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"Okay (y/n), now do a high kick!"

"AHHH" You kicked up high in the air to show Blaziken how powerful your kick was. He was teaching you self-defense while you took up to learn a thing or two about defending yourself.

Blaziken's eyes washed over your pose, then touched the tip of your toe which stopped at the top of his chest. "You're really tiny."

Steam came off from your head as you jumped up more and kicked him in the chin. "I'm not short! You're just really tall!"

Blaziken rubbed his chin while glaring down at you. "If I'm tall that means your short to me, shorty."

"Take that back!" You threw a punch at his face which he dodged with ease, "You chicken jerk!"

"Chicken jerk?!" Blaziken shouted in anger as he caught your oncoming fist, "That's all you got to say?!"

"Oh no I got more to go with still! I'm just warming up!" You pulled your hand away from his grip and popped your neck, making a loud sound.

Blaziken rolled his eyes at your toughness as he got into a fighting pose.

You attacked first as you charged at him as Blaziken dodged, but he didn't see your foot as you hit his knee cap. Blaziken gasped in pain as you chopped his back and uppercut his jaw, making Blaziken growl as he grabbed your knee and slammed you back first on the training mat. You groaned pain and when to get up, but Blaziken was faster as he body slammed you. Air escaped your lungs as you gasped for it. Air came back into your lungs once Blaziken got off as you sucked in a lungful of it.

"I win~"

"N-no fair..."

"I can't make you out of more breath if you want."

You shakily stood up, leaning on Blaziken for support as he gently helped you stand by holding you around the waist. "B-but I need air..."

"Too bad." He said as he cupped your chin and gently kissed you.

Blaziken breathing helped bring back the air in your lungs as you couldn't breathe while he kissed you, but you kissed back even knowing you were getting light headed. Blaziken pulled back just when you were about to pass out as you sucked in a mouthful of air.

"Are you alright?"

"When a women says no fair, she means no doing anything like that!"

"Like you said, I'm a chicken jerk!"

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