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You sigh and dragged Charizard away from a battle from a human Blastoise. It what they always say. Once fire and water met they never back down from a fight. When he turned human he got it in his mega evolution. You don't know why thought. But it did make him think he was stronger than anyone else because of his power over other pokemon

"Charizard you need to stop picking fights with other pokemon! Even if there human! This is the twelfth times this has happened! Can you try to stop fighting for at least a day?!" You sighed as you let go of your Charizard.

"I can't do that! That's like saying I can't breathe! Fighting is in my nature!" He stated proudly

"Can fighting not be one of them?!"

"Nope! I've always won the fights I got in! Even if I'm not in a pokemon battle I can still take someone down!" His tail with blue fire began to grow and burn more brightly

"That may be true but your part human now! So start acting like one! If you cannot get into a fight in the next twenty four hours then I will make you your favorite dish!"

His eyes lit up with happiness as he accepted the challenge with fire in his violet eyes "Deal! You can start making it right now if you what to (y/n)! Because I never lose a challenge!"

*5 hours later*

Charizard almost got into a fight with just a water pokemon squirting in his face. You were very surprise to find he didn't lose it, sense it was a water type pokemon. He was never to fond of them in the beginning because of his fear of his tail losing it's flame. You take Charizard to a park to make him calm down is mind over that.

You sit down on a bench also next to each other. You look down until you remembered that you forgot to ask Charizard why he was fighting that Blastoise.

"Charizard... Why were you fighting with that Blastoise? I know you fight and all, but you punch people... this time you were just yelling at him... what were you yelling about?"

Charizard immediately stopped swinging his foot and turn around to not face you "This fight is nothing of your business! Okay?! I thought we were on a deal about something?!"

"Alright! Alright! I was just asking! What's gotten into you all of a sudden ed?!" You raise your hands in defeat as you walk in front of him

"It's nothing alright...." He just looks down with sad face. You've never seen him like this before... He was always happy! That's what made you chose him as you're first started.

"Well... I'll just be on my way then... If you want time to calm down then meet me back at the fountain. Alright?" He just shook his head yes as you walk towards the fountain...........

*3 hours later*

"It's getting late.... maybe he just lost?...." You waited at one of the benches waiting for Charizard to come back. You started to get worried because he's never done his before. All of this was scaring you as you're Charizard was never like this. Maybe it was because he had turned human now?...

The streetlights began turning off in park making it even more dark than it was before. You started getting up to find Charizard until a pair of hands covered your mouth that was screaming. You started kicking and flailing everywhere until another pair of hand started tieing them together.

They were dragging you into the dark part of the park where the streetlights don't reach. The man covered your mouth with duct tape and slap you across the face

"Shut it! We don't what that Charizard of yours to hear us. Do we?" He started putting pressure on your leg making it feel like it was just about to break. You yelled out in muffed pain as a Hydro Pump when strait into your chest. Taking the wind right out of you. It just hit you that these were the two men from earlier with that Blastoise!

They spoke in a low voice hoping for you to now hear on them

"How much do you think he will pay?"

"Don't know... He will pay more after when we are done with her!" The footsteps got closer as a kick to the face made you cry out in pain. He kicked you in the chest and grabbed your hair tight to make you get lifted up off the ground "What did I tell you before?! Be quiet!" He continued beating you everywhere until a loud sound of wings made him stop. "Who are yo-!" He was interrupted by a lard windstorm that carried him off of you as it carried you too.

You almost reached the ground parring to be hurt again until warm arms were around you protectively. You realized it was Charizard and began to cry from joy. He put you down by a tree as whispered into your ear

"Stay here (y/n). I have to kill me some dead meat!" His voice was dead serious as you hear his footsteps go towards the two men. Screaming was all you heard during it...

He toke you home and treated your wounds with care. You didn't notice until now a big scar was on his left arm.

"Charizard... what happened to your left arm?..." You touched it as he winced in pain

"It was from the Blastoise... don't worry about it.... You need to worry about yourself right now...."

".... They were talking about me weren't they?...." He didn't say anything but looking into his eyes you know it was true. "I'm sorry about today... I didn't think they would do this.."

"(y/n) don't apologize. This isn't your fault. It's mine... if I didn't do something about them earlier then this wouldn't have happen..." You shut him up by kissing him on the lips hard. It turned soft after he kissed back. You pulled back and looked into his violet eyes.

"Don't be sorry. I was the stupid one to be in the park so late. So please. I love you, I love you and your happiness.... don't take it away from me now..."

He smiled a little as he wrapped his arms around you "Don't worry. I promise to never be sad again. I will do anything for you. Because I love you with all my burning heart."

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