Yveltal and Xerneas

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It was a sunny afternoon as the sun beat down on your now hot back. You were working on the garden that you made and work so hard on. It had blue and red color flowers in there. Yveltal and Xerneas were fighting over which color they wanted to be as you say doing both would be fine. They acted like children when they fought. It was cute at the same time as they just pouted when one of them lost. Everything was going great until there was a loud crash inside the house.

"Great.... what did those two idiots break this time...?" you thought to yourself as Yveltal came out running out of the house.

"YOU'RE NOT GETTING ME THIS TIME XERNEAS! NOT IN A MILLON YEARS! AND THAT'S LITTLE COMPARE TO US LEGENDARY'S" Yveltal yelled as he ran across your garden, surprisingly not stepping over a single flower, that is until each step he toke made each of them die.

"YVELTAL STOP! YOU'RE KILLING MY FLOWERS!" You yell as Yveltal stopped and looked at his trail of now dead flowers.

"Oh no! I'm sorry (y/n) I didn't mean it!"

"Of course you 'didn't' Yveltal. It always just an accident with you isn't it?" Xerneas calmly walked up towards you both as the dead flowers were coming back to life with each step he took until he stood face to face with Yveltal.

"What was that deer boy?! You have no room to talk!"

"Oh really?" Xernaes replied with a bored tone "I would love for you to name off things I have done to hurt people. Which is zero. You on the other hand have hurt thousands of people and taking away their lives. I give life back when you take. If you just did that to these flowers then how can you protect (y/n) when all you do is take and not give?"

You blush a little as Yveltal head started to steam badly "Oh shut up! I regret doing that alright! You don't have to put in my face mister perfect! So why don't you go and be a goody, goody somewhere else? No one likes that type of guy because his rude nature! Which you have up to ten times! Oh wait, that's normal for a guy like you!"

Xernaes took a step back, a token back by Yveltal outburst. "Well! At least people aren't afraid to go up to me."

Yveltal eye flashed a look of hurt. You knew the reason why, people were afraid of their life force been taken from him. It never bothered you because Yveltal was a nice guy, he would never do that to you. But Xernaes toke it a bit way too far this time. You stood up and pushed the two legendary's away from each other.

"That is enough! Xerneas that was too far! Say you're sorry! You too Yveltal! I told you too to not fight any more! It looks like you two can't say a simple nice thing to each other without ripping out the other one's throat! I want to hear a simple 'I'm sorry' right here! RIGHT NOW!" You yelled making the two jump.

They look at down before making eye contact with each other.

"I'm.......................... Sorry..............." Yveltal mumbled under this breath, but Xerneas was able to hear it and said sorry back too.

You sighed in relief and brought the two into a small group hug with you. They both blushed as you chuckled at their red faces. You remember about the loud crash and looked up back at the boys

"That reminds me.... what that loud crash in the house was earlier...?"

Sweat dropped from their foreheads as they both said "N-nothing!"

"I'm going in to check." You let go of them until a strong grip pulled you back. It was Xerneas as he pulled you in his chest and pinned you in there. "X-Xerneas?! What are you doing?!" A tin of pink rose in your cheeks as Yveltal ran inside the house

"Go! I have her close to me!" Xerneas yelled as you tried to get out of his grip. "Stop it (y/n)!"

"Then let me go then! What are you guys hiding from me?! What did you break?!"

"N-nothing! We broke nothing! You just heard things!"

"So you holding on to me and Yveltal trying to clean it up means it's nothing?!"

"Yeah! You mind is messing with you! Were angels!"

You wanted to laugh so hard at that part. 'Angel's'! Not even close to the way they behaved to each other! You tried kicking and hitting Xerneas as he didn't even budge!

"Stupid Legendries and their power over people! Why does he have to be so dang hard to fight against?!" You thought to yourself as a idea come up into your head. You tried to hit him in the face as he grabbed your other hand. He pulled it down to where your mouth could lick his arm as he let go of you.

"Dang it (y/n)! Come back here!" He chased you as you laughed the whole way there, until your eyes landed on broken pieces of a vase. It was the vase that your late mother gave you..... Tears swelled in your eyes as you carefully grabbed a piece. It was broken..... To the point even glue couldn't repair it back together. Sadness and anger filled you as you faced the two scared legendry's in front of you

"Who broke it...?" Your voice broke as you tried to stay calm. "Tell me.... NOW!"

Sweat broke from their heads again until a voice spoke up "It was me..." It was Xerneas. You stared in shocked at the blue hair boy. You never thought he would break it.

"Dude... what are you doing?!" Yveltal spoke up as Xerneas walked up towards you and bend down too your level

"I'm sorry... we were doing something to surprise you and I tripped on the rug and fell, making the vase you love dear fall down. I don't expect forgiveness from you after this. Give me any punishment you think fits me best. Go ahead... I deserve it by breaking something you hold dear and left of your dear mother..."

You stared at him in shock.... but with sadness too... he didn't mean it... you knew that. You did the unexpected. You gave him a hug. Xerneas was shocked just as well as Yveltal. They both thought you would yelled at them and make them move out. Xerneas melted into the hug too as a jealous Yveltal joined in on it too.

Once you three were done with hugging you stood up and smiled "I forgive you both... my mother wouldn't want me to yell at you two just over this... I forgive you both." A smile appeared on both their faces. Making you just as happy as them. Until... "But... what were you two making for me?"

They both chuckled as quickly came back with two things of roses. Blue and red of course. A smile appeared on your face making them chuckle

"Thank you two! You shouldn't have done that!"

"Oh but we did. (y/n)" You looked up at them as they both had a serious look on their face "We love you. But you can only have one of us. So... which rose you chose you chose to have them love you back. So go ahead. Chose!"

Your face when red as you just laughed at them, making them confused. "I love you both! So I chose both! I don't need a rose to choose for me! Only my heart dose that for me."

The boys nod their heads as they both kissed both sides of your cheek, making you even redder. They laughed at you as you smiled back at the two you loved both dear to your heart.

"But (y/n)." Yveltal snapped your attention to him "You will have to choose in the meantime. So think real hard about it. Okay?"

You nod your head in agreement as you hugged the two. You knowing that whichever you chose. You would love the other one back the same way.... 

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