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"Oh (y/n)... I wish you were more careful..."

"I have been careful! It's not my fault that rock was in the way!"

"Rolling down the hill either way was dangerous!"

"NO IT WASN'T!" You winced in pain as Audino cleaned the gash on your forehead, "Owww..."

"Now you see screaming isn't helping yourself."

You huffed and crossed your arms over your chest. "Whatever. I totally won the hill race anyways."

"(y/n), I never even took part in it. You just rolled down the hill and got hurt on the way."

"Gurrr... at least I do dangerous stuff once in a while! Unlike you who just stays and watches the action!"

Audino narrowed his eyes. "I'm being nice and helping you heal yourself. I just don't get the point in rolling down the hill."

"Because I wanna live young and free as much as I can!"

You when to stood up, but got a huge dizzy spell and fell forward. Audino shouted your name and caught you in time. Sweat beaded across your forehead as Audino picked you up bridal style and laid you down on your bed.

"Try to take it easy. Pushing yourself will only make it worse."


Your eyes started closing as Audino smiled and tucked you in. "Try to get some rest."


Audion P.O.V

I woke up and stretched. Maybe my healing powers helped (y/n) sleep tonight. There was only one way to find out as I looked into her room and broke out a giggle. She was sprawled on the bed with the blankets on the ground and dry drool at the edge of her mouth.

I poked her forehead as she blinked awake and winced at the morning light. "What time... is it?"



"Just kidding! It's only 10."

She growled at me and threw her dirty pillow at me which I thankfully dodged. "Jerk. You know that's when I have to help mom."

"You're moms a nurse and yet you don't look like her. I wonder why since you're mom said she has millions of sister."

(y/n) chuckled. "She doesn't have that many, but it feels like it at holidays."

I laughed and checked her temperature. "How are you feeling?"

"Somewhat fine..."

"Can you stand up?"

She swung her feet off the bed and rested them on the ground. She began to stand up just fine, until five seconds later her knees gave out on her. I caught her in time as she began crying.

"What's wrong?"

"I feel too weak to do anything! I can't even train pokemon right like my dad... I can't even heal pokemon good... I'm a loser."

"Hey now you're not a loser."

She began to sob as I pulled her into a meaningful hug. "(y/n) you're not weak. Just because you can't do what your parents can doesn't mean you can't do other things..."

"But... *sniff* I don't know what..."

"You're great with baby pokemon! You can become a day care person! I'll even help you."

She stopped crying as she wet (e/c) glowed with hope. "Y-You would...?"

"Of course I would. We've been best friends since childhood, (y/n). Not helping you wouldn't be something in my nature. Just know you have me, your friends, your parents, and your talent to help you."

"Thanks Audino... I'm also sorry about what I said to you yesterday..."

A warm tender kiss was given to me by (y/n) as she gave me a nice smile. I blushed and touched it lightly with my hand, hoping I could feel it all day still. "T-That was a nice kiss."

"I thought a cute boy like you deserved it."

"C-Cute?! I'm not cute!"

(y/n)'s laugh echoed in the room as she poked my cheeks, making them go brighter with embarrassment. "Looks like the boy is embarrassed and not the girl! What a plot twist!"

I just simply giggled and let (y/n) give me her kisses, maybe even 'accidentally' giving her one on the lips to look at her blushing face back.

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