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"It's different when you have a high level of cultivation." Mo Junlan looked at the small sword floating on his palm and couldn't help but sighed, "The sword energy changes from invisible to tangible. Although the process is very simple, you still need enough cultivation to do it."

Unfortunately, with his current level of cultivation, his sword energy can only produce such a small sword.

But it is enough to deal with those demon cultivators.

Mo Junlan looked indifferent and his eyes were as cold as frost. As his mind moved, the small sword originally floating on his palm flew out.

The speed of the small sword was very fast. Almost in an instant, it had injured a demon cultivator.

In just a moment, those demon cultivators were already covered in blood, and the new wounds were countless.

All the demon cultivators present were already dying.

But Mo Junlan didn't kill them, but let them continue to live in pain.

"Brother Junlan, won't you kill them?" Lingxiao moved to Mo Junlan's side and couldn't help asking.

"I have cut off their meridians. Even with the elixir, they can't recover." Mo Junlan said lightly, "Not only that, I also put a kind of extremely itchy poison on their bodies. As long as they don't die, their bodies will continue to itch, and I also broke their limbs."

Lingxiao, "..."

It's really worse than death.

"Oh! No, it should be their five limbs that are cut off." Mo Junlan smiled indifferently and said, "It's useless to keep their extra limbs. It's better to cut them off directly."

Lingxiao, "..."

He actually understood what the fifth limb is?

Seeing Lingxiao silent for a long time, Mo Junlan turned his head to look at him, raised his eyebrows and said, "What's wrong? Do you think I'm too cruel?"

Lingxiao shook his head and said, "I'm just wondering, how long can they live?"

"They should be almost dead." Mo Junlan raised his hand and touched his chin.

Although they are all cultivators, their physical fitness is much stronger than ordinary people, but the five limbs were also cut off by him, and the wound has not stopped bleeding yet.

So even if they didn't die of pain, they would die from excessive blood loss.

But no matter which way they died, they were tortured to death.

At least Mo Junlan's goal had been achieved.

"It would be great if they could live like this forever." Lingxiao's tone sounded a little regretful.

Mo Junlan stretched out his hand to rub Lingxiao's head and smiled, "I have a way to keep them alive, but it will waste our elixirs."

Lingxiao heard this and immediately said, "Forget it then."

"It's too dirty here, let's go quickly." Mo Junlan said with a look of disgust.

"Okay!" Lingxiao nodded in response.

However, at this moment, a black shadow suddenly flew towards them, and the speed was extremely fast.

"Brother Junlan, there is a flame on his body." Lingxiao pointed at the black shadow and said, "It has the same breath as the flame I sensed before."

"You got it so quickly?" Mo Junlan couldn't help but said in surprise.

Just as Mo Junlan's words fell, the black shadow on the opposite side shouted loudly, "Get out!"

This was obviously said to Mo Junlan and Lingxiao.

However, this person not only told Mo Junlan and Lingxiao to get out, but also started fighting while speaking.

The black shadow with the sky fire on his body was also a demon cultivator, named Xie Yazheng, who was the great elder of the Demon Sect and had a cultivation level at the peak of the Chenling Realm.

There was a large group of people chasing Xie Yazheng behind him, so he was so anxious when he was flying, and he directly dealt with the obstacles in front of him.

And Mo Junlan and Lingxiao were regarded by Xie Yazheng as obstacles to stop him.

Although Xie Yazheng's cultivation level was very high here, he was still a little bit outnumbered, so he had to run away as fast as possible.

The powerful force came over, and the surrounding trees were swept down immediately, and the dust on the ground also splashed up.

Mo Junlan and Lingxiao immediately moved to avoid this powerful attack, and used the barrier to isolate the flying dust.

But Mo Junlan did not intend to let Xie Yazheng go.

Xie Yazheng flew over the heads of Mo Junlan and Lingxiao, but at this moment, a figure in white clothes blocked him directly.

"Bai Chen!" Xie Yazheng's face changed and looked very ugly when he saw the person coming.

Bai Chen is an elder of Qingtian College, and his cultivation is at the peak of Chenling Realm like Xie Yazheng.

"The Sky Fire cannot be taken away by your people from the Demon Sect." Bai Chen was dressed in white and looked indifferent. Although he was an elder of Qingtian College, he looked very handsome and his temperament was also very outstanding. The most important thing was that he was not even thirty years old.

Anyway, in the eyes of many people, Bai Chen's identity and origin were very mysterious.

At the same time, the others who had been chasing after Xie Yazheng had also arrived, and they separated and surrounded Xie Yazheng.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Xie Yazheng's face became more and more ugly. If it weren't for Bai Chen, he might have been able to escape.

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