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Listening to Mo Junlan's words, Xie Yazheng was furious and couldn't help spitting out blood.

Everyone, "..."

They were just sympathetic now.

I have never seen such a bad person.

"Brother Junlan, his space ring is there..." Lingxiao suddenly pointed to a certain location.

Mo Junlan immediately looked in the direction Lingxiao pointed, and then he was stunned for a moment.

Others also looked over subconsciously, and their expressions were all weird.

I saw that next to Xie Yazheng's descendants, there was a space ring lying quietly.

And the space ring was less than two inches away from Xie Yazheng's descendants.

The sunlight was reflected on the space ring, and there was a crystal light flashing a few times.

"Where is the space ring?" Tao Lingling suddenly felt that the atmosphere was a bit strange because it was too silent, so she couldn't help but ask, "Is there an antidote in it?"

"I don't know the antidote yet, but this space ring... is in his..." Ma Lesheng said with a tangled face, "his..."

He couldn't say it at all!

"Where is it?" Tao Lingling said impatiently.

Mo Junlan smiled and said, "If you really want to know, you can turn around and see it yourself."

"Who wants to see the naked body of a stinky man?" Tao Lingling said with gritted teeth.

"He is not a man!" Mo Junlan said with disgust, "He is just an impotent old man."

Lingxiao couldn't help turning his head to look at Mo Junlan and asked, "Brother Junlan, how did you see it?"

"Of course I saw it with my eyes." Mo Junlan said without thinking.

"Oh!" Lingxiao lowered his head and said in a faint tone, "Does brother Junlan like to look at other people's bodies?"

"That's not the case." Mo Junlan smiled lightly, stretched out his hand to poke Lingxiao's cheek, and at the same time, he leaned close to Lingxiao's ear, and said in a clear and mellow voice, with a bit of teasing, "I only like to look at Xiao'er's body. As for other people, in my eyes, they are the same as monsters without form."

Chapter 110 Stupid People

Lingxiao couldn't help but blush slightly when listening to Mo Junlan's words, but he immediately restrained this shyness and said calmly, "I only like to look at brother Junlan's body."

As for other people's bodies, in his eyes, they are almost like dead objects.

"You want to see other people's bodies, but I'm not happy!" Mo Junlan said pretending to be unhappy.

But Lingxiao felt very satisfied in his heart.

"But what about the space ring?" Lingxiao asked a little distressed.

"No more." Mo Junlan's face was full of disgust, and he frowned and said, "It's really disgusting."

Lingxiao nodded and said, "Then don't."

In fact, he also disliked the space ring.

"But..." Mo Junlan's voice suddenly changed, a smile flashed in his eyes, and he curled his lips and said, "We can give up the space ring, but we can still take out the things in the space ring."

Lingxiao, "..."

After Mo Junlan finished speaking, regardless of what other people would react, he raised his hand and waved a spiritual power, and then picked up Xie Yazheng's space ring in the air.

The space ring floated in front of Mo Junlan, but he still looked disgusted.

Jiang Zhiye looked at the space ring, his eyes couldn't help but a little dark, and finally couldn't help but say, "Are you going to take the things in the space ring alone?"

As his words fell, the eyes of many people present also changed.

"What this person said seems to make sense." One of them couldn't help but muttered out loud.

"That makes sense. As the saying goes, whoever sees it gets a share..."

"That demon seems to have a high status in the Demon Sect. There must be a lot of good things in his space ring..."


Others also started talking, and they got louder and louder.

"Brother Junlan, they want to steal our things." Lingxiao frowned and said, "Why not just kill them?"

"Okay!" Mo Junlan smiled lightly and said, "Greed has a price to pay."

"I don't want it." Ma Lesheng said quickly.

"I don't want it either." You Yangwei also said.

Everyone's face changed when they heard it.

"I haven't tried to kill people with the sky fire yet!" Mo Junlan moved his fingers, his expression slightly cold, and saw that the sky fire that was originally floating around him suddenly formed a wall of fire.

Seeing this, Bai Chen couldn't help but feel a little surprised. This person had just obtained the sky fire not long ago, and he could actually control it?

When Xie Yazheng got the Skyfire before, he couldn't control it at all, so he ran away directly.

After all, even if you have contracted the Skyfire, you still need time to get used to it.

"If you use this kind of fire to destroy the corpse, I don't know what the effect will be?" Mo Junlan's sparse eyebrows were extremely cold, his eyes seemed to flash with cold light, and his voice was as cold as frost, "Now is a good time to try it."

"You... do you want to kill us all?" Jiang Zhiye pointed at Mo Junlan with an angry face and said, he even deliberately observed the changes in the faces of the people around him.

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