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Moreover, many things in Guangming City are not available in Fengtian City.

Most importantly, they have to find an alchemist to treat Lin Junyi's physical injuries.

Although Mo Junlan doesn't know their true situation now, judging from their appearance, they must not be living a very good life.

The clothes on Wen Cai and Liu Xiangjing alone are already a bit worn out.

If they were in Fengtian City, with their status, they would definitely not wear such clothes that are very worn out at first glance.

"I am not kidding you." Mo Junlan said innocently, "This is also a way, isn't it?"

"Lin Yuyan is my granddaughter, and the man she is going to marry is from the elder family of the Formation Guild." Lin Chengtian emphasized again.

"In fact, you don't have to emphasize so much. I know what the Formation Guild is." Mo Junlan narrowed his eyes and said leisurely, "Not long ago, the vice president of the Formation Guild just lost a grandson. This matter is so big, who doesn't know it?"

Lin Chengtian's face changed again.

"This formation guild just lost a lot of people, and now they are going to hold a wedding. Why does this look a bit unlucky?" Mo Junlan raised his lips and said.

"Not reliable at all." Lingxiao said with some disdain.

The faces of the Lin family members have become very ugly.

"We are the future relatives of the formation guild." Wen Cai glared at Mo Junlan and Lingxiao.

Mo Junlan snorted coldly, narrowed his eyes, and said indifferently, "Don't think that you are the so-called relatives of the formation guild, and I have to please you. What's more, the formation guild is not only for the Lu family."

"Brother Junlan, it's better to kill them directly." Lingxiao frowned and said, "They are so annoying."

The faces of the people on the opposite side changed again when they heard this.

"Xiao'er, this is the territory of Guangming Academy after all, killing people is not good." Mo Junlan smiled indifferently, curled his lips and said, "And we are now in a state of self-cultivation, we can't kill casually."

Lingxiao, "..."

Didn't you kill someone yesterday?

Chapter 95 Lin Lan

Mo Junlan glanced at the people opposite again, but he suddenly remembered something and was about to speak, but at this time, he saw a figure walking out of Guangming Academy.

When Lin Zhenqing saw the people from the Lin family, her expression froze at first, and then her eyes swept towards Mo Junlan's figure, and her mind couldn't help but move slightly.

"Father, isn't that sister Zhenqing?" Lin Yue turned his head and said to Lin Chengtian.

He and Lin Zhenqing are half-siblings, but Lin Zhenqing was born many years later than him, so their age difference is also quite large, so there is almost no so-called brother-sister relationship between him and Lin Zhenqing.

Lin Zhenqing is the daughter of Lin Chengtian in his old age, so Lin Chengtian used to dote on Lin Zhenqing. However, after he discovered the affair between Yang Siting and Lin Jian, his feelings towards Lin Zhenqing became more complicated, and he even doubted whether Lin Zhenqing was his biological daughter.

So when he saw Lin Zhenqing again, Lin Chengtian did not call her at the first time.

Since Lin Yue had already spoken, Lin Chengtian could only look at Lin Zhenqing.

"Father, we can actually let Zhenqing call Yan'er out." Lin Yue's eyes flickered, and then he whispered to Lin Chengtian.

Hearing this, Lin Chengtian's eyes also flickered, and then a kind smile appeared on his face, and then he walked towards Lin Zhenqing, completely ignoring the existence of Mo Junlan and Lingxiao.

And Lin Zhenqing was also walking towards them at this time, of course her target was only Mo Junlan.

"Qing'er, how are you doing recently?" Lin Chengtian looked at Lin Zhenqing with a smile on his face.

Lin Zhenqing looked at Lin Chengtian standing in front of her, her eyes dimmed, and she smiled faintly, "Father, why are you here?"

However, her smile did not reach her eyes.

Since her mother's affair with the elder Lin Jian was discovered, the Lin family's attitude towards her has also changed greatly, especially her father, who always looks at her with a suspicious look.

And after leaving the Lin Mansion that time, the family has not given her a single spiritual stone.

Now the spiritual stones on her body are all earned by herself, otherwise she would have starved to death long ago.

She also knows that she has been abandoned by the family.

But the person who did the wrong thing was her mother, not her, and how innocent is she?

So how can Lin Zhenqing not blame them?

"Yan'er is about to marry the elders' family of the Formation Guild, and we are all here to attend her wedding with Mr. Lu." Wen Cai stepped forward and said, she looked at Lin Zhenqing with a smile on her face, and her expression and tone can be said to be gentle, but if you look closely, you can still see the provocation in her eyes.

When Lin Zhenqing heard Wen Cai's words, her expression froze slightly. In fact, she had known about this for a long time, because Lin Yuyan had come to show off to her.

At that time, she was full of resentment and resentment. She didn't understand why Lin Yuyan could live better than her?

So at that time, she was also obsessed and dared to seduce Chu Yunhai in public, just to prove that she was no worse than Lin Yuyan.

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