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Ling Xiao looked at Mo Junlan's face and was stunned for a moment.

"Do you believe what he said?" Mo Junlan asked again, his eyes were a little gloomy.

"I don't know." Ling Xiao shook his head.

"Actually, I don't know either." Mo Junlan suddenly smiled lightly, his eyes flickered, and he raised the corners of his lips and said, "But no matter what the truth is, our ultimate goal will not be the vast fairyland."

Ling Xiao heard this, and his mind immediately turned, and he said, "Brother Junlan, do you think the Endless Demon Realm that Feng Jinghua mentioned is the Endless Demon Realm we know?"

There is also a place called Endless Demon Realm in the Immortal Realm of Cultivation.

And they have been there before, and killed many demons.

In the previous life, Mo Junlan was also quite famous in the Endless Demon Realm.

"It is rumored that the Endless Demon Realm connects countless spaces, with thousands of entrances and exits. Perhaps the Endless Demon Realm that connects to the Vast Immortal Land is the same Endless Demon Realm that we visited when we were in the Immortal Realm of Cultivation." Mo Junlan narrowed his eyes, and an idea suddenly popped up in his mind, saying, "Xiao'er, I have an idea. Do you think we can find a space passage back to the Immortal Realm in the Endless Demon Realm?"

Lingxiao was stunned when he heard what Mo Junlan said, and then he said, "Brother Junlan, your idea is very bold."

"What do you think?" Mo Junlan looked at Lingxiao and asked.

"If Brother Junlan decides to do this, I will definitely go with you." Lingxiao smiled, "And it's not like we haven't been to the Endless Demon Realm before."

"That's right!" Mo Junlan smiled, his eyes shining like stars.

"So Brother Junlan, your decision is..." Lingxiao looked at Mo Junye with bright eyes.

"Let's make a decision when we get to the Vast Immortal Land." Mo Junlan smiled indifferently.

Lingxiao, "..."

Mo Junlan reached out and touched his face, and suddenly said in confusion, "Bai Chen said that I look a bit like someone from the Feng family, but I don't look like Feng Jinghua at all. It's really strange..."

That's why Mo Junlan was suspicious.

His trust in Feng Jinghua was limited, and he didn't completely believe what the other party said, so he didn't plan to remove the disguise illusion for the time being.

"Brother Junlan, there seem to be more and more mysteries about your life experience." Lingxiao's mind was a mess at this time.

"Don't think about it anymore, otherwise your mind will be even more confused." Mo Junlan smiled slightly and reached out to rub Lingxiao's head.

Lingxiao, "..."

"Let's go back and rest." Mo Junlan smiled calmly, and said, "We will set off to the Central Spiritual Region in three days."

Lingxiao nodded, and then asked, "Do we need to prepare anything?"

"We don't lack anything, so we don't need to prepare anything." Mo Junlan smiled.

Pills and talismans are the things they lack the most.


The next day, Mo Junlan took the initiative to find Xia Liu and talked about the vast fairyland.

After listening to it, Xia Liu was shocked as expected, and then there was a burst of anger.

"I didn't expect... the people of Haohan Xianlu would be so vicious..." Xia Liu said angrily, "That Endless Demon Realm, I know it's not a good place. The people of Haohan Xianlu actually deliberately let the cultivators of our Lingxuan Continent go to die. This behavior is so disgusting, it's simply too much..."

"Even if you are angry now, it's useless." Mo Junlan looked at Xia Liu and said indifferently, "What you have to do now is to find a way to save their lives. It's best not to participate in this Ascension Conference."

"But I have already reported my name." Xia Liu said dejectedly, "I can't change it now. If I don't go, the organizer of the Ascension Conference will also send people over. At that time, the situation will only be worse."

"Fake death!" Mo Junlan suddenly said.

"What?" Xia Liu didn't react for a while.

"They can let the students of Guangming Academy fake their death." Mo Junlan said calmly, "They can't let a dead person attend the Ascension Conference, right?"

"That's a good idea..." Xia Liu still had a sad face. He paused for a moment before trembling, "But even if they all die, we in Guangming Academy still have to fill the number of people."

Mo Junlan, "..."

"From the beginning, people from Lingxuan Continent had no choice..." Xia Liu smiled bitterly, "I used to think that going to the vast fairyland was a great thing!"

"That's going to die." Mo Junlan glanced at Xia Liu and said, "But it's not too late to know now."

"It's obviously too late." Xia Liu retorted.

"Anyway, so many people have died in the previous Ascension Conferences. If another batch dies now, it probably won't make any difference." Mo Junlan said indifferently, "At most, you can just give up letting people from Guangming Academy attend the Ascension Conference next time."

"...So people are still going to die, right?" Xia Liu sighed.

"I thought you were used to it." Mo Junlan looked at Xia Liu expressionlessly.

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