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Lingxiao listened quietly to Mo Junlan's words.

"Let's go to the ancient tomb and take a look first." Mo Junlan said.

Lingxiao nodded.

The ancient tomb covers a large area. From a distance, it looks like a palace.

However, it is not as gorgeous as the palace, and even gives people a gloomy and weird feeling.

Mo Junlan and Lingxiao were walking towards the ancient tomb, but before they entered the ancient tomb, someone blocked their way.

There were three people blocking their way, and they all seemed to be from the same force.

One of them said impatiently, "Why are you two pretty boys here to join in the fun? Get out of here!"

"You have such a beautiful face. It would be a pity if you die in there. Listen to your brother and leave quickly..." Another person looked at Mo Junlan's face, the surprise in his eyes was obvious, and his expression was a bit obscene. He even couldn't help reaching out to touch it.

But before his hand touched Mo Junlan's face, he was kicked away by Mo Junlan.

"Idiot!" Mo Junlan said coldly.

This scene immediately attracted the attention of many people.

The man who was kicked away by Mo Junlan came to his senses and couldn't help but angrily said, "How dare you hit me?"

After he stood up and said this, he rushed towards Mo Junlan with a face full of anger.

Mo Junlan's eyes turned cold, and his white clothes fluttered in the wind. At the same time as the other party rushed over, he had already launched an attack.

The spiritual power mixed with sword energy directly passed through the man's heart. The man who was originally furious paused and his body became stiff.

Then, the man's body fell down with a bang.


Chapter 113 Ji or Ji

After the man fell, Mo Junlan's eyes swept to the other two men.

The remaining two men saw Mo Junlan looking over, and their bodies couldn't help but stiffen, their faces turned slightly pale, and there was obvious fear in their eyes.

Their impression of Mo Junlan has long lost its initial surprise, and now only an emotion called fear remains.

"Do you want to die with him?" Mo Junlan looked at the two men opposite, his face as cold as frost.

"No... no!" One of them could no longer bear the pressure, and ran away.

Seeing this, the other man also hurriedly ran away.

"You run so fast!" Mo Junlan couldn't help but sneered.

"Brother Junlan, why don't you kill them too?" Lingxiao asked in confusion.

If he did it, he would definitely not let anyone go.

"As long as the other party knows what's good for him, he can still give him a chance." Mo Junlan smiled lightly.

"Brother Junlan is really a good person." Lingxiao smiled.

Mo Junlan, "..."

In fact, he is not really a good person.

Because just now, he secretly drugged someone again.

He gave the two guys who had already escaped a poison that would make them impotent for life.

Although it is not fatal, they can only live like eunuchs in the future and can no longer be a real man.

Speaking of which, he is also quite vicious.

"Don't talk about these things anymore, let's go into the ancient tomb and take a look." Mo Junlan turned to Lingxiao and said.

After that, Mo Junlan continued to walk towards the ancient tomb with Lingxiao.

However, there are restrictions on entering the ancient tomb. Anyway, the age must not exceed fifty years old.

Once the age is over fifty, they will be isolated outside by the barrier of the ancient tomb and cannot step in.

When Mo Junlan walked in front of the barrier, he suddenly remembered Lingxiao's physique.

"Brother Junlan, what's wrong with you?" Lingxiao turned to ask Mo Junlan, seemingly not understanding why he suddenly stopped.

"Xiao'er, your body has no such thing as age." Mo Junlan whispered, "I don't know if you can enter the ancient tomb."

Although Lingxiao can transform into a physical body, his body does not have such a thing as bone age.

Moreover, Lingxiao's body was actually condensed from the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

How could spiritual energy have an age?

Hearing this, Lingxiao immediately remembered his own physique, blinked his eyes, looked at Mo Junlan and asked, "Should I wait for you outside?"

In fact, he was unwilling to separate from Mo Junlan.

After a little thought, Mo Junlan said, "Try our soul contract."

After saying this, Mo Junlan immediately activated his soul contract with Lingxiao.

"You try it." Mo Junlan turned his head and said to Lingxiao.

After Lingxiao nodded, he stretched out a finger and poked at the barrier in front of him.

Under Mo Junlan's gaze, Lingxiao's finger easily passed through the barrier.

They were immediately delighted.

"Let's go!" Mo Junlan smiled.

Lingxiao was also sincerely happy.

After entering the barrier, it was the gate of the ancient tomb.

This is a very huge stone door, which looks quite old. There are some strange runes engraved on the door. Many monks are wandering outside the stone door. It is obvious that they cannot enter the ancient tomb.

"Brother Junlan, we have to find a way to open the stone door now." Lingxiao said.

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