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Please see the first A/N at the bottom. It's really important. The second one is about an new book I put out but please read the first A/N at the end of this X reader chapter

Shaking with fear, you walked into the forest so slowly even a turtle could out speed you. Your only friend dared you into walking in the forest late at night where scary pokemon came out into the night to eat. Truth to be told you were scared out of your mind, this was something you thought you wouldn't even do. But, your best friend (b/f/n) told you if you did it she/he would buy you anything you want, which seemed a pretty good deal, until now.

(b/f/n) huffed and pushed you into the forest faster as you squeak afraid to even push back. "Come on (y/n)! I promise I will be here when you get back! Just go in there and explore for one in your life!"

Your knees were shaking so bad you could barely even stand. "F-fine! But you b-better be there when I g-get back!"

(b/f/n) gave you an small smile. "Of course I will! Now just go in there!"

He/she shoved you into the forest as you slowly entered the hellish forest. (b/f/n) smirked as they started walking away. "I finally got rid of that crybaby! She can die in there like people say back at the town with the forest! I'm finally free!" (b/f/n) laughed as they left the forest, unaware of a pair of red glowing eyes staring at their night figure fading away.

Tears started to drip down your face. You were terrified beon words could describe. You yelp at everything at made a noise. A Rattata snapped an a twig making you scream in fear, and the Rattata jumping in surprise running away from you.

"(b/f/n)!!! I-I think I h-had e-enough!! I w-wanna go back!!"


Fear rose up inside you more than what it was. "(B/F/N)!!!! ARE YOU THERE?!?!?"

Another sound of silence

A wimper came out of you throat as tears came down faster. "She/he didn't leave me... did they...?

"Yes they did."

A deep voice came out of nowhere making you jump out of your skin. "W-who's there?!"

An figure of an tall man with black hair and clothes with yellowish colored rings on him. His bright red eyes landed on your (e/c) eyes, making you shiver at his coldness.

"W-what?! (b/f/n) would never do that!"

He toke an long sigh while looking up at the moonlight scattered through the trees. "Well they did. He/she said they finally got rid of you for good and to die in this forest."

"O-Oh..." The words crashed onto you like a wave of sadness. A sob escaped your lips as it shook your whole body.

You sat on the ground sobbing, afraid that this person will kill or even eat you, and you were all alone... for good...

What seemed like hours of sobbing was only an minute. The man stared at your sobbing figure feeling pity for you. He slowly walked up to and put his arms around you in a hug.

You stopped crying and looked at him with puffy wet eye. "Y-your not going to k-kill me..?"

The man chuckled as he wiped the tears away with his thumb. "I don't kill people. I would never kill an person. People just say that because I protect this forest and the way I look. So in other words, No."

Hope rose through you giving you the strength to stop shaking. "R-really...?"

"Yep." He helped you up as your hand slipped into his making you blush with him not noticing the hand gesture. "The names Umbreon. I'll lead you out of the forest. Do you need help walking home as well?"

"N-No! I can get home by myself. But thank you, Umbreon."

Umbreon smiled at the mention of his name from you lips. "Okay then. Just stay by me and I'll lead you out of here."...

Umbreon finally toke you out of the hellish like dark forest and into the nice cool night time air on the plains just behind the hill blocking the view of you hometown.

"Here you go." He said not letting go of you hand. "Do you want me to come and teach that 'friend' of yours an lesson from me."

"N-no! I can handle it myself! But thank you... Umbreon."

Umbreon gave you an small smile. You turned your back to head home until. "(y/n)." He called your name as you turned around again to face him.

"What is it?"

"I forgot to give you something." Umbreon let go of your hand and cupped it around your face as he kiss you. Your blush brighten by the second at the shocked action from an stranger you just met, yet, it felt like the kiss was met for the both of you.

He pulled back with an small, but barely see able tint of pink blush on his cheeks. "Their you go. Make sure you come back to the forest tonight, and every other night."

You nodded with an grin on your face. "Of course I will." You replied without realizing you didn't stutter for once in your life. You walked across the plain with an grin on you for the rest of the night.

A/N: So one of my friend was look through an x reader book just like an pokemon one and found one that had an act where one of them were REALLY close to one of my X reader chapter. I'm not going to question them because I don't know if he/she put up the chapter before reading my book, but the words were REALLY close, just switched or added in some parts. I'm not going to say from what book but please guys, don't steal my ideas. It really hurts to see happen. I know some of you won't care because it's the Internet and things like this happen, but still guys. I want you to come up with your own ideas! Don't steal from others! That's not cool, like at all. So guys, if their is an book you read that seems close to one of my X reader chapters let me know because this isn't cool and stop people doing this.

A/N 2:Hey guys for a shout out for a book here I made called the 'The Foresser'. It's a Creepypasta book I made up on my own so if you guys like Creepypasta please go check it out of my profile page! Once you read the book please tell me what you thought of it because I worked really hard on it! ~ Bbub14

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