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Luxray and you where getting ready to go too a party tonight. One of Luxray's human friends where throwing one and he asked if you wanted to come. This shocked you, you were a nerdy person who loved anime and video games. You didn't think you were fit to be in a cool person's party. You decided to go to it too see what party's Luxray when too. You where in your a strapless (f/c) dress that stopped just above you knees. You blush as you looked at your self in the mirror. The dress was given to you from your friend (b/f/n). She knew you like Luxray and wanted you to show off... just a bit too much...

You when down stairs in black high heels, they made your feet hurt a bit but (b/f/n) said you would live.

"Luxray!" You called out coming down the stairs "I'm ready too go to the party now!"

"About time..." He got up from the couch, the second he looked at you he couldn't stop staring. His eyes never blinked. Once.

You blushed as his stare started to get uncomfortable "Luxray.. can you p-please stop looking?..."

Luxray blinked a few times before turning away from you to not see his red flushed face "Sorry... Let's just go already..."

You nodded your head as you got into the car with Luxray and speeded your way down to the party. Once you guys got their it was loud with people everywhere. Music blasted from the house as some people where outside partying for some odd reason...

"Come on (y/n)" Luxray said as you both got out from the car "It's up this way. I'll have you meet my friend John."


You where nervous as you when up with Luxray and enter a animal like party. It was crazy! Half of everyone was either passed out or too excited to even sleep at all! Luxray toke your hand as you blush as he lead you to a good looking guy with black hair and green eyes. He was the same height as Luxray as they where both almost next each other.

"Hey John! This is (y/n)!"

Luxray pointed to you as you blushed and hid your face a little with you hands "H-hi... it's nice too meet you..."

John chuckled as he hugged you. Taking you in for a shock at what was happening.

"It's nice to meet *hic* you!" You could smell beer on him "Luxray told me *hic*all about you!"

"R-really?.... he has?..." You didn't think Luxray would never talk about a nerd like you

Luxray sifted uncomfortably at the look of John hugging you like that. He tried his hardest not to punch him in the face "I'm going to go grab a drink.."

You didn't hear Luxray, but John did as a tiny smirk came across his face "So... You want a drink pretty little *hic* thing~? "

His grip tighten harder around you as you started to get a little scared "N-no thanks! I don't drink! It's just s-something I don't do..."

"Oh? really~?" He put his breath right on your neck, making your face hot with the warm breaths he was putting on your neck "Because if you don't *hic* wanna drink then maybe...."

You knew where this was going as fear pulsed inside you making you struggle a bit "C-can you let me go?! I have to go with Luxray!"

John chuckled lightly in your ear "Who needs that jerk? All I *hic* need is you... and me... in the *hic* same room together~"

He started kissing your neck as your whole body stiffen as you kicked around even more "H-hey! Let go of me! I don't wanna have fun with you!"

You when to knee him in where the sun didn't shine until he caught it with free hand. He toke advantage of it as he massaged your leg up and down "Now now, No hitting me pretty *hic* thing~"

He started kissing your neck again, you where filled with fear as tears started to come down your cheeks. John just licked them away as he carried you to a couch without no one around and pinned you down. There where lust in his green eyes

"Your so *hic* beautiful in that dress~ I just wanna *hic* eat you up~"

Fear just came over you as you started crying loudly "P-please! Let me go!!"

John just ignored your plea he crashed his lips yours. You didn't kiss back which made him mad. He hands started to travel up your dress until you hear a low and dangerous growl. John was throw off of you as you opened your eyes and saw Luxray beating the life out of him

"HOW DARE YOU DO THAT JOHN!!!" Luxray punched his face, making him break John's nose too break as blood came out everywhere "I TRUSTED YOU!!!! SHE IS MINE YOU HERE!!!! I LOVE HER MORE THAN ANYONE!!!!! TOUCH HER LIKE THAT EVER AGAIN AND I WILL KILL YOU!!!!"

You gasped in shock as Luxray just said he loved you. You never thought he love you back. Luxray knocked him out as everyone stopped at what they where doing and stared at Luxray.

Luxray gave the crowd a death glare, until he turned too you with softness in them. He came and picked you up and kissed you hard but soft. Everyone cheered as you blushed as you kissed him back. Luxray pulled back for air as he toke you home with everyone cheering him as he left the house

Luxray put you on your bed as he looked for injuries around you. You thought he looked cute with the little worry lines on his face "Your alright, right?! I'm going to kill John for almost doing that too you (y/n)!"

Luxray eyes where filled with hate, you kissed him on the cheek, making his face turn into a bright cute red. You chuckled as you sat in his lap "I love you too Luxray. And I would love it if you killed that jerk."

Luxray smiled at you softy as he snuggled with you in bed "Good. Because (y/n) you are mine only~"

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