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The cold bitter taste of the air struck Mewtwo as a challenge of strengthening his genes. The dew dripped upon his head as it was held by his physic powers, the shape keeping its form. It begins to split into tiny forms of itself, becoming sharp pointed needles-

"Mewtwo, what are you doing?"

He flinched as his concentration dropped.  The needles became water again as it becomes a puddle around his legs. He was silent and just sighed at his failed attempted. "Practicing."

"In my closet? Quit making the water leakage bigger!"

He stands up and walks past you, clearly not phased by your statement. "Not my problem."

You slammed the door behind him and glared at the back of his head, "That's it," you said, raising your voice at him, "get out of my house if you're going to practice your powers! I'm the one paying the bills and if your going to damage the house then get out!"

Mewtwo scoffed before exiting out the backdoor of the house. You slammed it shut behind him as Mewtwo just walked out into the forest. Your house was in the middle of nowhere to protect Mewtwo's identity. 

It was to your credit that Mewtwo looked human since it was your genetic engineering that made him look human in the first place. Ever since Mewtwo moved in to live with you, you've been more stressed than usual. It was because of Mewtwo and his need to improve his powers. If he didn't practice them he would become grumpy and complained he was wasting his time sitting around with nothing to do around your house. 

Mewtwo continued to use his physic powers around the forest, shaping them into object or weapons. But, the thought in his mind wouldn't stop playing over and over in his head. When genetic engineering become complete some of his memories were lost. 

The one he couldn't remember, but can't forget is a memory of you smiling and holding out for his hand when he was still in his pokemon form. It was the last time he's seen you smile in a long time, but he kept wondering why you helped him out. Whenever he mentions the question, you've always avoided it or stay silent.

He decided upon what to do and headed back to the house. You saw him through your security cameras and beat him to the entrance of the backdoor. He had an annoyed look on his face as he tugged on the door handle. 

"Let me in," Mewtwo said, pulling violently on the handle. 

"Why should I?" You said, looking at him through the screen door. "You're not coming in until you say you're sorry about the drainage."

"Tell me why you saved me." 

You stopped and turned white, biting your lip to show you were nervous at his question. Mewtwo saw his chance and shoved his way in. You tumbled a bit but still didn't make direct eye contact. Annoyed, Mewtwo blocked you against the wall, determined to get an answer from you. Even if you did save him, he was second-guessing your loyalty to him.

You laughed nervously and pressed your back against the wall, "Even if I did tell you the truth, you'd never believe with your missing memories."

"Tell me!" He yelled, shaking the room with physic powers. He wasn't playing games anymore.

Deep inside you knew he wasn't going to believe you, but you had no other chance to give. "I was apart of the original scientist who created you. But, I nurtured you and helped you understand how the world worked. It wasn't long after we created a bond together, as human and pokemon. But... the leader of Team Rocket wanted to speed up the process and made you into a killing machine. So I stole and created chemicals from the lab to mutate your genes into becoming part human-part pokemon." You shook a shaky breath as Mewtwo was trying to wrap his head around the process of events. "It was the only way no one from Team Rocket would be able to recognize you. As a side effect, some of your memories were either lost or just fuzzy. You acted and cold to me ever since and only focusing on your training. It still hurts deep inside... seeing those violet eyes stare at me as if I was a stranger."

"How am I supposed to believe any of this?" Mewtwo asked, watching as tears dripped down your cheeks. 

You shoved him away and started for the stairs, yelling down at him. "Believe what you want to believe!"

Mewtwo stood still in the middle of the dining room. It was impossible to believe, that someone would go through such efforts to hide him. But... it did make sense. If he transformed into a hybrid it would be harder for them to capture him. At this point, he didn't know what to do. Mewtwo walked up to your room to find you cuddling an Eevee doll to your chest. For a genius to create the first hybrid, you sure liked cute stuffed pokemon dolls. 

Mewtwo sat down on the edge of the bed, just enough force for you to notice him. "I'm sorry," he said, "I promise to not doubt you again."

You looked up with red rim eyes. "D-Do you remember everything?"

"No, but I do have a fuzzy memory of you smiling at me with your hand outstretched towards me, with my hand in yours. I don't think your story would be fake if someone cold such as I touched the hand of a human."

A sniffled the snot up your nose as you smiled at him. "I'll take that. I'm still sad that your original memories are lost... but I guess we can just make new memories together."

He nodded and stretched. "I'm going back to training now."

You sighed and threw Eevee at him, but he just knocked it away with his fist. You huffed and went back to your computer. "I still see that cold demeanor hasn't lost its touch." 

Mewtwo deep inside was a keeping a secret from you. He had two memories before he transformed. The other was when you were working on his chemical foundation, working to protect him from Team Rocket. Inside his heart that others claimed wasn't capable of emotions, he felt compassion for you during those final moments before they were erased.

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