Chapter 21

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Chapter 21 Plans for the Future

Since Mo Junlan didn't care about his origins, Lingxiao didn't say much.

"Master, will you continue to wear the mask?" Lingxiao asked.

"No, I'm not really ugly." Mo Junlan threw the mask into the space.

The space of the Lingxiao Sword is also closely related to Mo Junlan's soul, so he and the sword spirit of the Lingxiao Sword have complete control over the space.

"Master, what are your plans for the future?" Lingxiao asked again.

"The formation on the face has been solved..." Mo Junlan reached out and touched his face, lowered his eyes and said, "Next is the turn of the sealed bloodline..."

"Master, have you thought of a way to unlock the seal?" Lingxiao couldn't help but asked a little nervously.

"Not yet!" Mo Junlan said calmly.

Lingxiao, "..."

"This blood seal is even more powerful than the formation on my face. With my current cultivation, I can't force it to break directly, so next, I can only do it step by step." Mo Junlan sighed.

"But from this, it can be seen that the master's true identity must be extraordinary." Lingxiao is not an idiot. In fact, from the abnormality of Mo Junlan, it can be seen that Mo Junlan is not closely related to the Lin family in Fengtian City.

Because only people with special blood can give birth to people with special blood.

And Mo Junlan's sealed blood must also be a special blood, otherwise it would not be forcibly sealed.

"The sealing method is also related to the formation, but my attainments in the formation are relatively low." Mo Junlan said with some distress, "So next, I have to learn the formation."

"Master is proficient in various spells, which is already very powerful. Even if the attainments in the formation are relatively low, it is normal. After all, you are just a human, not a god. It is impossible to learn everything in a limited time." Lingxiao comforted.

"I understand." Mo Junlan smiled slightly and said, "I am a peerless genius. The formation seal is not difficult for me."

"I also believe in the master's ability." Lingxiao smiled.

Mo Junlan raised his hand and touched his chin, raised his eyebrows lightly, and said slowly, "In the Southern Spiritual Region where we are now, the most powerful one should be the Guangming Academy."

"Does the master plan to go to Guangming Academy next?" Lingxiao asked.

"I do have this plan." Mo Junlan nodded, smiled, and said, "Only by becoming a student of Guangming Academy can I learn the formations in the academy."

"Lingxiao supports all the decisions of the master." Lingxiao smiled.

Mo Junlan suddenly stared at Lingxiao's face, then narrowed his eyes, as if thinking about something.

Lingxiao tilted his head slightly and asked in confusion, "Master has been looking at Lingxiao, but is there anything Lingxiao needs to deal with?"

Mo Junlan shook his head and continued to look at Lingxiao, then raised his eyebrows and said, "I plan to register for Guangming Academy, but Xiaoxiao'er..."

"I can go back to the sword body and continue to accompany the master." Lingxiao said without thinking.

"No!" Mo Junlan shook his head again and said, "You sign up with me."

"Why?" Lingxiao looked at Mo Junlan in confusion.

"Don't you want to live like a normal human being?" Mo Junlan asked back.

"No!" Ling Xiao didn't even think about it, and shook his head, "I just want to be the master's sword spirit, and stay by the master's side forever."

Mo Junlan, "..."

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