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Don't judge on looks. instead, judge them on the inside of their heart, where it can be dark and pit less, or a true heart of gold~ Bbub14

(f/r) = favorite region 

It was a another rainy day in the (f/r) you lived in as running threw the dirt roads it seemed like the best idea. Your bullies where catching up on you, but you where always faster than them. It was this stupid rain that made you slow down.

"COME BACK HERE (Y/N)!!! YOUR DEAD ONCE WE GET YOU!!!" Shouted Mike, the leader of the group, who hated you with a passion sense the first day of preschool.

When Mike shouts it just makes you run faster. You where almost home by the river you lived by. Tears of joy where streaming down your face as it was just ten feet away! You put on a full burst of speed, until you almost stopped from fear as the pokemon who just turned human not to long ago, Feraligatr, come up by from the river to see what the shouting was all about. 

Mike and others stopped in their tracks of fear as well by the sight of Feraligatr. They started running away as Feraligatr started going up to them confused by why this was happening. You breathed out a sigh of happiness until Feraligatr started walking up towards you. 

You yelp as you ran into your house and locked the doors. Once you did you looked outside threw the windows peeking out at punk human looking pokemon. He had his head down as the rain poor down on his head. A strike of guilt hit you in the heart just looking at the sad human pokemon as he when down by the river he lived by.

*Next morning after school*

You looked around the side of the dirt road you lived on. Checking to see if your bullies where anywhere nearby. It looked cleared. You when down the dirt road looking at the sun almost down by the horizon, it's soft red yellowish glow gave the river a nice look of a nice fall colors for the season. You where already home late then usual because of a test you had to retake, but getting home can wait as the river called out too you.

It was peaceful, you sat down on the grass and lay down on the grass on your back looking up at the clouds as the nice wind seemed to take you to dream land....

A punch to the stomach woke you up as your arms and legs where pinned downed in seconds. You looked up in fear in the dark as you could see the outline of Mikes face over yours.

"So" He said with a dark but ring  tone voice "You thought you could get away from us, huh (y/n)?" He punches you in the stomach hard again as it toke the breath out of you "Well... It'll makes sure you death is slow and painful as it can be!"

The others pinned you down with all their weight, making escape impossible as death is the only way out of this. Mike continued to beat you up every second as blood escaped from your lips

You cried out tears as whimpers of pain came out of you each time he hit you in the face or anywhere else. "P-please..... stop Mike...."

Mike growls as he kicks you in the back of the head hard, making dark spots appear everywhere around your vision "Don't say anything else (y/n)! You're going to die right here and now because you embarrassed me in front of my crush, she doesn't like me anymore and it's all your fault! So your punishment is death!"

He picks you up by the hair as an evil grin toke over almost half of his face. "Goodbye (y/n)~ It was nice seeing you die by me~" 

He pulls back his hand into a fist, you closed your eyes waiting for you death, until Mike gasp in pain and drops you making you tumble down into the river. 

You opened your eyes too find Feraligatr was beating Mike up with his other buddy's down already. 

"HOW DARE YOU TRY KILLING (Y/N)!!!! YOUR HEARTLESS!!!!" He gives Mike a knee kick in the face as it knocks him out completely. 

 You tried to stay awake but fail as you pass out right when the punk pokemon takes you into his warm protective arms. 

You woke up to pain everywhere. You sat up and looked around to see you where in your room with Feraligatr bandaging your stomach that had bruises all over it. You gasp in shock but wince as even moving hurt.

Feraligatr saw and looks up at you with his amber colored eyes staring deeply with your (e/c) ones. 

"Your awake." He said in a deep and warm voice like honey, not to rich but just the right amount. "I didn't think you would be up this early."

You blinked at him, wondering why he wasn't hitting you, but helping and healing you. "Um... I just slept not too long ago, that's why."

Feraligatr chuckled as he finishes up patching you. He lays down by you as you try tensing up, but fail, puzzling you more

"I started to worry why you weren't here back home usual when you do, so I came out and started looking for you as I found that jerk beating you up to the point of death! I couldn't stand it as I started beating up with rage I've never felt before in my whole pokemon life. Just know (y/n) that... I really like and care about you! I kept my space from you because I knew you feared me like everyone else! So... I'll get out.. I toke care of you... so I will take my leave."

You gasp with fear as he got up from the bed, you didn't know why you quickly flew your hands around his waist making pain burst everywhere. Your heart knew what it was doing as it spoke and did the moment for you

"Please don't go! I like you too! I was just scared of you because of your looks and thought you would beat me up just like Mike and his friends!"

Feraligatr looked at you shock and mix emotion. after a minute or so he climb back into bed with you, snuggling with you as he toke you lips and kissed you nice and deeply. You didn't hesitate as you kissed him deeply too as time seemed to stop around you both as the kiss kept on going.

You both pulled back and kiss one more time before going to bed 

"I love you (y/n)~'

You smiled at quickly peck a kiss from his lips "I love you too Feraligatr~"

A/n: the questions people answer in the last A/n will be answer in the next pokemon x reader story 

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