Chapter 26

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Chapter 26 Easy to Satisfy

Bored Mo Junlan continued to stare at Lingxiao.

Lingxiao felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by Mo Junlan. His cheeks flushed slightly, and he whispered, "In Lingxiao's heart, brother Junlan is a very good person."

"How is my personality?" Mo Junlan raised his eyebrows lightly, and said, "Tell the truth!"

Lingxiao thought about it, and then replied seriously, "Brother Junlan's personality is also perfect, except that he is a little bad."

"Just a little?" Mo Junlan asked with a raised eyebrow.

Lingxiao looked at Mo Junlan's face, his lips slightly opened, and he uttered a sentence after a long while, "Very bad!"

"Xiao Xiaoer, you really didn't lie to me." Mo Junlan reached out and touched Lingxiao's head again, but he still looked smiling.

Lingxiao, "..."

"In my last life, when I was in the fairyland, I just kept practicing and didn't really see that world." Mo Junlan said with some regret, "Now that I've finally been reborn again, I naturally want to accompany you to see this world."

Lingxiao tilted his head slightly and looked at Mo Junlan, his eyebrows slightly curved, his expression gentle, and chuckled, "Brother Junlan, I only care whether you are by my side, and I don't care what the scenery of the world is like."

Mo Junlan smiled and curled his lips and said, "Xiao'er, you are so easy to satisfy."

Lingxiao said as a matter of course, "As a sword spirit, as long as I can stay by the master's side, it is the greatest happiness."

Mo Junlan, "..."

What a sword spirit that is easy to satisfy and has no pursuit.

Mo Junlan rented a guest room in Nanle City. He lived with Lingxiao. Anyway, they had slept in the same bed many times.

Of course, their relationship was still very pure, just simply covering the quilt to sleep.

However, as a sword spirit, Lingxiao can actually stay awake, but every time he is pulled to the bed by Mo Junlan.

Although this is the case, Lingxiao has no resistance, and he even likes to lie next to Mo Junlan.

Especially after getting used to it, Lingxiao often reaches out to hug Mo Junlan.

And Mo Junlan is also very satisfied with Lingxiao, this large human-shaped pillow.

If Lingxiao is not around one day, Mo Junlan may feel uncomfortable.

The rent in Nanle City is not expensive, but Mo Junlan still feels a little distressed when he looks at the few spirit stones he has left.

As a principled cultivator, Mo Junlan is destined not to rob casually.

Although the spirit stones obtained by robbery are the fastest.

"Brother Junlan, the alchemist is the easiest profession to earn spirit stones." Lingxiao suggested.

"It's easy to earn spiritual stones by selling pills, but I'm an unknown alchemist now." Mo Junlan frowned and said, "Reputation is too important."

Lingxiao, "..."

Mo Junlan now has a lot of skills, but he has nowhere to use them for the time being. After all, many people value reputation more.

"Forget it, I can still eat for the time being." Mo Junlan waved his hand and said, "There's no rush to earn spiritual stones."

"If we really don't have spiritual stones to eat at that time, we can still go hunting monsters." Lingxiao's eyes suddenly lit up.

"...We can also use monsters to make barbecue." Mo Junlan said.

"Brother Junlan's cooking skills are also very good." Lingxiao smiled.

"Thank you for the compliment!" Mo Junlan said calmly.

Lingxiao, "..."

In the evening, Mo Junlan and Lingxiao went out together again.

At this time, the streets were still bustling with people coming and going.

In order not to get lost in the crowd, Mo Junlan had to hold Lingxiao's hand tightly.

Lingxiao was walking hand in hand with Mo Junlan, and he felt that his whole spirit was unable to calm down, especially the warmth from his palm, which made him feel his heart beating faster.

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