Lucario X Teenage Reader

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This a part 2 of the Lucario X Child Reader

The forest always breaths, even if it's dying. Everything that breaths in the forest, syncs with one another. There was a legend about a child abandoned by her parent's years ago.

The parents denied they ever had a child, even though their neighbors knew it was false. The police didn't have enough evidence a child ever lived in the house.

Is the legend true, or false?

Well, deep in the forest, there lives a girl who trains every day in the forest. She relies on pure strength alone and uses it to protect people. They connect the false tale to the parents who ditched their kid, but no one can tell, for no one can't ever see her...


It was a nice and sunny warm day, and you used it to sleep in. Lucario always was hard on you when it came to training. Never slack off or you'll lose the power inside you.

You did take your training serious, but always took a nap every thirty minutes half way through the training. Right now, Lucario was glaring down at you while you sleep.

"Can't she ever listen to me? When she was a child she always listened... I wonder what happened... maybe I've become too soft."

The snooze bubble from your nose popped as you blinked awake, mumbling and stretching up from your nap spot. "Ugh... I shouldn't have slept in that position..."

Lucario growled and picked you up by the ear, making you wince slightly. "What have I told you about sleeping during training?! You'll never surpass your current stage and never will if you don't buck up and train! If I see you slacking off one more time I'm going to build a strong aura sphere and drive it into your back!"


Lucario snarled until he saw the look in your eyes. They were lost, in memories as the glossy sheen never to disappear.

Lucario gently let you go but let his hand squeeze your shoulder. "(y/n), what's wrong?"

".... I dreamt about my parents..."

The memories were still a blur from what they looked like, but you could remember what a good child you were. In kindergarten, you were the top student of your class.

It pained you to this day why they would ditch you out in the middle of the woods, even going to as far as saying they never had a child, burning away all the evidences.

Suddenly, Lucario wiped a tear away from your cheek. You jumped because you didn't feel a tear drop coming down your face. "(y/n), please don't think of them."

"Why not?"

"They are horrible people. I've never been fond of humans and I'm still not, but you're different because I raised you myself. People like your parents... don't see the light in this world." He summoned an aura sphere in his hand, where it was dimmer than any other ones he's had. "This is your parents good side. After years and years," the sphere grew dimmer in his hand, "the ball diminishes its glow and becomes evil."

"But..." You whispered, remembering good times from them. "I just... don't understand... why... why.... WHY!"

You punched a nearby tree. It didn't knock it down, but an indent of your fist was made. You sobbed and leaned against the tree, feeling Lucario hug you from behind.

"W-why... I-I t-Though-t they l-left me... b-b-by accident... w-was the word... I-I love y-you... fake as w-well?!"

Lucario sighed touched your soul to his. "This is why I didn't want you to think of them. Our past has our demons, and you can't let go of your demons. Forget the past of them and remember the day we met." Lucario brought a warm image inside your soul. A tiny little girl staring at him and crying. He had no idea what to do, but knew he had to help the little girl. "That is your beginning."

After some while you calm down from your crying. You smiled at Lucario and hugged him, tightly. "Thank you... Lucario... you are my true family... the whole forest is..."

Lucario felt a pleasant warmth inside. Pride and joy. He hugged you closer to him too, "I love you too. I may not say it often, but I mean it. I don't ever have to train you, but I do it because my heart tells me."

You nodded and fixed your hair. "Okay. I'm ready to train now."

He laughed and shook his head. "No training today. I want you to find your forest friends and play with them. It's the least I can do for today."

Your eyes grew big and wide, while you turned around and sprinted to your friends. "T-Thanks Lucario!"

Lucario nodded and watched your figure disappear in the trees. Plainly, he knew the real reason why your parents left you, but that was for a different day to tell.

For you lived in the present now.

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