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It was dark under the bed. It had old things from your childhood that have been forgotten by you, but still held a place in your heart. The door opened, light almost reaching under dark cold bed that you hid under.

Footsteps could be heard walking around the room, each step making your heart beat loudly in your ear drum. The footsteps stop and turn around going outside the room, closing the door behind them. You gave a quiet sigh of relief, but your heartbeat was still in your ear, making it hard to hear anything. You didn't hear the door open again and see the boots standing right by the bed. You tried to get the sound out of your head until you see Zygarde's face, looking at you with a knife in his hands yelling


He lifted the bed up as you were screaming your head off. Strong arms wrapped around you and lifted you up while you were screaming in the person face.

"(y/n)! Calm down! It was just a joke! See?" You open your eyes to meet with Zygarde's one green eye and the other gray one. He dropped the knife and put you down gently. Tears were steaming down your face as you buried it into your hands. Zygarde hugged you, while patting your back to calm you down. "(y/n) it was a joke. Would I really kill you while playing hide and seek?"

"You never know!" You say wiping away your tears "It looked pretty convincing! I really thought you were going to do it...."

Zygarde laughs "I do make a pretty good actor don't I? I picked up the knife with a good psychotic grin! Maybe I can go into acting!"

"You sure can! But don't you ever go and do something like that EVER again! I was so scared that I thought you were actually going to do it! You jerk!" You hit Zygarde in the shoulder as he did a fake pain with his face.

"Owww (y/n)! That hurt you meany! I'm going to die now because of that hit! Oh the pain!" He reaches out into air with his hand as he falls down with you on top of him. You blushed at the position you were in, but you couldn't help giggle at the way Zygarde was acting

. He put himself in a dead pose and had his tongue out to try to sell the act. You slapped him across the face softy and ran out of your room. Footsteps were quickly getting close to you as you ran outside to the backyard. You climbed a tree, making sure to be high enough to see the whole yard. While not a second to waste, Zygarde came running out looking around the whole yard.

"Oh (y/n)~! Where are you?" He sang while looking under everything that could hide you. A giggle escaped your lips, making it loud enough for Zygarde to hear. He looked up at you in the tree with a smile on his face.

"There you are! Come down and face the punishment for slapping me (y/n)!" He tried to climb up the tree as he slid back down. You laughing at Zygarde only made him madder. He tried climbing again, only falling down on his butt over and over again. You on the other hand were too busy laughing at the fact that a legendary couldn't climb a tree.

Zygarde sighed in defeat as he sat down trying to think, and getting that annoying laughing from you out of his head. An idea popped up in his head as he ran out into into the garage. You stopped finally laughing and looked back up at the sky.

The evening sun made the leaves scatter with light everywhere. The light cool breeze made your (h/l) (h/c) hair flow lazily in the wind. The wind made the leaves fall off and swirl around you, making a windy green world. The birds chirped made it seem like it was the forest itself. It was so peaceful that you started to fall asleep....

Something cold was up against your neck, making you wake up to Zygarde with a blade up against your throat. You screamed and lost your grip on the tree making you fall. Air roar loudly against your ears, you were waiting for the ground to come..... Which it didn't......

You open your eyes and look up to Zygarde, holding on to your foot for dear life. He pulled you carefully close to him, his face full of fear and relief. "Oh my Arceus! I am so, so sorry (y/n)! I just wanted to see your reaction! I didn't think you would fall out of the tree!" He pull you in for a hug. You can hear his fast beating heart, pounding inside of him very loudly. You weren't even that far from him too just to hear it.

"(y/n) please believe me when I said it was a joke! I was just doing that to mess with you!" He broke the knife in his hand and threw it far away, at a distance you didn't think he could throw. (I'm just imaging the knife hitting someone at a far distance..... and freaking out that a knife fell from the sky! XD) "I promise to never pull something like that EVER again! I don't know how I could live with myself if I hurt you like that! I'm sorry!"

Tears were forming in his eyes, streaming down his face. You wiped them away with you hand. Zygarde stared at you in shock, he didn't think you would forgive him for something like that. "It's okay Zygarde. I'm fine. I know you didn't mean that. So I forgive you, you stupid prankster!"

Zygarde smiled and sighed in relief "Hey (y/n). I know one way you can forgive me right now."

"What do you mean?" You looked at him confused "I already forgave you, so don't worry about it."

"Oh but (y/n)" He looks into your (e/c) orbs "I would never forgive MYSELF if I don't do this." He leans in and kisses your soft lips, you didn't hesitate and kissed back. A smirk could be felt when you kissed him back, he started to make the kiss even deeper, but pulled back before things got too heated up.

"I love you (y/n). I do those tricks to mess with you because I'm too shy to tell my feelings for you...." Zygarde face started to heat up as he looked down embarrassed. You giggled at Zygarde as his face heats up more, he tried to hide it with his hair in his face. It only made him look cuter.

"Aww Zygarde! You're so cute when you blush! I love you too! But.... how do you get up the tree?...."

He pointed at the ladder that laid against the tree. You just shook your head and chuckled.

"Hey! It's hard to climb a tree when your part ground type alright!"

You rubbed his head, making his hair a mess "I know. That's why I hide up their! Looks who the trickster now!"

Zygarde just chuckled as he pulled you close to him "That's why I love you... it's because were both tricksters..."

"Yep!" You gave him a smile and peck his lips real quick, making him blush even more. You giggled and rest your head on his lap. He stroke your hair while you both looked up at the shining night sky. Enjoying the stars bright light shining happily down on you both....

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