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Chapter 28: Poor Quality False Accusation

On their way back to the inn, Mo Junlan and Lingxiao were almost hit by an out-of-control monster.

Fortunately, Mo Junlan and Lingxiao dodged in time, otherwise they might have been injured.

However, the others were not as lucky as them. The monster that lost control was a level 5 monster named Thunder Leopard. It was said that it ran out of the animal training field, and its strength was equivalent to that of the Yuanling realm.

The street was already very lively, with people coming and going. Now this Thunder Leopard suddenly rushed out of control, making it almost impossible for those who were unprepared to react.

So there were still many injured people, and some even died.

The Thunder Leopard was now attacking humans indiscriminately without any purpose, and the scene was also very chaotic.

Lingxiao stood with Mo Junlan and asked, "Brother Junlan, is the monster out of control?"

"It has completely lost its mind." Mo Junlan nodded, his eyes moved slightly, and said in a light voice, "It was affected by the drug."

Because someone used some special drugs on the Thunder Leopard, the Thunder Leopard lost its mind.

The reason why monsters are more advanced than ordinary animals is that they have intelligence.

Monsters with intelligence can even cultivate into human form and finally achieve immortality.

Among all monsters, the blood of the dragon and phoenix clans is the most noble.

When Mo Junlan was in the fairy world in his previous life, he had dealt with the dragon and phoenix clans.

And it was a real deal, because both the dragon and phoenix clans were beaten to a pulp by him.

Although the scene became chaotic, someone soon came out to subdue the out-of-control Thunder Leopard.

Mo Junlan looked at the battle ahead, and a hint of mockery flashed in his eyes. The monster's loss of control was basically man-made. It was estimated that someone had conducted drug experiments on the Thunder Leopard, which caused the Thunder Leopard to go crazy.

Lingxiao would not sympathize with humans, and naturally would not sympathize with a monster. He turned his head and looked at Mo Junlan, saying, "Brother Junlan, did the monster scare you just now?"

Mo Junlan looked at Lingxiao, his eyes were a little deep, and he curled his lips and said, "Xiao Xiaoer, do you think my heart is so fragile?"

Lingxiao, "..."

He really asked an idiotic question.

"Let's go!" Mo Junlan smiled at Lingxiao, "What's going on here has nothing to do with us."

Lingxiao nodded, and was about to leave with Mo Junlan.

But just as they turned around, someone suddenly grabbed Lingxiao's arm.

This was a middle-aged man with a gleam in his eyes. He was dressed very ordinary. He grabbed Lingxiao's arm and shouted, "If you don't compensate me with spiritual stones, don't even think about leaving."

Lingxiao was stunned when he heard this, but he still subconsciously slapped the middle-aged man away.

The middle-aged man didn't expect Lingxiao to suddenly attack. Without any defense, his body was knocked to the ground.

"Come quickly, everyone, look, someone is going to kill someone..." The middle-aged man sat on the ground, holding Lingxiao's clothes tightly with both hands, with a miserable look on his face.

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