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"The situation doesn't seem optimistic!" Mo Junlan narrowed his eyes.

"It has nothing to do with us." Lingxiao said expressionlessly.

"We can't let them all die. We still have to find someone to inquire about the Ice Spirit Holy Water!" Mo Junlan curled his lips and said.

"It shouldn't be all dead." Lingxiao observed for a while, and then said, "Just grab someone and ask."

Mo Junlan didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly turned his eyes to Xiaobai, raised his eyebrows slightly, and said, "We are all cultivators, so even if we stand here, we won't feel cold, but why is this ordinary-looking dog not affected at all?"

"...The fur is too thick." Lingxiao replied while stroking the fur, "But it's quite comfortable."

Mo Junlan, "..."

Forget it, just like it.

At this moment, a gust of wind suddenly passed behind them, and it also brought a sense of pressure.

Mo Junlan and Lingxiao turned around immediately.

I saw an old man in a gray robe standing not far away, staring at them.

Neither Mo Junlan nor Lingxiao spoke.

After a moment, the gray-robed old man opposite said, "You two little kids, your luck is really bad."

Mo Junlan remained calm and said in a light tone, "In fact, I am not a little kid anymore."

"Brother Junlan, he seems to be looking for trouble." Lingxiao said.

"So I'm a little puzzled." Mo Junlan said helplessly, "Why do troubles always come to us automatically? Does the Heavenly Dao just hate us to be idle?"

Lingxiao, "..."

The gray-robed old man on the opposite side sneered, "You still have the mind to chat? Don't you take me seriously?"

"I don't know you? Why should I take you, an ugly monster, seriously?" Mo Junlan sneered, his white clothes fluttering in the wind, his eyes like frost and snow, and said, "What's more, who are you?"

The gray-robed old man was furious when he heard this, and gritted his teeth and said, "I am the deputy leader of Chifeng Village."

"I don't know him!" Mo Junlan said calmly.

"Is this the territory of Chifeng Village?" Lingxiao asked suddenly.

"Although it's not now, it will be soon." The gray-robed old man said arrogantly.

"If it's not, then you must be here to cause trouble." Lingxiao said coldly.

"Our village chief doesn't care about men or women, so I'll just offer you to him." The gray-robed old man said gloomily.

He had originally planned to take the opportunity to kidnap Jia Mei, but he didn't expect to run into Mo Junlan and Ling Xiao.

The moment he saw Mo Junlan's appearance, he only thought that their village chief might like this beautiful boy more.

"Xiao'er, do you want to do it or should I?" Mo Junlan asked.

Lingxiao looked down at Xiaobai in his arms, and then said, "You do it."

"Okay!" Mo Junlan smiled lightly, then took two steps forward, looked at the gray-robed old man opposite, and curled his lips and said, "Since you took the initiative to come over and seek death, then I have no choice but to fulfill your wish."

"You two little white faces are just the type our village chief likes." The gray-robed old man didn't take Mo Junlan's words to heart at all, and continued to say sinisterly, "You can rest assured that our Chifeng village chief should be sympathetic to women."

"So much nonsense!" Mo Junlan raised his hand and shot out a spiritual power.

The gray-robed old man originally wanted to say a few more words, but he didn't expect Mo Junlan to suddenly take action.

When the gray-robed old man reacted and wanted to dodge, it was too late.

The attack launched by Mo Junlan fell on the gray-robed old man, and a figure flew backwards and then slammed heavily on the ice surface.

The grey-robed old man spat out blood, his face turned pale instantly, and he was filled with shock.

The other party... turned out to be a powerful Emperor Spirit Realm expert!

How is this possible?

He looked so young... How could his cultivation level be at the Emperor Spirit Realm?

Mo Junlan walked forward slowly, his white clothes fluttering in the wind, and glanced at the grey-robed old man with a smile, saying with disdain and a bit of contempt, "You old man, if you have the guts, stand up and fight again!"


Chapter 121 Death without a complete corpse

The grey-robed old man was shocked by Mo Junlan's cultivation level, and when he heard Mo Junlan's provocative words again, he didn't react at all.

Mo Junlan looked down at the grey-robed old man, a hint of mockery flashed in his eyes, and he sneered, "Weren't you very arrogant just now? Why don't you dare to fight now?"

The grey-robed old man was embarrassed by Mo Junlan's words, and his face suddenly turned red. He looked very embarrassed, but even if he was angry at this time, he was still very afraid of Mo Junlan's strength, so he didn't dare to continue fighting.

"Don't think that if you don't fight, I will let you go." Mo Junlan's eyes sank, his eyebrows were like frost, his face was as cold as ice, and a murderous aura instantly condensed on his body.

His white clothes were rustled by the cold wind, making his appearance even more unparalleled.

Mo Junlan raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and the sky fire suddenly appeared out of thin air, then transformed into the shape of a sword, and then flew towards the grey-robed old man.

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