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Wang Xin was choked, and he had no idea how to continue talking to Tang Yuan.

Wu Gui also had a frustrated expression.

"They are not worried about your safety, but the treasures you have collected." Mo Junlan sneered.

"Really?" Tang Yuan immediately turned to look at Wang Xin and Wu Gui.

Wang Xin and Wu Gui both felt guilty, but they certainly could not admit this.

So Wang Xin immediately retorted, "You are obviously talking nonsense. We are all worried about the safety of the young city lord. You two are people of unknown origin. Who knows how you have deceived our young city lord?"

"Yes, the young city lord must have been deceived by your evil magic." Wu Gui said indignantly, "We are protecting the safety of the young city lord."

"What are you talking about?" Tang Yuan said a little confused, "This young master is not deceived!"

Wang Xin and Wu Gui were still angry at first, as if Mo Junlan and Ling Xiao really did something bad to Tang Yuan, but after Tang Yuan's words fell, the atmosphere became awkward again.

"You said that I am a fox spirit?" Mo Junlan's expression seemed a little weird, his eyes were as deep as a pool, and it was hard to tell whether he was angry or not.

"Brother Junlan, their mouths are so stinky, why not..." Ling Xiao turned his head and looked at Mo Junlan. Although he didn't say his intention directly, his meaning was very clear.

"Do you still want to kill people?" Wang Xin said disdainfully.

"Kill you? That's a good idea." Mo Junlan smiled gently, his face was as beautiful as the sun, making it impossible to look away.

Anyway, Tang Yuan was already stunned.

Even the people who were originally watching were amazed by Mo Junlan's smile, which really looked like those enchanting vixens.

Although Wang Xin and Wu Gui were also amazed by Mo Junlan's smile, they also felt a sudden sense of danger.

Wang Xin and Wu Gui's bodies couldn't help but stiffen, and they both felt a creepy feeling at the same time.

However, this chilling feeling came and went quickly.

So the two didn't think much about it.

"This is Qiangu City, which is under the jurisdiction of the Tang family. You can't be presumptuous." Wang Xin said in a gloomy voice.

"Is your last name Tang?" Mo Junlan raised his eyebrows and asked.

Wang Xin's face flushed immediately after he spoke, and he was obviously embarrassed.

"He seems to be called Wang Xin." This was said by Tang Yuan.

Wang Xin suddenly felt ashamed, but this was said by their young city lord, and it was also his name, so he had no reason to refute it.

So Wang Xin held the hatred against Mo Junlan, and then glared at Mo Junlan fiercely.

Mo Junlan, "..."

Wu Gui looked at Wang Xin with an embarrassed face, so he stopped talking.

Mo Junlan reached out and touched his face, his eyes dimmed, and the corners of his mouth curved into a smile, saying, "I have never been called a vixen!"

"Brother Junlan is a human, not a vixen." Ling Xiao frowned and said.

"In a sense, fox spirit is actually a compliment." Mo Junlan smiled indifferently, turned his head to look at Lingxiao, and said with a curled lip, "Xiao'er, most people who can be called fox spirits are beautiful women who bring disaster, and being able to harm others with a face is also a skill."

A trace of suspicion flashed in Lingxiao's eyes, and he looked at Mo Junlan and said, "Brother Junlan, fox spirit seems to be an insult."

Wang Xin said, then gritted his teeth and said, "Of course I am insulting you."

Mo Junlan slapped Wang Xin in the face without saying a word.

Wang Xin's body flew backwards immediately, and a red slap mark appeared on one side of his face, and blood was seen flowing from the corner of his mouth.

"Since you admit that you are insulting us, I will naturally not show mercy." Mo Junlan smiled slightly, stunning and charming, raised his hand, and slapped Wang Xin several times in the face in succession, and the force was not small.

The sound of slapping came, accompanied by Wang Xin's screams.

Wang Xin's face was swollen at this time, and he could not see his original appearance at all. He even lost a few teeth and his mouth was full of blood, but he did not faint.

Wu Gui looked at Wang Xin's face and his heart trembled.

"And you..." Mo Junlan turned his eyes to look at Wu Gui, then quickly raised his hand again and started to slap others in the air.

Then, it was Wu Gui's turn to suffer.

In just a moment, Wu Gui's face had become the same as Wang Xin's.

The onlookers looked at Wang Xin and Wu Gui who were in a mess, and suddenly felt that their faces seemed to be aching.

Tang Yuan blinked his eyes, but he was not angry. He turned his head to look at Mo Junlan and said with a smile, "My beauty, in fact, I don't mind you killing them all."

"Really?" Mo Junlan said with a smile.

"As long as you are happy, my lady." Tang Yuan nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

After hearing Tang Yuan's words, Wang Xin and Wu Gui suddenly had a bad feeling in their hearts.

"It's no use to keep a disobedient guard..." Tang Yuan murmured.

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