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"What's wrong?" Ling Xiao looked at Mo Junlan and asked.

Mo Junlan looked at Lingxiao, his expression was a little indescribable, and he seemed very entangled.

Seeing this, Lingxiao also became nervous.

Mo Junlan's eyes were complicated, and he was holding back a sullen anger in his heart, but he couldn't vent it. He frowned and said, "Is there something wrong with my body."

"What's the problem?" Lingxiao looked worried and asked hurriedly, "Is there something wrong?"

"The problem is the seal in my body." Mo Junlan's face was gloomy, and he gritted his teeth and said, "This damn seal not only makes it almost impossible for me to improve my cultivation normally, but also prevents me from having sex and practicing dual cultivation."

The most important thing is that his body now has no desire at all.

This is not normal at all.

Could it be that this seal can make people impotent?

Thinking of this, Mo Junlan couldn't help but feel angry. This is a matter of a man's dignity. He now feels like crying but has no tears.

Lingxiao was relieved after hearing this. He smiled and said, "Brother Junlan, I don't care about this kind of thing, and after your seal is lifted, everything will return to normal."

Mo Junlan, "..."

But I care!

Chapter 86 The appearance of the beast

Lingxiao thought about it, and then asked shyly, "Brother Junlan, are we in love now?"

Mo Junlan smiled, "Of course we are in love."

Lingxiao was immediately satisfied when he heard Mo Junlan's words, and a hint of excitement appeared on his face.

Mo Junlan looked at Lingxiao's expression and didn't worry about the dual cultivation anymore.

Anyway, there will always be a way to lift his seal.

After Lingxiao's excitement, his attention was put back on Mo Junlan again, his cheeks suddenly flushed again, and he whispered, "Brother Junlan, are you done washing?"

"What's wrong?" Mo Junlan raised his eyebrows and asked.

"You...can you put on your clothes first?" Lingxiao said with a red face, and he didn't dare to look at Mo Junlan.

"We are in love now, why are you still so shy?" Mo Junlan smiled and couldn't help but stretched out his hand to pinch Lingxiao's cheek.

Lingxiao lowered his head and stopped talking, but his cheeks seemed to be redder.

"Forget it." Mo Junlan sighed lightly, then flew up and left Linghu in an instant, then slowly put on his clothes, and said with a smirk, "Who made my little wife so shy!"

Lingxiao felt even more embarrassed when he heard Mo Junlan's words.

After confirming their relationship, Mo Junlan and Lingxiao became more intimate.

After Mo Junlan put on his clothes, he left the space, and Lingxiao continued to stay in his sea of consciousness.

There are still two days before leaving Xuanwu Secret Realm.

Mo Junlan took advantage of the time and strolled around leisurely. After finding the soul-inducing grass, he also felt much more relaxed.

With his current cultivation, even if he encounters a peak level nine monster, he can kill it with one slap.

In the next two days, nothing major happened, and Mo Junlan also found a lot of spiritual herbs.

Two days passed quickly.

However, just two hours before leaving Xuanwu Secret Realm, something unexpected happened.

A level ten beast appeared, causing a beast tide.

Level ten beasts are equivalent to the Emperor Spirit Realm, and their strength is very strong. Whether it is the students of Guangming Academy or other foreign cultivators, they obviously cannot deal with this level ten beast.

Not to mention other monsters, many cultivators have died in the beast tide at this time.

Mo Junlan also encountered a beast tide. He observed that these monsters were obviously under some instructions, so they acted together.

And the goal of these monsters is to kill humans.

As a member of the human race, Mo Junlan was unfortunately attacked.

Facing a large group of monsters besieging him, Mo Junlan just took out the bamboo flute calmly and started playing.

He has recently decided to cultivate his character and does not want to kill people or monsters.

Of course, the most important reason is that he is in a good mood.

Mo Junlan is wearing a white dress, which flutters in the wind. His temperament is as ethereal as a fairy. His eyes are as beautiful as the moonlight, which makes people's sight involuntarily attracted to him.

Although Mo Junlan's face has added illusions, his temperament is very different from before.

As the flute sounded, the monsters that were besieging Mo Junlan retreated automatically.

In addition to Mo Junlan, there are actually many people here. They were also besieged by monsters just now.

But compared with Mo Junlan, they look much more embarrassed.

After all the monsters retreated, everyone really breathed a sigh of relief.

Chu Yunhai wiped the sweat off his forehead with his hand, then walked towards Mo Junlan, with a serious expression, and thanked sincerely, "This time, it was thanks to Mr. Mo's help, otherwise our people would be seriously injured even if they didn't die."

Mo Junlan looked at Chu Yunhai, who was obviously injured, raised his eyebrows, and curled his lips and said, "You are lucky."

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