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Today was the day you would get your first pokemon. But you decided to go into the tall grass until a tall, brown haired young man yelled out at you too stop in time. He came running up to you as he was handsome for a young pokemon trainer, and this got your heart beating fast.

"What are you doing?! That's tall grass where pokemon live!"

"I-I'm sorry... I just really wanted a pokemon..."

The young man's eyes studied you as he finally spoke with a softer voice. "I see. You just wanted a pokemon? Then come on into the lab, I'll give you a pokemon of your own."

Happiness bubbled inside you as you resisted the urge to jump up and down. "R-Really?! Thanks you..."

"Call me Gary. The names Gary Oak." He said and started walking off to the lab.

"Y-You mean... the Oak?!" You said as you caught up to him. "That means you're his grandson right?"

"Yep. I've already finished my journey so I'm helping out my gramps for while in the lab before I start thinking about starting a new one."

"That's amazing..." You said as Gary opened the door to the lab as you when inside. It was smaller than you thought, but it was still amazing either way. He lead you to a small glass container with a single pokeball inside it. He pushed a button and grab the poke ball handing it too you.

"You should open the ball and see what's inside."

You nodded and took the ball, throwing it up into the air, and out in shining white light came a small Eevee. Your eyes widen as you hugged the cute pokemon close to you.

"It's name's Eevee. Take care of it. I had one just like it until it evolved into an Umbreon later on my adventure."

"That's so cool... I don't what to evolve it yet, but I'll think of something!"

Gary stared at you as his mind was turning the gears as he watched you play with your Eevee. A smile appeared on his face as he made his mind and when up to you. "Maybe I should journey with you. Just to keep on eyes on you."

Your heart couldn't believe as a hot guy wanted to travel with you AND he was famous. It was a double win. "R-Really?"

"Yep. Why don't you get you pack ready and we can go off now?"

"Of course!"

You took your Eevee with you back to your house, and got the things you needed as you set out on your journey. Later on... your Eevee evolved into an Espeon and walked side by side with Gary's Umbreon as Gary and you held hands on the way down to the next town...

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