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Chapter 91 You are so arrogant

"Don't move." Seeing that Lingxiao seemed to be really going to take action, Mo Junlan immediately grabbed his hand and said with a tone full of disgust, "I don't want to dirty your hands."

Lingxiao blinked his eyes, looked at Mo Junlan, and said in a nonchalant tone, "I don't care."

"But I care." Mo Junlan said seriously, "He is so ugly that you don't deserve to take action."

Lingxiao, "..."

"You are too bloody." Qin Wang couldn't help frowning.

"It's good that you didn't cut him into pieces." Mo Junlan said disapprovingly.

Qin Wang, "..."

How could their Guangming Academy recruit such a cruel guy?

"Stop talking nonsense and do serious things first." Mo Junlan said a little impatiently.

"Where is that soul?" Xia Liu asked.

"Xiao'er!" Mo Junlan turned his head and looked at Lingxiao.

Lingxiao immediately understood what Mo Junlan meant, and then released the soul he had collected before.

The state of the soul was still a wisp of black smoke, but the breath was much weaker than before.

"This doesn't look like a soul at all!" Xia Liu frowned.

"He turned into this on purpose." Mo Junlan raised his hand and waved it, and suddenly an invisible force hit the soul.

Suddenly there was a scream, which sounded quite scary.

At the same time, the wisp of black smoke struggled for a few times and then turned into an illusory figure.

This was the appearance of a middle-aged man, and his face looked quite gentle like jade.

If you just look at the appearance, you would never think that his methods would be so cruel.

This is the real appearance of a person.

"Who are you?" Xia Liu asked, looking at the soul opposite.

"Do you think he will tell the truth?" Mo Junlan sneered.

Xia Liu, "..."

Mo Junlan narrowed his eyes, flashed a dangerous light, and curled his lips and said, "I know a spell that can make a soul more painful than directly scattering the soul."

However, the other party still refused to speak.

"Have you ever experienced the pain of having your soul torn apart?" Mo Junlan looked at the soul opposite him, and a faint arc appeared at the corner of his lips, but his tone was very bad. "It will not tear your soul apart all at once, but tear your soul into pieces little by little. In the end, your soul will become thin and small like sand, and you will never be reborn, and can only wander in the world of the living."

Listening to Mo Junlan's words, the soul opposite him trembled slightly.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you one thing." Mo Junlan smiled indifferently, and said with a curled lip, "I also know a soul-locking technique that can seal a person's soul in a certain place. Do you know what the dirtiest place in the world is?"

"What place is it?" Qin Wang couldn't help asking.

"The toilet!" Mo Junlan said with a smile.

Everyone, "..."

"You dare?" The soul opposite him finally couldn't help but said angrily.

"Why wouldn't I dare?" Mo Junlan sneered, "With your current appearance, I only need to move my fingers to scare you to death."

"I am from the vast fairyland, and behind me is..." However, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Mo Junlan.

"Don't think of threatening me with your identity." Mo Junlan narrowed his eyes coldly, his face was slightly cold, and he said in a deep voice, "No matter how glorious you were in the past, you are dead now, and your soul can't even enter reincarnation, so what qualifications do you have to threaten me?"

"You are so arrogant!" Qin Wang turned his head and looked at Mo Junlan.

"When you can be arrogant, you should be more arrogant." Mo Junlan smiled lightly, crossed his arms around his chest, and raised his lips and said, "Even if you lose your background, you can't lose your momentum."

Qin Wang, "..."

This is a guy who refuses to admit defeat.

The soul on the opposite side was obviously also angry at Mo Junlan's words.

Looking at the other party's reaction, Mo Junlan was very satisfied. He just liked this feeling of being angry to death.

Of course, the one who was angry must be the other party.

"Brother Junlan, have you forgotten something?" Lingxiao suddenly reminded.

"No!" Mo Junlan said with a smile, "I just want to scare him first."

Lingxiao, "..."

Mo Junlan twisted his wrist, his eyes were like cold stars, and he curled his lips and said, "In fact, the soul magic that I am best at is a magic called soul search."

In fact, this soul search is very common in the immortal world of cultivation.

But he didn't know it here in Lingxuan Continent.

"You know soul search?" Xia Liu looked at Mo Junlan with a hint of surprise.

"Isn't this a very common Taoist method?" Mo Junlan asked back.

"... Stop kidding." Xia Liu couldn't help but twitch his mouth, at least he didn't know this soul search.

"I have only heard of this Taoist method, but I have never seen anyone use it." Qin Wang said.

Chu Yunhai, "..."

He didn't know even more.

Xia Liu looked at Mo Junlan with a hint of inquiry in his eyes, and said, "If I remember correctly, the soul-searching technique should belong to the Taoist method of the vast immortal land."

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