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"Why are you so rude?" Feng Jinghua couldn't help but said a little crazy.

"Personally, I prefer simple and rough." Mo Junlan smiled.

Feng Jinghua, "..."

Mo Junlan took out a pile of clothes from the space, and threw them to Feng Jinghua, saying, "Your clothes."

Feng Jinghua reached out to catch the clothes thrown by Mo Junlan, his face still a little gloomy.

"Also, you smell so bad, how long have you not taken a bath?" Mo Junlan looked at Feng Jinghua with disgust.

Hearing Mo Junlan's words, Feng Jinghua was stunned at first, and then his face became even uglier, and he said in a deep voice, "Do you think I don't want to take a bath? But I'm trapped here and can't move anywhere else."

"Then you are really miserable." Mo Junlan suddenly looked at Feng Jinghua with a little pity. If it were him, he might go crazy.

Feng Jinghua snorted coldly and said, "Damn dog man, they will regret it sooner or later."

"When will your cultivation be restored?" Mo Junlan asked suddenly.

"I don't know." Feng Jinghua said impatiently. He just wanted to take a bath now.

Mo Junlan glanced at Feng Jinghua and said, "There is water on it. You can use it to take a bath."

Although Feng Jinghua still had some cultivation, his scapula had been pierced for such a long time, and he had lived in this place without spiritual energy for a long time. In addition, he was already injured, so his body was still very weak.

"Take me away from here." Feng Jinghua said to Mo Junlan.

"What if I don't want to touch you?" Mo Junlan looked at Feng Jinghua.

Hearing this, Feng Jinghua couldn't help but said angrily, "You can put me in the space."

"I almost forgot." Mo Junlan chuckled.

Feng Jinghua, "..."

I really want to beat someone up.

After Mo Junlan put Feng Jinghua in the space, he set out to leave.

After coming out of the cold pond, Mo Junlan released Feng Jinghua.

"There is water here, you can do whatever you want." Mo Junlan pointed to the cold pond in front of him.

Feng Jinghua couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, turned his head to look at Mo Junlan, and said in a speechless voice, "This is a cold pond, and there is cold water in it. Are you sure I won't freeze to death if I take a bath here?"

Chapter 80 What's the use of you

"Whether you will freeze to death is your business, and it has nothing to do with me." Mo Junlan said calmly.

"You..." Feng Jinghua glared at Mo Junlan.

Mo Junlan said calmly, "Do you want to wash or not? If not, then let's go."

Feng Jinghua looked at her miserable appearance, and there were bursts of sour smell drifting into her nose. It was simply hell on earth.

However, Mo Junlan still looked calm and indifferent. He really didn't seem to intend to help Feng Jinghua anymore.

Feng Jinghua had to grit her teeth and jump into the cold pond to wash her body.

Mo Junlan narrowed his eyes and sneered in his heart. This guy didn't look like a good person at all. If he was not mistaken just now, the man named Feng Jinghua had shown a hint of murderous intent to him when he first saw him.

The other party wanted to kill him.

In this case, why didn't he take the opportunity to torment the other party?

Of course, Mo Junlan's definition of good and bad people has always been that only he and Lingxiao are good people, and everyone else is bad.

Considering the body's current tolerance, Feng Jinghua just washed his body casually and left the cold pond.

When Feng Jinghua came out of the cold pond, his whole face was as pale as paper, his lips were bloodless, and his body was cold, like a corpse without temperature.

"You look like a corpse now." Mo Junlan told Feng Jinghua the truth.

Feng Jinghua was so cold that his whole body was shaking, and his teeth were trembling. He looked at Mo Junlan, and his teeth were itching with hatred in his heart.

"Can you still go?" Mo Junlan looked at Feng Jinghua and asked.

"What... did you say?" Feng Jinghua said word by word.

Mo Junlan raised his hand and touched his nose, then turned his eyes to the other side, and said in a faint tone, "Can you put on some clothes first? I'm not interested in your naked body."

Feng Jinghua couldn't help but blush when he heard what Mo Junlan said, no matter how thick-skinned he was, and the whole person was in an awkward state.

In fact, Mo Junlan was quite kind. Before leaving Hantan, he gave Feng Jinghua a lowest-level space storage bag for free.

This lowest-level space storage bag was taken from the Lin family when Mo Junlan was in Fengtian City before, and it came in handy now.

Feng Jinghua quickly took out a set of clothes from the space storage bag and put them on. Anyway, he was getting more and more annoyed with Mo Junlan.

But thinking of one thing, Feng Jinghua couldn't help but ask, "What's your name?"

He then remembered that he didn't know the other person's name.

"Isn't it too late to ask now?" Mo Junlan raised his eyebrows.

"...So you don't want to tell me?" Feng Jinghua said expressionlessly.

"Actually, my name is not shameful, but I just don't want to tell you now." Mo Junlan crossed his arms, raised his eyebrows and looked at Feng Jinghua, curled his lips, and said, "You'd better take care of your body now, don't die before your cultivation is restored."

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