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It was obvious that Mo Junlan was talking to the black bear.

The black bear was a level 6 demon beast, and its intelligence was relatively high. It could understand human language, so after hearing what Mo Junlan said, its body trembled involuntarily.

Mo Junlan smiled slightly, then took out the bamboo flute from the space, then kicked the black bear's butt again, and said with thin lips, "If you don't want to be made into a quilt by me, then be obedient."

The black bear whimpered twice again, and then nodded with tears in his eyes.

Although it was a bear, it was a vegetarian.

However, vegetarian bears also like to eat pills, after all, they can increase their cultivation.

And as far as it knew, humans usually have pills on their bodies, so it planned to rob.

It originally just wanted to scare this human unconscious, and didn't want to hurt his life, so that it could rob him, but it didn't expect that the opponent's strength was actually higher than it.

The first time it robbed, it encountered a human who was stronger than itself. How could it be so unlucky?

And this human kicked it several times.

Wow, it was really embarrassing for the bear.

It was too ashamed to face the monster.

Mo Junlan did not understand the black bear's frustration. He just suddenly wanted to find a mount, and the black bear just happened to come to him.

After learning about Mo Junlan's idea, the black bear wanted to cry even more.

Oh! No! It had already burst into tears.

But there was no way, it could only listen to this human and be this human's mount obediently.

Mo Junlan sat on the black bear's shoulder, his white clothes were more beautiful than snow, and his black hair was scattered behind him, hanging down vertically without being tied, fluttering slightly in the wind. He held a bamboo flute in his hand, and then put it to his lips and played it leisurely.

Chapter 81 Earth Fire Spirit

After staying in the Xuanwu Secret Realm for three days, Mo Junlan only harvested some spiritual herbs. When he encountered monsters, he did not fight directly, but used the sound of the flute to confuse the monsters and let them leave on their own.

After Mo Junlan was reborn and returned to the Lingxuan Continent, he felt that he had been cultivating himself all the time, at least not as cruel as when he was in the immortal world of cultivation.

The previous Mo Junlan just liked to fight when he disagreed.

But now Mo Junlan feels that his personality has become much gentler.

In the past few days, the black bear has been used as a mount by Mo Junlan, which really embarrassed the monsters.

But the black bear was particularly cowardly and did not dare to resist Mo Junlan at all.

At this moment, a sound of fighting suddenly came from the front.

Mo Junlan's eyes flickered, and then he patted the black bear's shoulder and said, "Go forward."

However, the black bear suddenly stopped moving, and his body was even shaking a little.

Mo Junlan looked at the black bear, raised his eyebrows, and said, "What are you afraid of?"

The black bear could not speak human language, but just looked at Mo Junlan with tears in his eyes.

Mo Junlan raised his hand and slapped the black bear on the head, saying with disdain, "You are a black demon bear, not a dog bear."

The black bear, also known as the black demon bear, felt even more wronged after hearing what Mo Junlan said, and made a whining sound.

Mo Junlan could not bear it anymore, raised his hand and slapped the black demon bear on the head again, and said coldly, "Are you leaving or not?"

The black demon bear hesitated at first, but then shook his head quickly, indicating that it was unwilling to continue walking.

Mo Junlan looked down at the reaction of the black demon bear, and couldn't help but narrowed his eyes and curled his lips and said, "Are you afraid of the monster in front?"

The fighting sound he heard came from the monster, and as for the other party, it was most likely human.

Hearing this, the Black Demon Bear nodded again.

Mo Junlan snorted coldly and said, "Coward!"

The Black Bear lowered his head and felt ashamed at the same time, but the blood suppression from the demon beast forced it to stop.

And it also remembered that there seemed to be a high-level demon beast living here.

Anyway, it couldn't beat that high-level demon beast.

Mo Junlan frowned and no longer forced the Black Demon Bear to continue walking. He raised his hand and touched his chin, and then communicated with Lingxiao.

"Xiao'er, is the thing ahead worth our risk?" Mo Junlan asked.

"Brother Junlan, I'm not sure either." Lingxiao replied, "I can only feel that the spiritual energy over there is particularly rich, and the spiritual energy flow is purer than the training room of Guangming Academy."

Mo Junlan thought about the practice method he was practicing, and he couldn't help but feel a little moved. In fact, what he needed was the power of immortal essence.

And in the immortal world where Mo Junlan once lived, the cultivators there really practiced the power of immortal essence, not spiritual energy.

That’s why when Mo Junlan was in the Immortal Realm, his Chaos Creation Art could be cultivated so smoothly and almost without any obstacles.

Because the power contained in the power of immortal essence is tens of millions of times that of spiritual energy.

“Brother Junlan, the demon beast in front… is probably at level nine.” Lingxiao said.

“So it’s a level nine demon beast!” Mo Junlan heard this, but he looked down at the black demon bear, and then sneered, “No wonder he is as cowardly as a bear.”

Black demon bear, “…”

Being a bear is better than losing your life.

“I’m leaving, go play by yourself.” Mo Junlan reached out and patted the black demon bear’s head again, and then flew away.

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