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It was a cool and breezy night when you went out stargazing. A meteor shower that hasn't appeared over in a hundred years, finally appears that one night where you met a odd, but out of earth pokemon. You looked through the telescope and see all the bright shooting lights that go faster than your mind can process for the beauty of the night.

It was almost over until a huge and large bright star, looked like it was getting brighter, until it was really beacuse it was heading right towards you! You pick of your telescope and run faster than you have ever before!The meteor made a huge crash, making the impact of you trip and hit your head on a rock....

You woke up to arms wrapped around you.... or.... tentacles?...... you soon met a pair of violet eyes that glowed in the dark

"I'm so sorry! Are you alright?! I didn't see you there and when I found you human I thought your life force was gone!"

".......... What?......" You replied confused at his words. Human? Life force? He was a human too... wasn't he?.... You look at the pair of red and blue tentacles and screamed in his face, making him jump back in surprise

"Are you alright human?! Did I hurt you?!"

"Y-you h-have tentacles! W-who are you?! And why do you k-keep on calling me h-human?! It's (y/n)!"

He looked at you confused before finally understanding YOUR words "Oh! I'm sorry! My names Deoxys! I came from space! And my tentacles can turn into his!"

The red and blue tentacles wrapped around themselves and made it into REAL hands! The sight of it made you faint from shock. Deoxys caught you in time and wonder what happened to make you go to sleep...

After a year late you've grown to love and know the DNA pokemon. He at first was scared around anything electric, but he got over it and learned everything about the human kind. It fascinated Deoxys to hear anything from you. One day he when and read a romance book from your study.

He looked through it and found a word he never saw before 'love'. He read all about the other emotions, but this one was special too humans. He wanted to learn about it more, but.... he couldn't seem to feel or understand the emotion. He has one when he was around you, but didn't know which one it was.

After dinner you packed food and the scope with you. You both were going out to see the stars tonight sense this summer night has been the clearest ever.

Deoxys LOVED it when you toke him out stargazing with him. He would point out all the stars and galaxies in the night sky, even some you never hear about too!

"Deoxys! Are you ready?! It's time to go!"

"Yeah (y/n) I'm ready!" He yelled from upstairs

Deoxys would always stay in your study and read books all day. You never knew why, but you always thought it was him just learning as usual.

He came down stairs with a smile on his face "Okay! I'm ready! I can't wait to spot a another star or galaxy!"

You just laughed at him as you both when up on the hill. The stars were shining more bright than ever tonight!

It was like they were saying something big was going to happen! You toke out your scope and looked into a bright star..... wait..... a meteor?! How could a meteor happened tonight?!

Deoxys pov

Tonight was the night I will tell (y/n) how I feel about her. I started shaking, they called it nervousness. I was always like that around her. I thought up about how I would tell her my feeling called 'love' for her... An idea popped into my head as I ran down the stairs and met those (e/c) eyes of her's.

They were beautiful... it was a another word I learn in a book about, it said a female who's beauty outshine other women... (y/n) sure does take the word for it meaning!

We when up on the hill as she bent down and looked into the telescope. I nodded my head as reached out my hand and pulled the closest meteor towards us.

Not like how I did it, just passing us by. I made the stars move a little so the meteor would not be blinded by the stars beautiful lights. As watched (y/n) as she spotted the meteor. My cheeks started to burn a bit... is this blushing?.... I take a deep breath as (y/n) watches what happens.

(y/n) pov

I look closely at the meteor..... It had a sparkling jewel on it of some shorts..... It glowed blue and green beautifully as the stars around it made it burn brighter, making it seem like it owned the sky.

You were too busy looking at it that you didn't notice it was coming towards you. Deoxys quickly notices and grabs you and jumps into the air with you in his arms, too make the meteor miss you just barley in time

He put you down as you when over and saw a small blue and green like jewel stuck in the meteor. You pulled it out and saw your reflation on the beautiful jewel. You look over and saw Deoxys violet eyes looking back into your (e/c) ones.

You turned around as he grabbed one of your hands and blushed a lot "(y/n)... I know I may be freak pokemon beacuse I'm a alien... but... they didn't say that one couldn't love a human.... (y/n)... That space jewel is for you... it shines bright and beautiful like you do... I don't think my crash on this is planet was for no reason... it was to meet you! Because your the star that shines bright in my universe!"

You were at a lost for words at his little speech. You laugh which let him off his guard.

"(y-y/n)?..... W-why are you laughing?....."

You stop laughing at him and smile at him "Because silly! No one has does this for me!" You hug him "I love you too Deoxys... even if you were a space alien.... I would still love you anyways..."

Deoxys face brighten and warmed up, make a cute blush appear on his cheeks "But (y/n)..." He questions "I've read this in a book... so I wondering if I could try it with you....."

You blushed a bit but nodded your head as he leans down his face to meet with your lips.

You've could've sworn that when you kissed him that night..... the violet orb inside him, made a new galaxy out of his and your guys love for each other with just that one magical kiss....

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