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It was close.... to just winning.... all the needed to happen was him to not get a four. You both were playing a game of 'Sorry!'. It was Victini's turn as all his people were in the home space. He only needed to draw a four to win this game. You on the other hand, needed a two. Victini put his hand on the deck, drawing a...... four...

You through your hands in the air, frustrated at the fact that he won! The twelfth time! THIS NIGHT! Victini put his last red person in the home space

"I win again~" He looked you in the eye as you were giving him a death look. "Aww~ what's the matter (y/n)?" He ask innocently. That made somewhere inside of you snap

"You know Victini! I'm done playing with you! EVER! I thought you give people victory, but I guess not if you keep wining every single game!" You shout in his face and walked up to your room, slamming the door in the face of Victini as he was on your heels.

Victini pounded on your door "(y/n)! I'm sorry! I don't mean to win every single game! It's just in my nature!"

"Oh yeah right! You just 'accidentally' win every single one don't you?!"

"That's not true!" He starts pounding on the door louder "(y/n) I'm sorry! Let me in!" He starts too ram the door down, only hurting himself in the process.

An idea popped in your head as a evil smirk made it's way on your face. You waited for him to back up "Okay! I'll let you in~" You open the door as he rams right on in, hitting the wall hard in the face. You fell down laughing your butt off as Victini rubbed his nose.

"Hey! What was that for?!" He winced as you looked back up at him with tears in your eyes from laughing

"For being an idiot! I can't believe you did that!" You continue to laugh as Victini was starting to get mad. He stood up and walked out the door slamming it too.

"If you don't want me to play with you anymore than your wish is my command!" He shouts as he goes to his room down stairs. Guilt washed over you. You didn't meant to hurt him and hurt his feelings too. A plan form inside your head as you started to think about it all night...

*Time skip morning*

You got up first as Victini was the first one to always wake you up. You put bacon and eggs on the stove as a sleepy Victini came into the room.

"Morning Victini~ I made breakfast!" You put his share of breakfast on his plate as Victini stared at you weirdly

"Who are you and what have you done with (y/n)! She never makes breakfast in the morning! Or gets up this early in the morning!" Victini yelled as you chuckled

"Nothing is wrong with me! I just wanted to apologize for last night! That's all!" You till your head to the side as Victini's face softens

"Oh really?...." He scratches the back of his head "Thank you (y/n). You didn't need to do any of this you know..."

"Yes I do! I have no excuse for yelling at you! So this is a 'I'm sorry' breakfast gift! Plus!" You pull out a bunch of board games "We can play all day long! I won't get mad this time! I promise!"

Victini's face beam with happiness "Really?! All right! I can't wait!"

After you both eat breakfast you started to play games all day long. Of course Victini kept winning, you too, kept your promise of not getting mad. But after a while the promise was starting to thin after each game, one by one.

After the hundred game your promise was on it's last stand. It all came back to the game that made the whole mess. Victini got his red people as you got your blue ones. Little did you know, that this game was about to turn around for the both of you...

It was tied. Both of you need a two to move your last person into the home space. It was your turn to draw. You stare at the card before picking it up and turning it over, gasping at the number 'two' on it. Vicini's eyes when wide as he saw the card.

"W-what?.... How?...." He was at a loss of words as you jumped up from joy and ran around the house yelling 'I WIN!!! I FINALLY WIN!!!!'. Victini chuckled at the way you were acting. "It's just a board game. Don't get too excited."

You stopped in your tracks and ran up to him "Of course it is! I NEVER win when I play with you! It's a miracle that I did!"

Victini's face dropped "It is?.... Did it really hurt you when I won each time?...."

"Yeah! Why? What's wrong?" You drop to Victini's level and see his hurt face, making you feel guilty again for some reason.

"It's just.... I never thought playing with me was a challenge for you.... I just wanted to have fun with you because...." He trailed off which made you sad and confused.

"I didn't mean for it to be a challenge... It's just that I wanted to win for the first time. You know how much of a competitive person I can be..... I'm sorry... What were you going to say before you trailed off?...."

Victini shifted a bit before getting into your face "I was going to say.... I LIKE YOU!" He crashed his lips onto yours, making you both fall backwards, making the game board flip over. You were shocked at first about what was happening until you kissed back, making Victini smile while kissing you still. You both finally pull back for air as Victini got off of you.

"I don't like you (y/n)! I love you! I'm sorry for acting like a sad jerk last night! I'll do anything for you! I love you (y/n)! I'm sorry and for ev-"

You cut him off kissing him again. You pulled back and wrapped your arms around his neck "I love you too Victini. I'm also sorry for being a jerk and running around like that. I guess the real winner is both of us!"

Victini smirked as he pulled you closer "I guess we both are~"

Little did you know about that night that Victini let you win.....

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