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The situation now is that the puppy is staring at the rabbit meat, while Lingxiao is staring at the puppy.

As for Mo Junlan, he is looking at Lingxiao.

After a while, Mo Junlan's mind suddenly moved. He first tore off a piece of rabbit meat and threw it in front of the puppy.

The puppy lowered its head, sniffed it with its nose, bit the rabbit meat on the ground, and then swallowed it.

This small piece of rabbit meat is obviously not enough to fill its stomach, so it looks at Mo Junlan with an expectant look.

The puppy's eyes are very obvious, but Mo Junlan no longer gives it rabbit meat to eat.

"Xiao'er, you eat!" Mo Junlan handed the torn rabbit leg to Lingxiao.

Lingxiao reached out to take the rabbit leg handed over by Mo Junlan, glanced at the puppy again from the corner of his eyes, and then slowly began to eat the rabbit meat.

The taste is just right, the meat is very tender, and it is still fragrant. Lingxiao is very happy to eat.

Of course, what really made him happy was Mo Junlan.

This was the rabbit meat grilled by Mo Junlan himself.

Mo Junlan was also eating the rabbit meat, his movements were very elegant, his eyes were smiling, but he never looked at the puppy again.

The puppy whined twice, but Mo Junlan still looked indifferent.

Lingxiao couldn't help but look up at Mo Junlan.

"Don't worry about it." Mo Junlan said lightly, "It's not us who are hungry anyway."

Lingxiao, "..."

What is he doing?

It was an ordinary puppy. It was a miracle that it could survive in this place.

It was very difficult for ordinary animals to find food to eat in a place where monsters were rampant.

The puppy was now in a mess, and it was so hungry that it was almost sticking to its back.

Seeing that the two humans opposite still had no intention of feeding it food, it hesitated for a while, and finally couldn't help but walk towards them on all fours.

And it was really greedy now.

The little bit of rabbit meat that the human had just fed it was the best food it had ever eaten since it was born.

Lingxiao turned to look at the puppy, but frightened the puppy so much that it stopped moving forward.

Seeing this, Mo Junlan couldn't help but laugh in his heart.

Lingxiao, "..."

He didn't do anything, why should he be afraid of him?

Thinking of this, Lingxiao suddenly felt a little wronged.

Mo Junlan smiled lightly, then turned to look at the puppy, and even raised his hand, hooked his finger at the puppy, raised his eyebrows lightly, and said, "Come here!"

The puppy first looked at Lingxiao, then turned his head to look at Mo Junlan. After a moment, it still couldn't resist the temptation of food and walked towards Mo Junlan and Lingxiao.

"Brother Junlan, does it like you more?" Lingxiao couldn't help asking.

"I think it likes rabbit meat more." Mo Junlan pointed to the rabbit meat in front of him.

Lingxiao, "..."

The puppy walked to Mo Junlan's feet, then raised its head and whined at Mo Junlan again.

"Does a dog bark like this?" Mo Junlan raised his eyebrows, as if he was a little confused.

"I don't know, I've never raised one." Lingxiao replied.

"I haven't raised a dog either!" Mo Junlan sighed, "But I've seen one."

"So?" Lingxiao asked.

"It's different." Mo Junlan shook his head and said, "This is a dog, but it seems to have wolf blood, but its current bark doesn't sound like a wolf would make."

"Then is it still a dog?" Lingxiao asked again.

"It doesn't matter whether it is or not." Mo Junlan said calmly, "Anyway, they are all ordinary animals with weak attack power, not to mention that this is a cub that is so hungry that it can hardly stand."

The puppy seemed to understand their conversation and suddenly barked.

It is a dog, although it is related to wolves.

Mo Junlan, "..."

Lingxiao, "..."

"Can it howl like a wolf?" Mo Junlan suddenly asked.

"Awooo!" The puppy made another sound.

Mo Junlan, "..."

Is this a wolf or a dog?

Could it be a hybrid?

"Brother Junlan, its eyes are blue." Lingxiao's tone contained a hint of surprise.

Mo Junlan glanced at Lingxiao, and then said, "If you like it, we can keep it."

The puppy was still looking at Mo Junlan eagerly.

"...But it seems to like you more." Lingxiao frowned.

Mo Junlan lowered his eyes and looked at the puppy, wondering why this little thing liked him?

After all, he was so cruel, and he was never the kind of person who was loved by everyone.

Could it be because of his face?

Thinking of this, Mo Junlan's mood became a little complicated.

The puppy seemed to understand something, so he looked up at Lingxiao.

Lingxiao, "..."

The puppy seemed to hesitate for a moment, then walked to Lingxiao's feet, and then rubbed Lingxiao's calf with its head.

Lingxiao looked down at the puppy at his feet, and his fingers moved involuntarily.

Next, Mo Junlan cut all the rabbit meat.

One person, one sword spirit, and one dog started eating like this.

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