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To put it bluntly, he is now completely impotent because of the seal problem.

But it would be embarrassing to tell this to others.

But if the target is Lingxiao, he can reluctantly accept it.

Thinking of this, Mo Junlan couldn't help but open his mouth and said, "Xiao'er, you must remember that this matter must not be told to anyone, understand?"

"I know." Lingxiao nodded very seriously.

He would not tell anyone about Mo Junlan's situation!

Mo Junlan was still very relieved about Lingxiao's mouth.

Because Lingxiao always looked cold when facing others, it was good enough that he didn't scare people away.

But after all, she was his little wife, so Mo Junlan didn't think Lingxiao's character was a defect.

If we really talk about defects, his character is more like a defect.

"But brother Junlan, why did you have such a big reaction when you saw this erotic picture?" Lingxiao looked at Mo Junlan in confusion.

Mo Junlan was also tangled when he heard this, but he still explained, "Because this kind of book... will teach people bad things."

He didn't want to see his wife become bad.

If Lingxiao was just his sword spirit, then he might not have such a reaction.

But Lingxiao is his wife now, and he naturally hopes that Lingxiao will always be innocent.

After all, Lingxiao like this is even more adorable when teasing.

"Brother Junlan, I'm not a human." Lingxiao said without thinking.

"Xiao'er, I think your words seem a bit ambiguous." Mo Junlan looked at Lingxiao and said.

"Really?" Lingxiao tilted his head slightly and looked at Mo Junlan, and said, "But I'm really not a human!"

Mo Junlan, "..."

"Brother Junlan, I'm a sword spirit, not a human." Lingxiao continued to say seriously.

Mo Junlan's mouth twitched slightly, and finally said helplessly, "Okay, you are a sword spirit, not a human, but you can't mention this matter in front of others for the time being."

"I understand." Lingxiao nodded.

Mo Junlan's eyes dimmed, and he reached out to touch Lingxiao's head, and said in a deep voice, "Xiao'er, when our strength stands at the top of the world, then no matter what you want to say, it will be fine, but for the time being, we still need to be patient."

"Brother Junlan, I understand what you said." Lingxiao smiled.

Mo Junlan smiled indifferently and said, "Xiao'er is still very smart."

"It's all because of Brother Junlan's good teaching." Lingxiao said a little shyly.

Mo Junlan, "..."

By the way, what did he teach Lingxiao?

In fact, apart from the cold and ruthless point, his personality is not very similar to Lingxiao.

"Brother Junlan, that book..." Lingxiao's eyes turned to the erotic picture in Mo Junlan's hand.

"This book needs to be destroyed." Mo Junlan said as he summoned the Chaos Fire, burning the erotic picture in his hand to ashes.

Lingxiao, "..."

After burning the erotic picture in his hand, Mo Junlan explained to himself, "This kind of erotic picture between men and women is useless to us. If you want to read it, I will find you other books in the future, such as the erotic pictures between men and men."

Of course, I don't know when this future will be.

He found that he didn't seem to want Lingxiao to see those erotic pictures.

How to say it?

He should be jealous, right?

"Brother Junlan, I actually think the storybook is better." Lingxiao said, "I only read a few pages of that erotic picture."

"Then I will find more storybooks for you to read in the future." Mo Junlan smiled.

Lingxiao doesn't need to practice, so he still has a lot of free time.

Lingxiao smiled and nodded.

Mo Junlan's eyes turned, as if he remembered something again. He suddenly frowned and looked at Lingxiao and said, "Xiao'er, when you stripped Lin Yuyan naked, did you look at her shriveled body?"

"What's wrong?" Lingxiao asked puzzledly.

Mo Junlan's forehead was faintly blue. He gritted his teeth and said with a hint of dissatisfaction, "From now on, you are not allowed to look at anyone else's naked body except my body."

Lingxiao understood, and he smiled, "After I knocked her unconscious, I threw her on the street, but I didn't take off her clothes myself."

"Then how did you do it?" Mo Junlan raised his eyebrows and asked, with a hint of curiosity in his heart.

"After I threw her away, I used my spiritual power to directly shatter her clothes." Lingxiao explained, "Because I didn't want to touch her body either."

For a woman like Lin Yuyan, this kind of revenge is obviously the best.

"So good!" Mo Junlan heard this and immediately kissed Lingxiao's face with great satisfaction.

Ling Xiao smiled and said, "As long as Brother Junlan feels good about it."

"Very good!" Mo Junlan's eyes flickered, and he smiled and said, "If you have this idea again in the future, you must do it this way. Try not to touch their bodies, because it will dirty your hands."

Ling Xiao nodded, not quite understanding.

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