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The intelligence of the ninth-level demon beast was naturally not low. Seeing that its attack did not fall on Zhang Dapang, it continued to attack Zhang Dapang.

Zhang Dapang's face was very ugly. He had no idea why the two-headed dragon attacked him.

Huang Ran and Luo Xi saw this and quickly launched an attack.

In fact, Huang Ran also wanted to run away. After all, he was an alchemist, and his combat power was somewhat weak compared to the cultivators of the same level.

But Luo Xi had already spoken, and their duty was to protect the students of Guangming Academy, so they could not just leave.

Unless he didn't want to save face.

If he really chose to run away now, not to mention that he would be embarrassed, he would probably be revoked of his status as an elder after returning to Guangming Academy.

Huang Ran didn't want to lose his status as an elder of Guangming Academy, but he didn't want to die, so he was very entangled now.

After hearing Luo Xi's words, the others ran away one after another.

Among them, Zhang Dapang had the ugliest face.

Lingxiao turned to look at Mo Junlan and asked softly, "Brother Junlan, aren't we going to run?"

"Not for now!" Mo Junlan shook his head, a gleam flashed in the depths of his eyes, and he curled his lips and said, "In order to prove that this monster is really in estrus, it seems that I have to waste something."

Lingxiao, "..."

Mo Junlan suddenly flew to Luo Xi's front.

"What are you still doing here?" Luo Xi said to Mo Junlan unhappily.

"I have a way to get rid of this monster." Mo Junlan raised his lips and pointed at the two-headed dragon.

"What can you do?" Huang Ran couldn't help but sneered.

"Stop talking nonsense, and say it quickly if you have a way." Luo Xi dodged the attack of the two-headed dragon and said to Mo Junlan angrily.

"No hurry!" Mo Junlan smiled and said, "Listen to me first."

"What's not urgent about the current situation?" Luo Xi gritted his teeth.

"You can be anxious, but I'm not!" Mo Junlan said innocently, after all, he wasn't the one who died.

Everyone, "..."


You're not anxious, we are!

"This is a level nine monster... If it's solved, how many points and contribution points will it get?" Mo Junlan said with a smile.

Hearing this, Luo Xi's expression immediately became a little ugly, staring at Mo Junlan with his eyes, gritting his teeth and saying, "It's already this time, and you're still thinking about points and contribution points?"

"Why else do you think I came here?" Mo Junlan sneered and said, "I'm not idle."

Listening to Mo Junlan's words, Luo Xi felt a little aggrieved in his heart, but he still said quickly, "Five hundred thousand points and thirty contribution points."

"Although it's a little less, it's better than nothing." After Mo Junlan finished speaking, he flew directly to the front of the two-headed dragon.

The two-headed dragon saw Mo Junlan and wanted to attack him.

Everyone's breathing could not help but stagnate, and they all stared at this scene intently.

However, the attack of the two-headed dragon did not fall on Mo Junlan.

Mo Junlan flew up, and at the same time, there was a stream of spiritual energy spinning under his feet, just blocking the water column attack of the two-headed dragon.

Mo Junlan's figure landed lightly on one of the heads of the two-headed dragon.

"His cultivation... should only be at the peak of the Yuanling Realm?" Luo Xi looked at Mo Junlan's figure, and his heart was severely shocked.

Huang Ran said gloomily, "He is just a small Yuanling Realm cultivator, but he dares to be so arrogant and arrogant. Let's see how he dies later."

Mo Junlan stood on the head of the two-headed dragon, and at the same time, he also took out a bottle of elixir from the space.

The two-headed dragon saw that a human dared to stand on its head, and it seemed even more angry. It immediately used its other head to attack Mo Junlan.

Seeing that the bloody mouth was about to bite down on Mo Junlan, Mo Junlan threw the bottle of pills in his hand directly into the mouth of the two-headed dragon.

At this time, even if the two-headed dragon wanted to spit it out, it was too late.

"A whole bottle of pills should be able to suppress your estrus period." Mo Junlan raised his eyebrows and then left the head of the two-headed dragon.

To be honest, the head of the two-headed dragon kept shaking, which really made him a little dizzy.

"What did you feed the two-headed dragon?" Luo Xi looked at Mo Junlan and asked.

"Impotence pill!" Mo Junlan smiled, turned his head and looked at Luo Xi, his eyes shining, raised his eyebrows and said, "Do you need it?"

"I don't need it!" Luo Xi couldn't help but said angrily.

"What a pity. I wanted to sell you some." Mo Junlan sighed and said with regret, "But it's true. You are so old now. You don't need the impotence pill at all."

"What do you mean by that?" Luo Xi glared at Mo Junlan.

"Literally." Mo Junlan said calmly.

At the same time, the two-headed dragon that was force-fed a bottle of impotence pill by Mo Junlan actually stopped attacking and even hiccuped.

Everyone, "..."

What the hell is that impotence pill? It can't be really effective, right?

However, the facts proved that the impotence pill refined by Mo Junlan was really effective, because the two-headed dragon asked Mo Junlan for a few more bottles of impotence pill.

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