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Mo Junlan looked at Deng Fei, his eyes flashed, he raised his lips and smiled, "If you really feel angry, why not fight with us directly."

Deng Fei's face changed when he heard this. How could he beat Mo Junlan?

If he could beat Mo Junlan, how could that happen?

Although Deng Fei was very angry now, he had not lost his mind. He knew that he could not beat Mo Junlan, so he did not fight.

But being watched by so many people, he felt very embarrassed.

Chapter 44 My surname is not Mo

Seeing that Deng Fei did not react, the crowd couldn't help but make a noise. After all, they were all people who watched the fun and didn't mind the big things.

Deng Fei's face also turned red, because he felt embarrassed.

Mo Junlan's heart moved, narrowed his eyes, raised the corners of his lips, and said, "You don't dare to fight with me, right?"

Deng Fei's face was completely black, but he couldn't refute it.

Mo Junlan smiled slightly, suddenly pulled Lingxiao in front of him, and said with a smile, "I can let you fight him."

Lingxiao, "..."

"My little Xiao hits people very lightly, it won't hurt." Mo Junlan said with a smile, "But since it's a duel, there must be a prize. How about betting all our points?"

Lingxiao, "..."

The total points they have is only twenty.

However, Lingxiao also understood Mo Junlan's intention, so he pretended to be nervous and said, "Brother Junlan, I... I don't know how to fight."

"It doesn't matter if you lose, I just want you to have more combat experience. Although we are formation masters, we still have to fight sometimes." Mo Junlan reached out and touched Lingxiao's head, saying in a gentle tone.

Lingxiao's cheeks flushed slightly, and he looked like a shy and weak boy.

Deng Fei looked at Ling Xiao's timid appearance, and couldn't help but feel a little contempt in his heart. Thinking of their conversation, he sneered, "Let's fight, go to the academy's ring."

Ling Xiao turned his head to look at Mo Junlan, and said with a tangled expression, "How should I fight?"

"According to the rules of the academy, there can be no death." Mo Junlan said.

"Oh!" Ling Xiao lowered his head, so he couldn't use too much force when he fought.

However, in Deng Fei's eyes, Ling Xiao's appearance was a fearful posture, so he didn't take Ling Xiao seriously anymore.

Mo Junlan and Ling Xiao were both freshmen, so few people knew them.

But Deng Fei was different. He had been in Guangming Academy for three years. Although he was not a big shot, there were still people who knew him.

Next, Mo Junlan and Ling Xiao went to the academy's ring with Deng Fei.

When Deng Fei and Ling Xiao walked onto the ring, they attracted a lot of onlookers.

The referee was also standing under the ring.

"Isn't that man Deng Fei, a martial arts practitioner from the middle courtyard? Why did he go to the ring?" One of them recognized Deng Fei's identity.

"Isn't it obvious? There must be a fight." The cultivator standing next to this person said.

"The red-clothed boy looks quite delicate, but I don't know how likely he is to win against Deng Fei?"

"Looking at his age, it shouldn't be big."

"Tsk tsk, how high can a young person's cultivation be?"


Everyone was talking about the duel between Ling Xiao and Deng Fei.

Mo Junlan listened to their discussions, but still kept a smile on his face.

Deng Fei is already 25 years old this year, and his cultivation is in the middle stage of the Heavenly Spirit Realm. His cultivation aptitude is pretty good. He looked at Ling Xiao standing opposite him, smiled coldly, and said, "Don't kneel down and beg for mercy later, I won't show mercy."

They made him lose face, and now he finally found a chance to take revenge, so how could he let the other party go easily?

Lingxiao's expression has returned to normal since he stepped onto the ring. He looked at Deng Fei opposite him and said coldly, "Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and do it, don't waste time."

Deng Fei, who was still thinking about how to torture Lingxiao next, was stunned when he heard Lingxiao's words.

"You won't do it, right?" Lingxiao looked at Deng Fei with a cold expression.

Deng Fei was angry when he heard this, and then began to attack Lingxiao.

Lingxiao has no realm of cultivation, because he is a sword spirit, and his strength is as strong as his master's own strength.

It can be said that in terms of combat power, Lingxiao is the second Mo Junlan, a complete copy.

Because Lingxiao can do the moves that Mo Junlan can do.

Deng Fei is very confident in his strength, but the fact is that he was kicked off the ring by Lingxiao under the gaze of countless eyes.

Everyone, "..."

This battle ended too quickly, right?

Deng Fei's face was full of disbelief.

Lingxiao turned to look at the referee standing under the ring and said, "Announce the result."

The referee heard Lingxiao's words and immediately came to his senses and said, "Lingxiao won this duel."

Mo Junlan looked at Lingxiao standing on the ring, his mouth slightly curved, then walked towards Deng Fei, raised his eyebrows slightly, and said in a cold voice, "My little Xiaoer won, please fulfill your previous promise."

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