to the battle field. "I won't go easy."

The swimmer smirked and sent out his Psyduck. "Either will I kids."

You smiled as excitement burned through you. Not only was Jolteon the fastest electric type Pokémon, he had the advantage in the battle. You did the pose and felt the wave of electricity flow through you. "Go! Use Gigavolt Havoc!"

Jolteon waited for the move to settle in... but nothing happened. Both Jolteon and you were confused. 

"Huh?" You both spoke at the same time.

The male swimmer chuckled at you both, wiping a tear from his eye. "I-I take it you're not from here! Y-You need a Electrium Z to do a z move! It's a stone that gives your Pokémon the ability to perform the move!"

"Ahh... I thought... being in this region would simply give you the move."

A dark aura enveloped Jolteon has he flicked your forehead. "Seriously! I thought you did your research on Alola!"

"I did! I didn't think you would need a stone!"

Jolteon and you continued to bicker, having the male swimmer swim away from the argument. Jolteon finally gave in and kicked the sand, sitting down near the edge of the ocean shore. You sighed and sat next to him.

"I'm sorry, alright?" You said.

Jolteon rubbed the two sides of his temple. "Since I didn't know we needed a stone... I guess I can let this go. But, since we have a year, were going on this island trial."

"Wait, what?!" You exclaimed. "I only brought you here to the Alola region! Not my whole entire team!"

"Then we'll just start over."

"Ugh," you kicked some sand into the ocean, watching it disappear. "Fine. I guess we can start it tomorrow. I'm too lazy to go back to the hotel... so night."

You curled up into a ball and turn you back towards Jolteon. A small smile lifted at the side, leaning against your side as he watched the sun dip into the ocean.




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