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Dew dripped down on the side of the window, becoming a single dewdrop to form with the others, slowly climbing down your window. It was a Monday night and it was dreadfully boring. What could possibly fix these turns of events? That was, play video games or watch t.v.

"Meh," You said out loud to yourself, "that seems like too much work."

"What seems like to much work?"

Eevee came down the stairs, his hair rumpled from his nap. His tail flicked around him, weaving on either side as it couldn't decide to rest on left hip or right. He was the definition of Monday, wearing a sweatshirt and sweatpants. He plopped down on the couch, resting his legs up on the coffee table, almost knocking your coffee cup.

You rolled your eyes at his attempt to look cool. "I want to do something but I too lazy to actually do it."

"How is someone too lazy to do anything? That's stupid." He said, snarking at your comment.

"I'm a new species, the lazysorus."

Eevee shifted his weight towards you to face you. "Well there, lazysorus, can we cuddle?"

Inside you knew you wanted too, but, when it came to cuddling with Eevee, there was no coming out. He's super needy when it came to anything with hugs. That could have been partly your fault when raising him as a child because you did spoil him with hugs and cuddles every single day. Now that he was a human and you were going to college, it just seemed inappropriate.

"(f/n), answer my question!" He pouted and pinched your cheek.

"Ouch!" You smashed his hand away. "You know I hate it when you do that." 

"Then answer my question, or get attacked by a cuddle~"


Before you could defend against yourself, Eevee tackled you on the couch. His tail was buried in your face, making it hard to breathe. Eevee was giggling and laughing every single second while you were wheezing for air, quite a predicament you were trapped in, a poke-human cuddling you to death, literally. 

"E-E-Eevee! I-I can't... BREATH!"

"I'll just move my tail!"

He moved it and you could finally breathe again. You sucked in air, coughing a bit, while Eevee has the biggest smile on his face. An irk mark appeared on your forehead as Eevee just giggled at the sight of its apperiance. 

"Are you angry with me? Even though I'm giving you cuddles?"

"Yes! Because I didn't say you could cuddle me! I'm was busy!"

"Thinking about being lazy isn't busy, (f/n)."

"Hey, you don't know my mind. For all I know is you plan ways to cuddle me in any way possible!"

His ear cocked to the side, bending down as it made him slightly cuter. You cursed to yourself for thinking about that. You were setting ground rules, not lessening them. He pulled up on his lap, resting his chin on your shoulder. "Because cuddling you is the best. Do you think I just cuddle random girls 24/7 when I'm gone on my job?"

"Well.... no...."

Eevee's breathing stopped for a split second, doubt entering his brain. "(f/n), you think I cuddle girls at the gym I work for? How would that even work? I would be fired on the spot!"

"I don't know!" You shouted, throwing your arms up into the air. "There was that one time I saw you hugging that lady in the gym! For all, I know you could have been hitting on her."

"She was crying because she got a call from the pokecenter; telling her, her pokemon wasn't going to make a full recovery."

Silence drifted into the room. Heat crept inside your cheeks as you became embarrassed at your own accusation. Eevee felt the warmth swim out of your body and faced towards you, smiling at your rosy red cheeks. 

"Are you embarrassed? Does (f/n) really own care that my cuddles are only for her?"

"S-Shut up! I don't care!"

He smiled and pulled you in closer, his tail resting on your lap. "You're the only girl for me. You never need to worry about me cuddling or kissing any girls."

"Good. And... I guess I can let you cuddle me... just for this once."

You could feel Eevee's huge smile as he reached over for the remote and turned on the t.v. "How about we cuddle while watching our favorite t.v. show."

"Sounds like a plan."

Later that night, Eevee checked to see if you were asleep. You were and he went too kiss your cheek, blushing a little in the cheeks himself. He wasn't ready to admit his feelings for you just yet, but when the time was right, he would make you the happiest woman in the world.

Authors note: Do you guys want me to redo my earliest works? Or keep them the way they are? Because my writing has improved over the years and if you want me to make the early chapters better, let me know.

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