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The dragon grass has a special fragrance, but only the dragons and snakes can smell it.

Even at a distance of a thousand meters, the dragons and snakes can still smell the special fragrance of the dragon grass.

Mo Junlan recalled the information given by the academy, and then calculated the time. Today is the day for the Thousand Illusion Poison Python to take action.

Of course, it may take until the evening for the Thousand Illusion Poison Python to come out.

But Mo Junlan is not in a hurry, because he also plans to refine the dragon grass into a pill, and then add something to it.

In this way, the Thousand Illusion Poison Python will definitely be attracted.

As an alchemist, Mo Junlan naturally knows how to use pills to deal with monsters.

So, Mo Junlan started to refine pills again.

What Mo Junlan added will make the special fragrance of the dragon grass more intense, and it also has the effect of paralyzing the nerves.

But this only works on monsters.

"I'm so smart." Mo Junlan looked at the pill in his hand, feeling quite satisfied, and couldn't help but sigh, "After all, Xiao Xiao'er is not around, I have to make more preparations."

Mo Junlan's eyes turned, and then he flew up and landed on the tree branch, then looked around the surrounding environment with his eyes, raised his eyebrows and said, "Maybe we can use the formation."

This place can still set up a formation, so Mo Junlan started to work again.

In the end, Mo Junlan set up an offensive formation. As long as the Thousand Illusion Poison Python enters the formation, it will be attacked by the formation.

Mo Junlan looked at the pill in his hand, narrowed his eyes, and whispered, "I wonder if I can lure the Thousand Illusion Poison Python out in advance?"

If the Thousand Illusion Poison Python can be killed during the day, that would be the best.

After a while, Mo Junlan finally decided to give it a try.

Mo Junlan first crushed the pill in his hand into powder, and then sprinkled it in the formation.

Then, Mo Junlan became invisible, waiting for the arrival of the Thousand Illusion Poison Python.

Mo Junlan sat on a branch with his eyes closed, the breeze blowing his white clothes and black hair. Whether viewed from a distance or close up, he had a kind of otherworldly temperament.

About half an hour later, there was suddenly other movement in the environment where there was only the sound of wind and grass.

Mo Junlan heard the sound, slowly opened his eyes, and then stared at the source of the sound.

It was not dark yet, and the sun was hanging in the sky.

After a while, a huge and thick shadow suddenly flew out from the grass in front.

It was a huge python that was ten meters long.

This was the Thousand Illusion Poison Python.

As Mo Junlan had guessed before, this level seven Thousand Illusion Poison Python was indeed seriously injured, and the wound was in its abdomen.

The Thousand Illusion Poison Python entered the formation directly, and then, one after another, the formation attacks fell on the Thousand Illusion Poison Python.

At the same time, the Thousand Illusion Poison Python also knew that he had fallen into a trap. Although the seventh-level monster could not transform, its intelligence was not low.

The Thousand Illusion Poison Python opened its bloody mouth, roared angrily, and then began to break free from the formation.

But how could the formation set up by Mo Junlan himself be easily broken by the Thousand Illusion Poison Python?

Mo Junlan looked at the Thousand Illusion Poison Python who was still struggling desperately, and couldn't help but narrowed his eyes. The plan was surprisingly smooth!

When the power of the Thousand Illusion Poison Python had been almost consumed, Mo Junlan appeared.

Mo Junlan held a stack of talismans in his hand and smashed it directly at the head of the Thousand Illusion Poison Python.

The Thousand Illusion Poison Python was already seriously injured, and the wound on its abdomen was still bleeding. Now it was hit by the elixir refined by Mo Junlan, and its nerves were paralyzed. It moved very slowly, so all the talismans that Mo Junlan threw at it hit its head.

The Thousand Illusion Poison Python, which was hit by the talisman, was instantly covered in blood, and its head was blown off.

"It died so quickly." Mo Junlan looked at the corpse of the Thousand Illusion Poison Python and said with some disgust, "It's so dirty."

Mo Junlan didn't even look at the corpse of the Thousand Illusion Poison Python for another second, and put it directly into the space storage bag.

"It's a waste of a dragon grass." Mo Junlan curled his lips and said, "Fortunately I don't need it."

After dealing with the Thousand Illusion Poison Python, Mo Junlan planned to go directly to Lingxiao.

However, when passing by a small village, Mo Junlan met a student from Guangming Academy.

Mo Junlan raised his eyebrows, ignored them, and flew away directly.

Although Mo Junlan was going to find Lingxiao, he didn't know whether Lingxiao had completed the task, so he decided to return to Guangming College first. If Lingxiao had already returned to Guangming College, that would be the best.

After returning to Guangming College, Mo Junlan was not in a hurry to submit the task. He first went back to the dormitory and saw that Lingxiao was not there, then he went to the task hall to submit the task.

Zhang Mutong looked at Mo Junlan standing in front of him, and couldn't help but twitched his mouth, saying, "So fast again?"

"My luck is better." Mo Junlan smiled elegantly.

Zhang Mutong, "..."

The reward for Mo Junlan's completed task was 70,000 points and three contribution points.

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