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Why is it that due to you living on a sunny island it's raining? Yes, it is raining on an island you've lived on your whole life and now it starts its wet season.

You didn't live on the islands on Alola but near it on a smaller island. What was special about this island you lived on? Well, it harbored more rare pokemon due to the islands radical changes in weather. It could suddenly change into rainy seasons with humidity in the air.

One time at this point you were going to ask how the pokemon on this island could live like this. But hey, those are pokemon and you aren't. You looked outside to jump back slightly a bit. Up in the tree clear to see was a little boy sleeping on a tree branch, standing still like a twig.

"How can he sleep like that? Doesn't his feet get tired?"

Curiosity dragged you closer to the boy as you went outside, but put on a rain coat before doing so. It was muddy and because of all the dirt around your house it was a mud pond in your backyard. The boy wasn't much far off as you look up and waved.

"Hey! Down here!"

The boy opened his eyes and looked down, his ebony colored eye bore onto you. "Hello. What are you doing out here in the middle of a rain storm?"

How he could seem to be calm during all this you had no idea. "I thought you might want inside my house! It's warmer inside!"

He looked towards your house and stared at it quite a bit, to the point where you were going to throw a rock at him. Your house wasn't so bad as it had heat. Not the prettiest, but who cares if it was pretty when it was in the middle of nowhere.

"Alright." He hopped down and shook his head, flinging wet drops around.

You grabbed his hand and helped him through the mud pond before you could enter your house. You both were knee deep in the mud and trotted mud through the kitchen, but hopefully your mother wouldn't mind.

"I'm Rowlett, the grass quill pokemon, if you wanted to know."

"That's cool." You mumbled and got out some hot chocolate. "Doesn't your final evolution carry a bow and arrow with it?"

"We don't carry it make it our own powers. I'm proud to say that we are quite the skilled hunters..."

At this point you were regretting to let him inside your house. He was a talker and a smarty pants... a gross combination to you when you wanted a friend. But, hey, he was the only living person out in the middle of nowhere besides you.

"Are you listening?" He asked, slightly annoyed.

"Huh?" Startled, you accidently tipped your cup forward, almost dumping your chocolate. "Yeah.... I'm listening."

"Then you would now where to get a bow and arrow from?"

"Oh that? My parents have a collection of them."

"What?" Rowlett's eyes grew wider than they could ever be, letting in the pools of darkness reflect the rainstorm outside. "You honestly have a collect of them? Show me."

It was in the darkest part of the house as you flipped on the switch and showed him. In class cases were rows upon rows of bows. They were handmade by your mother and father as they too, were archers.

Rowlett smiled so big he hugged you. "You would mind if I take one? Please! I would mean the world to me!"

"Whoa," You giggled and hugged him back. "I guess met you and now you're asking for a bow. Sure, why not. Life's short anyways."

Rowlett thanked you and jumped with excitement as you handed him a small bow around his size. He grabbed it and smiled like a mad man. "Thank you! I can finally practice my archery!"

"Do you even know how to shoot an arrow? Let alone handle a bow?"

Rowlett looked away and blushed. "N-No... but I want to learn before I go into my final evolution."

You smiled and grabbed your own bow. "That's okay. I can teach you, but it'll be inside so try not to break anything. Because I'm (y/n) (y/l), the child of the famous archers of Alola."

From then on, you became the best know archer trainer to ever exist alongside Rowlett who was now grown up, and far more skilled than you. But that was all because of your hard work. He always returned the favor in your time of need.

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