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However, the expressions of Lin Yue and Liu Xiangjing suddenly changed.

Mo Junlan saw the changes in their expressions, and then curled his lips and said, "It seems that not everyone knows!"

Judging from Lin Chengtian's reaction, he might not know.

"Don't change the subject." Wen Cai looked at Mo Junlan and said arrogantly, "Since you are a descendant of our Lin family, you must respect us. You are lucky. Yan'er is going to marry the eldest son of the Lu family. You will have a chance to benefit from it."

Listening to Wen Cai's words, Lin Zhenqing's eyes flashed with a hint of sarcasm.

"You all shut up." Mo Junlan said impatiently, "I don't want to talk nonsense with you anymore. I originally wanted to wait until the evening to deal with it, but you guys just like to make trouble for yourselves, so let's solve it now."

"You..." Lin Chengtian glared at Mo Junlan and was about to curse, but Mo Junlan did not give him another chance.

Mo Junlan raised his hand and waved it. Suddenly, a strong wind appeared in all directions and quickly swept towards the Lin family.

The Lin family was swept up by the strong wind. Mo Junlan didn't care how they would feel and flew away with Lingxiao.

The Lin family members who were forcibly pulled away by the strong wind also left with them.

Lin Zhenqing looked at their backs as they left, and then bit her lip unwillingly.

Mo Junlan and Lingxiao came to a bamboo forest, which was already the suburbs of Guangming City.

As their feet landed, the Lin family members were also thrown out by the strong wind, and everyone looked very embarrassed.

Lingxiao looked at their embarrassed appearance, but he was quite happy.

Mo Junlan said indifferently, "Okay, you two can make your words clear."

When he spoke, his eyes swept towards Lin Yue and Liu Xiangjing.

"Say...what?" Liu Xiangjing was a little afraid of Mo Junlan at this time.

"I am not your biological son, but why did it become Lin Lan?" Mo Junlan tilted his head slightly, and his sharp eyes swept across, and his gaze fell on Liu Xiangjing, and his voice was cold, "Don't think of fooling me with lies, the consequences are unbearable for you."

Liu Xiangjing's body couldn't help but tremble.

"What does he mean? Isn't Lin Lan your biological son?" Lin Chengtian felt something was wrong even if he was angry at this time. He turned his head to look at Lin Yue, and said gloomily, "Are you hiding something from me?"

"Lin Lan is definitely not their biological son. With their cowardly appearance, how could they give birth to a person as charming as Brother Junlan?" Lingxiao snorted coldly.

Mo Junlan, "..."

He accepted the sudden praise.

Lin Yue's face was a little ugly.

"What is going on?" Lin Chengtian looked at Lin Yue and Liu Xiangjing, and said with a hint of anger, "You'd better explain it to me clearly."

Lin Junyi listened to their conversation, and his eyes flickered. He had long felt that Lin Lan, this bastard, was not like his real brother.

"If you tell the truth, I can still consider sparing your lives." Mo Junlan raised his hand and touched his chin, and an elusive smile appeared at the corner of his lips.

"Can you really kill us?" Wen Cai said unconvinced.

"You can try." After Mo Junlan finished speaking, he raised his hand and waved, and Wen Cai's body was immediately lifted into the air by an invisible force.

Wen Cai's expression suddenly became a little panicked.

"Let go of my mother." Lin Yue said angrily to Mo Junlan.

"If you dare to kill me, the eldest young master of the Lu family will definitely not let you go." Wen Cai threatened.

"What young master of the Lu family? I don't know him!" Mo Junlan sneered and said, "I'm not afraid of the formation guild."

Wen Cai's face became even uglier when she heard this.

Mo Junlan snorted coldly, and Wen Cai's body fell to the ground.

Wen Cai screamed and looked even more embarrassed.

"Have you said it?" Mo Junlan turned to Lin Yue and Liu Xiangjing.

Lin Yue and Liu Xiangjing also looked ugly.

"I can tell you the truth, but you have to exchange it with something." After thinking for a long time, Lin Yue finally made a decision.

"Are you qualified to negotiate with me?" Mo Junlan sneered, and the pressure on his body was released at the same time.

The powerful pressure of the Emperor Spirit Realm cultivator pressed down on the Lin family.

This powerful pressure immediately made the Lin family sweat and their bodies fell down involuntarily.

Mo Junlan looked down at them with contempt in his eyes, raised the corners of his lips, and said disdainfully, "If you say another word of nonsense, I will kill you directly. Even if you all die, it will not affect me at all."

"Don't you want to know your own life experience?" Lin Yue asked hurriedly, as if he was afraid that Mo Junlan would kill them directly.

"Is Lin Lan really not your biological child?" Lin Chengtian's pupils couldn't help shrinking. Just now, when he saw that Mo Junlan's cultivation was so unfathomable, he had a little idea!

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