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Mo Junlan's current cultivation is still at the initial stage of the Yuanling Realm. He has physical problems. If he uses normal cultivation to improve his realm, it is unknown when he will make progress!

Although he can practice now, the spiritual energy will automatically dissipate after entering his body, and the spiritual energy that can be absorbed by him is very little.

So Mo Junlan can only rely on external forces to break through his cultivation.

The Juling Pill cannot be refined for the time being because it is still missing a spiritual grass, but the Breaking Level Pill can be made.

Ling Xiao thought of Mo Junlan's physical condition and couldn't help asking, "Brother Junlan, will this Breaking Level Pill have an effect on your body?"

"It should be." Mo Junlan lowered his eyes and said, "I will only become a bottomless pit when I absorb spiritual energy. No matter how I fill it, it can't be filled."

His Chaos Creation Art has not been able to break through so far, which is also a reason.

Lingxiao frowned and said, "It's all because the spiritual energy in this space is too thin."

Mo Junlan shook his head and said, "It can't be blamed entirely on the thin spiritual energy. It has a lot to do with my body."

"But in the fairy world, you may have broken through the second level of the technique." Lingxiao whispered.

"That's true." Mo Junlan did not deny it, and smiled, "But after finding the spiritual grass, my technique can also break through."

Only when his cultivation becomes higher can he solve the problem of his body.

To be honest, his current cultivation speed is almost like a waste.

Mo Junlan is also very disgusted with this.

If Mo Junlan wants to solve the problem of his body, there are two ways now. The first is to break the seal directly with powerful force, and the second is to understand the seal first, and then slowly break it.

And Mo Junlan is now doing both methods at the same time, it depends on which method can reach the standard he wants faster.

But Mo Junlan is not anxious about this, because he knows that it is useless to be anxious, it is better to live a little easier.

Lingxiao looked at Mo Junlan's expression and stopped talking about this topic. Instead, he asked, "Brother Junlan, how many points do we have left now?"

"About 30,000." Mo Junlan replied.

This trip to the Points Pavilion cost nearly 70,000 points in total, but Mo Junlan also gained a lot.

"Then do we still need to earn points?" Lingxiao asked.

"Of course." Mo Junlan chuckled, "After exchanging points for spiritual herbs, I can refine them into pills and then sell them. After all, we won't stay in Guangming Academy forever. When we walk outside, the real universal trading currency is still spiritual stones."

Lingxiao nodded in understanding.

"And I have to earn contribution points!" Mo Junlan narrowed his eyes and curled his lips, saying, "Contribution points are the most important now."

"How many contribution points are needed to enter the Library?" Lingxiao asked with a frown.

"I heard that it takes 100 contribution points to enter the library once." Mo Junlan frowned and sighed, "It's really hard for me."

Lingxiao, "..."

It's really too hard.

They only have 10 contribution points now.

If they want to save 100 contribution points, they don't know how long they have to wait!

And they still have to do a lot of tasks.

Mo Junlan turned his head and looked at Lingxiao, saying, "Xiao'er, why don't we act separately."

Lingxiao looked at Mo Junlan in confusion.

"We take the task individually and earn double the contribution points." Mo Junlan raised his lips and said.

"Okay!" Lingxiao nodded without hesitation.

"So good!" Mo Junlan smiled and stretched out his hand to rub Lingxiao's head.

"This is also for Brother Junlan." Lingxiao smiled, "I also hope that Brother Junlan's body can recover quickly."

"Then let's go to the mission hall now to see if there are any good tasks to take." Mo Junlan said.

Lingxiao nodded, and then went to the mission hall with Mo Junlan.

However, before they got to the mission hall, they met someone on the way.

Chu Yunhai couldn't help but be stunned when he saw Mo Junlan and Lingxiao.

Mo Junlan didn't react much, just raised his eyebrows slightly, and then as if he didn't see Chu Yunhai, he and Lingxiao walked around him and continued to move forward.

After Chu Yunhai came to his senses, he turned around quickly, looked at their backs, and said, "Wait a minute!"

Lingxiao didn't want to pay attention to Chu Yunhai, but he subconsciously turned his head to look at Mo Junlan.

All his actions were following Mo Junlan.

Mo Junlan stopped, turned around and looked at Chu Yunhai, and said, "Are you calling us?"

Chu Yunhai took a deep breath, then walked forward, facing Mo Junlan and Lingxiao, and said, "I want to ask, why did you treat Deng Fei like that? In fact, you can just beat him up, why do you have to..."

Why do you have to let Deng Fei suffer such a big humiliation!

"Who is Deng Fei?" Mo Junlan raised his eyebrows and asked, "We don't seem to know this person."

Chu Yunhai was choked when he heard it.

"And you, we probably don't know you either." Mo Junlan shook his head, and said with some distress, "There are more inexplicable people recently!"

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