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Even if he devoured the entire spiritual vein now, I'm afraid there would be no obvious effect.

"Brother Junlan, I'll go and collect the spiritual beads." Lingxiao said to Mo Junlan.

Mo Junlan nodded and said, "Be careful."

"Brother Junlan, you have to be prepared too. This ancient tomb may collapse later." After Lingxiao finished speaking, he began to move forward and touched the spiritual beads in front of him with his fingers.

Suddenly, a ray of light flashed, and then, the spiritual beads in front of them suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

Mo Junlan used his spiritual sense to scan the space and saw that the spiritual beads had been moved into the space.

At the same time, as the eye of the formation disappeared, the entire ancient tomb began to shake.

Then, the ancient tomb began to collapse.

Seeing this, Mo Junlan and Lingxiao immediately broke through the top quickly.

Chapter 116 Want to make friends

Just as Mo Junlan and Lingxiao flew out of the ancient tomb, the entire ancient tomb collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This scene also attracted the attention of countless people.

"What happened? Why did the ancient tomb suddenly collapse?"

"That is the tomb of a powerful emperor in the spirit realm. Who made it like this?"

"Could it be those people who went in before?"

"Look, those people are coming out..."

"Hurry up and ask them..."


At this time, Mo Junlan and Lingxiao had already flown away on their swords. They were very fast and no one could catch up with them.

Mo Junlan and Lingxiao sat on the sword body of Lingxiao Sword.

"Brother Junlan, what are your plans next?" Lingxiao looked at Mo Junlan and asked.

Mo Junlan sat cross-legged, stroking his chin with one hand. After hearing Lingxiao's question, he looked up at him and replied, "Just walk around, go anywhere, anyway, I'm not very familiar with the situation here."

And there is still some time before the Ascension Conference begins.

Lingxiao had no objection to this, anyway, he and Mo Junlan would not be separated.

Two days later, Mo Junlan and Lingxiao came to a city called Qiangu.

Mo Junlan still did not use illusion to disguise himself, so when he entered the city, he caused a small sensation.

The streets of Qiangu City were crowded with people, and it looked quite lively, but many people's eyes would involuntarily fall on Mo Junlan.

Mo Junlan was used to this kind of thing, and he couldn't always use a fake face to meet people.

There were many vendors in Qiangu City, and they were all selling some monster bones.

Some monsters are full of treasures, and their bones can be used to refine weapons.

Therefore, there are also many weapon refiners in Qiangu City.

In Qiangu City, you can find all kinds of monster bones, even the bones of level 10 monsters.

However, the level 10 monster bones are also sky-high, and ordinary people can't afford them at all.

Mo Junlan and Lingxiao walked on the street and took a look at the monster bones that were put on sale.

However, Mo Junlan had no interest in using monster bones to refine spiritual tools, so he just took a look and had no intention of buying them.

Although monster bones can be used to refine spiritual tools, the spiritual tools refined in the end will also contain the breath of monsters.

So Mo Junlan has never liked this kind of refining material.

Mo Junlan looked at the monster bones displayed in the store and couldn't help but smile, "No wonder this place is called Qiangu City, monster bones can really be seen everywhere."

"There are many dead monsters." Lingxiao said expressionlessly, "Some monster bones even contain resentment."

"Here..." Mo Junlan pointed to the sky and said in a light voice, "The resentment is very strong, and it has not been dissipated."

Lingxiao turned his head and looked at Mo Junlan.

"It has nothing to do with us." Mo Junlan didn't want to intervene in this matter. Even if there was retribution, it would not fall on him.

Although the main body of the Lingxiao Sword can absorb resentment, Lingxiao didn't intend to care about this matter.

Just when Mo Junlan and Lingxiao were about to continue walking, they saw two people suddenly blocking their way.

"Two young masters, please stay. My young master saw that you two young masters have extraordinary temperaments, so he wants to make friends with you." One of them said.

"My young master is the son of the Lord of Qiangu City. Please don't embarrass us." Another person also said, "And my young master really wants to make friends with you two young masters. I hope you two young masters can go with us to see the young master."

They are all guards of the City Lord's Mansion. Today, they have a rare opportunity to be responsible for protecting the son of the City Lord. Naturally, they want to perform well. Both of them have high cultivation levels. Their names are Wang Xin and Wu Gui.

Lingxiao frowned, obviously unhappy.

"I am not interested in people I don't know." Mo Junlan looked very cold. He turned his head to look at Lingxiao and said, "Don't worry about them. Let's keep going."

Hearing Mo Junlan's words, the two people on the opposite side felt unhappy.

"My two young masters, our young master wants to make friends with you, just to give you face." Wang Xin's tone suddenly showed a hint of displeasure.

"Don't refuse a toast and drink a forfeit." Wu Gui looked at Mo Junlan and Ling Xiao, and said coldly, "Our young master is the young city lord of Qiangu City. With his status and position, it is easy for him to deal with you."

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