Pseudo 35

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This is a transparent white crystal card. It doesn't look special, but it is a special spiritual weapon.

Almost all students of Guangming Academy have this crystal card, which shows that Guangming Academy is still very wealthy.

Mo Junlan looked at the crystal card in his hand and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"There are ten points in the crystal card. This is the admission gift given by the academy to you freshmen." Lu Ren smiled, "After all, our Guangming Academy is still very humane."

Everyone, "..."

"Points are a very useful thing. Anyway, you will know it after you really understand Guangming Academy." Lu Ren smiled, "If you want to earn points, you can go to the academy's mission hall to receive tasks. Of course, you can also choose to earn points in other ways, such as selling pills, talismans, and spiritual weapons, or fighting with others on the ring for points, but we are all formation masters. In terms of combat power, we are still at a disadvantage compared to single martial artists."

Lingxiao, "..."


His master's combat power is amazing.

"How can I become a student in the elite class?" Mo Junlan suddenly asked.

Hearing this, Lu Ren's eyes fell on Mo Junlan, raised his eyebrows, and said, "It's very simple, just pass the exam."

"What is the content of the exam?" Mo Junlan asked again.

"First of all, you have to become a third-level array master." Lu Ren said lightly, "and the age must not exceed 20 years old."

"Anything else?" Mo Junlan continued to ask.

Lu Ren looked at Mo Junlan and squinted his eyes, saying, "The first day of every month is the monthly exam day of Guangming Academy. Classes are divided according to grades. If you want to enter the elite class, then your grades must be excellent."

"What is excellent?" Mo Junlan asked with a raised eyebrow.

"If the passing score for the ordinary class is 50 points, then the passing score for the elite class is 90 points." Lu Ren said.

"Why not 100 points?" Someone couldn't help asking.

Lu Ren snorted coldly and said, "Because no one has ever achieved 100 points."

Everyone, "..."

This reason is really irrefutable.

Chapter 43 Meeting Deng Fei Again

There is no class today, and Lu Ren just told them some rules about Guangming College.

Mo Junlan and Lingxiao walked on the path in Guangming College. There were lush trees on both sides, and many students passed by on this road.

"Brother Junlan, are you planning to enter the elite class?" Lingxiao turned his head and looked at Mo Junlan and asked.

Mo Junlan nodded and smiled, "Today is the 25th, and it's almost the 1st."

"Brother Junlan will definitely pass the monthly exam, but I..." Lingxiao frowned and said, "I don't understand the formation."

Mo Junlan smiled lightly and curled his lips and said, "Can't you come to my side at any time?"

Lingxiao was stunned at first, then blinked and said, "It seems so. Even if brother Junlan changes his dormitory, I can still live with brother Junlan."

It's a pity that they probably can't be together during class.

Mo Junlan smiled lightly, "But I think if you practice the formation, you should learn it quickly, because your physique is very special."

After all, not everyone can ignore the level of the formation and easily find the center of the formation.

Lingxiao's cheeks flushed slightly, and he couldn't help saying, "Brother Junlan, do you think too highly of me?"

"I'm just stating a fact." Mo Junlan smiled.

At this moment, an angry voice sounded, "You two actually entered the Guangming Academy."

Mo Junlan and Ling Xiao heard the words and turned their heads to look at the source of the sound. They saw a young man standing not far away, looking at them angrily, with a strong gloomy look in his eyes.

Ling Xiao, "..."

"Who are you?" Mo Junlan looked at the young man opposite, still with a calm look, and his eyes seemed to be looking at a stranger.

Deng Fei was even more angry when he heard Mo Junlan's words, and gritted his teeth and said, "You hurt me so badly, and you don't even remember it?"

"Should I remember you?" Mo Junlan raised his eyebrows slightly, looked at Deng Fei coldly, and raised his lips and said, "Or are you some earth-shaking big shot?"

"You..." Deng Fei thought of his experience and was almost mad. He gritted his teeth and said, "I will remember what you did to me for the rest of my life."

As Deng Fei's words fell, the onlookers were also shocked.

What did they do to him?

Why does this sound a bit strange?

Mo Junlan's eyebrows couldn't help but frowned, and he said in an unhappy tone, "When you talk, you'd better pay attention to me, don't make us look like ungrateful people. I don't like people like you who have no figure and no looks."

"I don't like you either." Lingxiao echoed.

As Mo Junlan and Lingxiao finished speaking, the people watching the show couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Deng Fei's face was very ugly.

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