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Although Xia Liu looked very embarrassed now, he did not suffer any substantial damage. After all, Mo Junlan still showed mercy.

The moves Mo Junlan used to deal with Xia Liu just now were not real killing moves.

If Mo Junlan really wanted to kill Xia Liu, Xia Liu would have died long ago.

Mo Junlan moved and landed on the stage.

The heaven-level formation was still open, and it prevented the power from leaking out just now, so as not to cause harm to the onlookers.

However, because Mo Junlan's power was too strong, even the heaven-level formation was hit by his power and several holes were created.

Not to mention Xia Liu's power!

Especially their final collision of power caused the heaven-level formation to shake a few times.

Others may not be able to see it, but Mo Junlan can see it clearly. This heaven-level formation can no longer be maintained, and even the level of the formation is falling, so it is best to close the formation first and then find a formation master to repair it.

Xia Liu also obviously saw a problem, so he ended this exploratory duel with Mo Junlan in advance.

Mo Junlan won this time, but he didn't look very proud or complacent.

After all, he is far worse now than he was in the immortal world.

Xia Liu clenched his fist against his lips, cleared his throat twice, and his face turned a little pale. Then he reached out and patted the dust off his body. The clothes he wore were already a little tattered, which showed how fierce the battle was just now.

Mo Junlan put away the folding fan in his hand, then smiled at Xia Liu, and said, "This duel was won by me."

"Don't worry, I will never regret the bet I promised you before." Xia Liu smiled, and a gleam of brilliance flashed quietly in the depths of his eyes.

Although he gave Mo Junlan two places to participate in the Ascension Conference, he actually wanted to borrow Mo Junlan's strength.

The Ascension Conference is an opportunity to go directly to the vast immortal land, and at that time, you can also make good friends with the cultivators from the vast immortal land. Anyway, no matter how you look at it, the holding of this Ascension Conference is beneficial to the people of their Lingxuan Continent.

"It's good that you can accept the defeat." Mo Junlan said with a smile, "I will not show mercy to the last person who refused to admit defeat."

"What did you do to the other party?" Xia Liu asked subconsciously.

"Nothing, just let him run back naked." Mo Junlan said lightly.

Xia Liu, "..."

Fortunately, their bet is not this kind of thing, otherwise, he would be embarrassed.

"Dean, can I leave now?" Mo Junlan raised his eyebrows.

"Wait a moment." Xia Liu said hurriedly, "I have something to tell you."

"What is it?" Mo Junlan is in a good mood now, so he is not impatient.

"It's about the Ascension Conference." Xia Liu said.

Mo Junlan was stunned for a moment after hearing this, then nodded and said, "Let's talk somewhere else."

There are too many people here, and it's not convenient to talk.

Xia Liu also had this idea, so he said, "Let's talk in my dean's office."

"Xiao'er!" Mo Junlan turned his head to look at Lingxiao, smiled and said, "Come here!"

Lingxiao heard this and then walked towards Mo Junlan. His eyes were also bright when he looked at Mo Junlan.

"Brother Junlan, you are so amazing!" Lingxiao said with a smile on his face.

His smile will always only be shown to Mo Junlan.

Mo Junlan reached out and rubbed Lingxiao's head, his eyes were filled with tenderness, and he chuckled, "It's because of you that I'm so powerful."

Lingxiao shook his head and said, "Brother Junlan is very powerful."

"But if you weren't around, I might not fight so hard." Mo Junlan said with a smile, "Do you know why?"

Lingxiao shook his head, and then looked at Mo Junlan with a puzzled look.

"Because I want to show you!" Mo Junlan smiled with a gentle look, and reached out to press Lingxiao's heart, and said with a hooked lip, "When you were watching me fighting with others just now, did your heart beat faster?"

Lingxiao couldn't help but blush slightly when listening to Mo Junlan's words, not to mention that he really felt that way.

Although Mo Junlan's face is fake now, he will feel his heart beating faster just by looking at Mo Junlan's figure.

But Lingxiao also knows very well that his so-called heart is actually fake.

Because he is just a sword spirit.

Spirits don't have hearts.

However, when he faces Mo Junlan, he feels his heartbeat speeds up, excited and shy.

He feels extremely conflicted.

In human terms, his brother Junlan is too good at seducing and bewitching people.

Brother Junlan knows... he can't stand this kind of temptation.

Mo Junlan's eyebrows are slightly curved, looking at Lingxiao's cheeks that are slightly red because of shyness, he just thinks it's very cute, so he can't help but lean over and whisper in Lingxiao's ear, "My little wife, you are shy again."

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