Dialga part 2

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You run out in the woods not looking back at the time human pokemon. You ran and ran until your legs gave up on you, making you fall over and gasping for breath. It got darker and darker by each passing minute. It was like the woods were turning evil from being the beautiful woods that you thought you knew...

*Flash back*

"Look Dialga! The leaf are turning red and brown! Fall is amazing!" You ran around the piles of beautiful leafs and jumped into them. Making the sky rain with red and brown light leafs that danced in the afternoon light.

"Hey! That was cool! Let me try!" He jumped in another pile making the world dance with leafs everywhere.

"Look Dia! I'm making a leaf angle!" You made a leaf angle as did Dialga. You ran around all day and night making the woods filled with laughter and fun with leafs swaying in agreement.

Night time came around as you and Dialga sit on the tallest tree, looking at the stars and the moon in the beautiful night sky. Dialga puts his arms around your waist. You blush at the movement.

Dialga laughs "You like that?"

"S-shut up! I don't like that!.... okay maybe I do...."

He laughs as he rests his head on his shoulders "Today was fun.... maybe we can do this again?"

You sigh "I can't... work and everything... you know this..."

"I know... I'm sorry... I shouldn't have said that..." He sounded fine when you knew he was sad

"Maybe next fall we can do this? Winter is coming around the corner so maybe then work will be easier on me?"

"I hope so. Because today was the most fun we've had these past months..."

"Yeah! So don't worry! Because I will make sure the both of us will have more fun than this!"

Dialga laugh and rubbed your head as you fell asleep in his arms that night....

*End of flash back*

You wake up in the dark woods again. It was too dark to even see in front of you

"When did I fall asleep?..." You said to yourself and got up, but got scared because you didn't remember the way you went. You started to cry a little "Dialga?.... Dialga?... DIALGA!!!! I'M SORRY!!! PLEASE COME BACK TO ME!!!" Nothing came back but the echoing of your voice in the woods.

"I'm sorry Dialga.... I never meant to say those things to you.... I love you... I don't hate you.... please come back to me.... I need you.... I'm sorry if work made me distance towards you... I was just tired all the time...... I'm sorry... please come back to me..." You break down in sobs while hugging yourself.

You cried out all your heart out and fell down to the ground from the lack of energy to stand. Sleepiness was taking over you as you hear footsteps coming your way.

They ran towards you with a flash light in their hands. You couldn't see who it was as the stranger picked you up and carried you in his warm arms...

Morning light shined through the window and into your eyes. Making you wake up in Dialga's arms. He was asleep as you blushed at the thought of being in his arms. You shook him awake as he looked at you with sleepy eyes

"What is it (y/n)?"

"Why am I in your arms?" You didn't notice he was shirtless until he moved and the blanket fell off him. It made you blush more as he chuckled at the way you were turning red.

"Because I found you cold and crying last night. You were freezing so I thought if you slept with me in my arms then it make you warm up faster. Looks like it worked~ Look at how fast your blushing~"

"S-shut up!" you smacked him as he laughed. "Wait... I thought he was mad me... why would he do this for me?...... *gasp* He couldn't of heard me last night! Could he?!" As if reading your thought he smirked.

"You were loud in the woods last night. I hear what you said about me... Your voice made me able to hear you...." He kisses you on the lips lovingly "I love you too. I forgive you for what you said to me. I'm sorry too for what I said to you. I never meant it... I was just being distance towards you because I was working on something. I didn't want you to find out so I work in my room all day long"

You tried to process what he said while trying to recover from the kiss "W-what is it?...."

He moved and laid you down where he was as he when to the closet and pulled out a small black box "Open it. I made it myself and worked on it too"

You gasp as you opened the box to find a small diamond heart necklace. On the back were carved in words "I love you (y/n). I've never felt like this with anyone else. I never thought a pokemon could love. But your love made my diamond heart one make this small one for you. I wish to never let you go. Even time and space can never let my love die if I lost you. I love you (y/n). I will protect you no matter what happens to you and me. My heart is yours now. Forever and always." You cried tears of joy at the words. You leaped into his arms, tackling him to the ground

"I love you too Dia! I promise to never put work first from now on! I will always put you first on my list now on! I love you too! I never want you to leave me! I forgive you too! So please! Don't ever make me leave you! EVER! I love you too much to bare that pain again of being alone in the woods! So please.... don't leave me and I'll never leave you..." Your tears fell down on his face as he smiled at you as he pulled you in for a soft and loving kiss. He pulled back as he wipes a tear from your face with his thumb.

"I will never leave you (y/n)... You mean everything to me... That's why I chose you for being my trainer... I didn't know it at first until I started to be around you. You cared for me, talked to me when I gave you cold shoulder. No one would go near me but you. You're the only person who can make me feel happy (y/n). No one else. We're soul mate for life and time."

"Yes we are. Because I love you no matter what. Even if we never met then my heart would still be yours." He smiled at you lovingly more and pulled you in for another kiss. This time more deep and loving then before. "Me too. My diamond heart is only for you. My love"

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